Chapter 175 Zhang Fu: “Wang Kai, have you heard of Ling Zhuan?”

I saw Wang Kai and Xing Yi floating directly in the air, but they couldn’t help but float out slowly.

The barrier defense of the spiritual pressure room seemed to be imaginary, and the uncontrolled ones floated towards Zhang Fu’s office.

“Fuck, your uncle.” Wang Kai must be able to guess what’s going on now.

If he can achieve his current strength without Spirit Power around him, it must be Mental Energy.

Mental Energy can achieve this level, spanning the entire playground, the Lingpressure tower, and the strength is estimated to be at the level of the Grand Great Master.

In other words, even if Wang Kai was reluctant, he still had to dare to be controlled by someone remotely.

This feeling of being uncontrolled and manipulated is very uncomfortable for everyone.

“F*ck!” Wang Kai saw Xing Yi enjoying it all.

“Your uncle, you’re so happy to eat farts!” Wang Kai said to Xing Yi irritably.

“Brother Fei, you don’t understand the feeling of flying.” Xing Yi really enjoys the feeling of floating. Xing Yi still enjoys the surprised eyes of his classmates.

“Dammit, miscalculation.” Wang Kai shook his head, now his strength is not there.

Even if you are manipulated by someone, you can only endure it, and you have to face that person carefully. Once your own identity is exposed, waiting for own is definitely not a good end.

Grand Great Master is only one level lower than himself in the previous life, even if his strength is far less than himself, he is afraid that he knows himself.

Poison King, this identity is not an identity that everyone respects, but an identity that everyone wants to slaughter.

Wang Kai even suspected that the original Dragon King killed himself because of his own talent.

The two quickly flew towards Zhang Fu’s office, without being blocked by the Spirit Power shield, their faces were a little deformed when they were shaved.

But it was only for a while, and soon the two of them stood in Zhang Fu’s office.

“Coach, are you looking for us?” Xing Yi asked first: “Are you in a hurry?”

Wang Kai kept silent and said nothing.

“That’s not the case, just let you know something.” Zhang Fu smiled.

“What do you want the two of us?” Wang Kai opened his mouth.

Although unhappy, it is strange not to say a word. After all, I am not a taciturn person.

“That is, there will be an exchange match between Body Tempering classes across the country.” Zhang Fudao: “But I didn’t let you go. The strength of the two of you is no longer on the same starting line as them.”

Speaking of this, Zhang Fu didn’t have a deep look at the two people.

Both of them have improved so much in just a few days.

If Zhang Fu hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, Zhang Fu wouldn’t necessarily believe that someone could rely on Ascension’s strength in a period of time without any chance encounters.

Forget about Xing Yi Ascension, the Spirit Power in his body seems to have not been broken for a moment. Although I don’t know how active Xing Yi’s blood was at the time, it must be crazy.

After all, Xing Yi’s talent can absorb Spirit Power for his own use, but Wang Kai is a bit exaggerated.

He didn’t do anything, lying on the bed to recuperate, the injury was not good, but the strength of Ascension was a lot, and the real combat strength was even more exaggerated to outrageous.

There is one more talent for no reason.

The various situations of the two people have been

Zhang Fu has been using Mental Energy to observe these two people since Xing Yi came back.

In the beginning, Xing Yi was able to compete with Wang Kai by virtue of the forbidden technique, but now it is estimated to be a bit hanged.

The gap between the two is indeed a bit big.

Moreover, Zhang Fu really didn’t dare to determine who had the higher potential for the growth rate of the two of them.

Even if Wang Kai had seen the person with the highest body refining talent, he could easily achieve it with two tempering, but it was a pity that he didn’t try three tempering.

Otherwise, there will be another character who has been tempered three times in this world.

That’s right, Li Zhan didn’t tell Xing Yi that he had successfully tempered three times, he just said to Zhang Fu that Xing Yi has made a breakthrough and became a Practitioner.

And Zhang Fu didn’t expect Xing Yi to be able to temper a second time. Now Zhang Fu even thinks that Xing Yi is only one temper, after all, the strength of Ascension is a bit fast.

“Then us?” To be honest, Wang Kai was already impatient, and originally wanted to give Xing Yi a lesson, but he was messed up by this guy and didn’t say anything. What happened to him when he was brought here.

No one can be happy.

“You are going to participate in the potential class competition, where can you train?” Zhang Fu said to the two.

“Can we participate in their competition?” Xing Yi was a little bit disbelieved.

Potential class and Body Tempering class are originally two systems, and the most despised class of potential class is Body Tempering class.

They think that the people who go to the Body Tempering class are a group of social scums who are usually in the end of school grades and want to get mixed up.

Their analogy is really good. In the beginning of the Body Tempering class, most of them were indeed that kind of people, but those who can persist to the end, even if they had the same idea at the beginning, they will definitely change after holding on for so long.

But the strength is definitely not as good as those in the potential class.

“Yes, to be able to participate, your strength should be barely enough, that’s the qi and blood of your cultivation, and your identity is a bit troublesome.” Zhang Fu scratched his head and said, “But it doesn’t make much sense to participate in the exchange competition!”

It is naturally impossible for the physical Practitioner to participate in the Qi Practitioner competition. After all, it is an internal competition of the potential class. Only the exchange competition is possible, but Zhang Fu is not satisfied to participate in the exchange competition.

“So we can’t go, right!” Wang Kai said impatiently.

“That’s not true, just an identity, I can help you come here, as long as you pretend to be Qi Practitioners.” Zhang Fudao.

“Pretend?” Wang Kai became even more impatient when he heard it.

Dammit, a Practitioner ran to the Practitioner base camp to participate in their competition. It would be weird not to be caught.

What kind of energy is used in a competition, you can feel it all at once. Is it possible that the potential class also recruits Practitioners?

“Hey, you don’t understand this!” Zhang Fu took a mysterious look: “Have you heard of a kind of Cultivation Technique?”

“What Cultivation Technique?” Xing Yi asked curiously.

“Ling Zhuan Jue!” Zhang Fu said with a smug look.

“Fuck~” Wang Kai yelled, cold sweat came out, and then turned to look at Zhang Fu.

Zhang Fu looked at Wang Kai again in the same way.

“Wang Kai, have you heard of Ling Zhuanjue?”

“No, no, what is Ling Zhuan Jue? I don’t listen to it. Sand sculpture is practicing!” When Wang Kai heard that Zhang Fu was not suspicious of himself, he was relieved in an instant.

“It’s true that Ling Zhuanjue is a god-level Cultivation Technique, but the owner who owns him heard that it is indeed a bit silly, and he is also called the king of shit and poison.” Speaking of the king of poison, Zhang Fu made a disdainful expression.

Such a good talent has to play with drugs and put himself in this situation.

Wang Kai tried his best to endure, but he really didn’t dare to look up, because he was afraid that he could not help it.

“What’s the use of Ling Zhuan Jue?” Xing Yi asked curiously, only the role of Ling Zhuan Jue.

“Ling Zhuan Jue can convert its own energy into all the energy in the world, which means that if you have Ling Zhuan, you have all the attribute energies in the world, and you can use your talents in a true sense with Shang Ling Zhuan.” Zhang Fu’s tone couldn’t help being a little envious.

Ling Zhuan Jue, but the only god-level Cultivation Technique known in the world.

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