Chapter 171 Experience Baby Wang Kai

Thinking about that scene, Wang Kai felt irritated and his skin ulcerated. Wang Kai had been looking forward to it for a long time.

Wang Kai has long been displeased with Xing Yi’s face. Dammit, Xiaobai’s face is more handsome than himself.

Now Wang Kai is waiting for the blood stain poison in Xing Yi’s body to take effect.

However, Xing Yi’s body’s qi and blood are constantly changing, deteriorating and then regenerating.

The cycle goes back and forth, although the blood can’t stay at all, but Xing Yi’s injury on the cyclone can be too fast.

The cyclone was reorganizing almost visible to the naked eye, and the broken Meridians were also recovering bit by bit.

Meridians connected, and the cyclones continued to recover, one after another.

Xing Yi recovered slowly, and Wang Kai began to get anxious while waiting outside.

what happened?

Shouldn’t the effects of bloodstain poison occur long ago?

It’s been an hour, why Xing Yi still has nothing to do.

Isn’t it because Xing Yi doesn’t have a little blood in the dog’s body?

Fuck, it’s really possible that Xing Yi’s forbidden technique was so strong a few days ago, and Wang Kai naturally didn’t believe it if there were no sequelae.

It is also possible that the blood has not recovered for a long time. When he thought of this, Wang Kai’s face went black immediately.

The blood-stain poison can exist for three days without being destroyed, but when you have blood, the blood-stain poison can’t survive for a long time without blood.

It’s like being blinded by bloodstain and poison.

As the Poison King in the past life, it is naturally impossible to possess only this kind of poison.

Bloodstain poison is useless, so Wang Kai will naturally not give up easily.

After waiting outside the door for another half an hour, after confirming that Xing Yi was okay, Wang Kai decisively turned his head to prepare for the new poison.

Not fatal, disgusting Xing Yi’s poison is too much.

One by one, I came to Xing Yi again, hurriedly ran to the canteen, and ordered all the most expensive and best dishes.

Put some poison and give Xing Yi a pass.

“Well, Xing Yi hasn’t been here for so many days. I haven’t eaten the food in the cafeteria yet. I will buy you some and try it!” Wang Kai handed the rice directly to Xing Yi’s face. , With a diligent look, even Su Qilong next to him could see that there was a problem.

This Wang Kai is too bad for Wang Kai.

“Captain…” I was about to remind Xing Yi.

Xing Yi directly took the food and ate it. Seeing Wang Kai’s courteous appearance, Xing Yi could guess what was in the food.

After Wang Kai left for the first time, sitting at the door and looking at it, Xing Yi guessed that the situation in his body was probably caused by Wang Kai.

Although he knew, Xing Yi didn’t plan to point it out, and Wang Kai did enough.

The qi and blood in one’s body are constantly changing, and more importantly, the production of qi and blood in one’s body is too slow to keep up with the speed of the Practitioner’s body.

Looking at the last bit of blood, Xing Yi even started the five seals of Ran Jue for a wave.

For others, it may be hard work. The more qi and blood, the more blood stains and poison, but for Xing Yi, this is a good thing.

It means that the own Practitioner’s physical energy has more things to swallow, thereby accelerating the speed of its own cyclone recovery.

Once the cyclone is restored, the absorption and transformation speed of one’s Spirit Power can also be accelerated a lot, and only then will the body of poisonous poison have enough room to play.

To be honest, it was really good to eat the food brought by Wang Kai in one bite.

The meals in the Body Tempering class are generally free and good, and the nutrition is also good, not to mention the food that is charged.

When Xing Yi was there, he was not willing to spend the time to redeem, so Chen Chen sometimes took the team to eat a few meals.

The taste is still fresh in Xing Yi’s memory. Although it is poisonous, it is not a big problem.


The body of the Practitioner began to accelerate again. Xing Yi looked up at Wang Kai and found that this guy was actually smiling.

But also very helpless. Own’s strength is indeed a bit far worse than Wang Kai, and it may not be possible to play it, especially when Wang Kai knows his cards.

“Are you okay?” Wang Kai stood next to Xing Yi, waiting for a while to see that Xing Yi had nothing to do, he was unbelievable.

“What can I do!” Xing Yi said after eating a mouthful of food and swallowing it.

“Um…” Wang Kai was silent.

What can you do, shouldn’t you jump up and down, keep your hands and feet going crazy?

Is the poison dead again?

“I’ll help you get some more.” After saying that, Wang Kai ran away in a hurry.

What Su Qilong watched from behind was also moved, but he did not expect that he had misunderstood the captain.

Wang Kai still has feelings for Xing Yi, even with such a serious injury, he still helps Xing Yi buy the food that is charged in the cafeteria.

It seems that his brain is stupid. Before the captain came back, Wang Kai kept saying that he was looking for Xing Yi to settle the accounts. In fact, Wang Kai thought about Xing Yi, so he was embarrassed to say so.

The more I think about it, Su Qilong feels more real, Wang Kai is really a good person! With such a serious injury, he helped the captain buy food.

Wang Kai suddenly sneezed and cursed, “Dammit, how could that dog Xing Yi have done nothing at all? The difficulty is that the poison he has not given is heavy enough?”

“No, more poison this time. The big deal is that the poison is dizzy or Xing Yi is about to die. Just help him detoxify himself.”

After making up his mind, Wang Kai took out ten Spirit Power toxins and covered them on the food, each of which was enough to kill a Practitioner.

“Come on, eat more!” Wang Kai brought a small dish and walked into the spiritual pressure tower. If it was someone else, he would not be qualified to bring the food in.

But Wang Kai could. I thought that Wang Kai was strong enough, so strong that the guard wouldn’t dare to offend Wang Kai easily, because Wang Kai was rectified last time.

A table of dishes, Su Qilong was drooling on the side.

“Captain, can I have something to eat?” Su Qilong looked at Wang Kai with pleading eyes.

“Fuck off, these are all Xing Yi’s.” Wang Kai directly refused to accept it. If others Wang Kai would definitely ignore it, but this Su Qilong can still do it, at least he is pleasing to his eyes.

It’s not a bad thing for Su Qilong to eat so much poison in it.

“Okay!” Su Qilong squatted aggrievedly to continue training.

Xing Yi didn’t say a word either, because Xing Yi could guess what was in the meal.

But I didn’t expect that Wang Kai actually treated Su Qilong well. This was what Xing Yi didn’t expect. Wang Kai usually has eyes above the top.

Even as a coach, he doesn’t even To put in one’s eyes. If Chen Chen hadn’t taken Wang Kai for so long, I’m afraid Wang Kai would not leave Chen Chen with a face.

Especially after Wang Kai’s strength has become stronger, looking at these second-tier Practitioner coaches even more disdain.

But Su Qilong’s strength, less than 30 calories, Wang Kai actually cared and cared about Su Qilong.

No nonsense, Xing Yi just started to eat. Even if he was poisoned, Xing Yi still eats deliciously. The meals in the Body Tempering class are indeed good.

Wang Kai watched Xing Yi eat up all the food little by little, but there was nothing, and he began to hesitate.

Could it be that I did not succeed?

Picking up the chopsticks, Wang Kai practiced it personally.


As soon as he swallowed the food, Wang Kai felt that he was coming, and there was no problem with his poison.

But I have a big problem now.

I don’t have a poisonous body now. If I didn’t poison or invade, I was in my previous life, and now I am an ordinary person.

Immediately turned his head and ran outside, before reaching the toilet.

Wang Kai has already started to spray shit.

“Fuck you Xing Yi, uncle!” A roar was heard loudly throughout the pressure tower, but Xing Yi in the pressure room couldn’t hear it.

And all that can be heard can only shake his head and sigh.

Own poison is okay, Xing Yi is okay, and then Wang Kai began his real journey of poisoning.

The real poison.

Little by little, gradually began to test Xing Yi in terror, and it was not until the evening that Wang Kai completely gave up.

Although Xing Yi’s strength is not much higher than that of Ascension before, the recovery of the cyclone is different.

Wang Kai’s poison was too strong, so strong that the Practitioner’s body worked overtime to swallow it, and naturally, the more Cyclone Xing Yi recovered.

In Xing Yi’s eyes, Wang Kai is simply an experience baby, an experience prop like dirt.

Although not as perverted as soil dirt, the effect is very good. After all, Wang Kai didn’t dare to feed Xing Yi and drink poison blatantly, so Xing Yi still had food and drink.

In general, Xing Yi was very comfortable and happy after the day.

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