Chapter 182

Before getting close to the core area of ​​Noon University, Xing Yi had already seen the name of Zhongwu University floating on the mountain in the sky.

The 100-meter-high Zhongwu University is carved on a huge bluestone, suspended in the air without any facilities.

When I approached, the first thing that caught my eye was the rows of Zhongwu University buildings, just like mountains standing on the ground.

One by one, with a huge construction area, Xing Yi felt that this was definitely the most spectacular and shocking scene he had ever seen in his life.

Even Wang Kai couldn’t help but nodded, this place is fine.

Maybe you can come here for further study in the future.

“There are more than 600 potential classes in the country, and every potential class will queue up to participate in the battle. That is to say, there are nearly two thousand people participating in the competition.” Liu Shengzhao said as he walked with two people.

“You still have a teammate, who will come later.” Liu Shengzhao was talking and suddenly walked over by himself.

The boy with black hoodie, neat short hair and dark skin suddenly walked over.

“It’s just right, Li Junyang, plus you two, exactly three, that’s the representative of the Changying City Potential Class.” Liu Shengzhao pulled Li Junyang over and said.

“Hello, my name is Xing Yi.” Xing Yi first greeted him with a pseudonym of own.

“Yeah.” Li Junyang snorted, a little displeased, each potential class can send ****, and the arrival of Xing Yi and the two of them means that they occupy their original quota.

If Xing Yi and Wang Kai are their potential class owners, it’s okay to say, the point is that Li Junyang hasn’t even seen these two people.

Isn’t this a related household?

Li Junyang has always looked down upon his relationship households.

Li Junyang displeased Xing Yi and the others, while Wang Kai directly disdain.

Although he lost his spirit, Wang Kai’s eyes were still very sharp, and he could roughly guess Li Junyang’s strength.

It’s definitely not good, and I don’t even bother to say hello.

Xing Yi directly probed forward.

Name: Li Junyang

Occupation: First-order Qi Practitioner

Strength: 500 cards Spirit Power

Sure enough! Xing Yi understood a lot after seeing Li Junyang’s strength.

The members of the potential class I met in the boxing gym should also be the best in the potential class.

Li Junyang can represent the potential class in the competition, so if you want to come, Li Junyang’s strength must be the highest in the potential class in Changying City.

Even if it is not the highest, strength should be the top presence.

But such a person’s strength is only 500 cards, and he doesn’t have any talent. Sure enough, there are too few talented Practitioners.

Liu Shengzhao naturally knows Li Junyang’s emotions, but Liu Shengzhao can’t help it. This year’s potential class in Changying City does not have any particularly good talents. It is absolutely difficult to get a decent ranking.

It happened that Zhang Fu begged himself and said that there were two students who could reach the second-order Practitioner, but for some reason they didn’t enter the potential class, so he asked himself to help.

Liu Shengzhao will not miss such a good opportunity.

But after seeing the two of Xing Yi, Liu Shengzhao’s joy was also a little lost. It seems that the two of them are not strong, and they are only a little better than Li Junyang.

“Okay!” Liu Shengzhao increased his tone, and the strength of the strong was slightly revealed: “You will be teammates in the future, Li Junyang, please take them to the dormitory first!”

“Houtian just started the knockout. You guys will get familiar with the environment in these two days.”

Before Li Junyang complained, Liu Shengzhao patted his butt and left.

Looking at Liu Shengzhao’s back, Li Junyang was anxious, and he wanted to take them to the dormitory because of these two relationships, three words.

Impossible, even if the coach is taught him a lesson later, these two relationships have to be disgusting.

“No, Li Junyang, right? I gave it to you.” Xing Yi directly took out a spar from his pocket and threw it to Li Junyang.

Friendly value +1000


Li Junyang fixed his eyes to see that it was actually a spar, and the family actually carried the spar with him.

Moreover, this related household still wants to use spar to dispel himself, really when he has no spar available in the potential class?

It’s too special to look down on people.

I have to let him know what is called the arrangement of the potential class. As a representative of the potential class, how can he be dismissed with a single spar.

“Brother Xing, come here, the road to Wuhan University is a bit messy, don’t get lost.” Li Junyang immediately opened his mouth and laughed, walking in front of Xing Yi to lead the way.

Looking at Xing Yi’s unusually prominent facial features, Li Junyang actually felt that Xing Yiqi was extremely handsome. Especially the moment when he stretched out his hand and handed him the spar.

A spar is worth 10,000 yuan, and Li Junyang still thinks it’s totally possible to lead a way.

The most important thing is that this man named Xing Yi is so generous, he deserves to be a family member, it’s amazing.

“Haha.” Wang Kai smiled at Li Junyang disdainfully, no wonder the strength is not good, this shouldn’t be the attitude a Practitioner should have.

“Li Junyang, do you know of any particularly good people in other potential classes?” Xing Yi asked if he was okay in his idle time.

If you want to come to Li Junyang, you are also a potential class person, and you should know more about the general situation of the potential class.

“Awesome people, there are too many, there are even second-order Practitioners, but it has nothing to do with us, we only need to survive the knockout.” Li Junyang laughed.

The task given by the coach is to survive the knockouts. As for the future, Li Junyang didn’t want to think about it, and he didn’t have the strength to think about it.


“Um…” Seeing that Xing Yi didn’t know anything, Li Junyang was also a little surprised. Even if he is a related household, he shouldn’t understand any rules, right?

But thinking of the beginning of the spar, full of clarity, full of Spirit Power, Li Junyang decisively explained: “The knockout is a big melee, and in the end only two hundred people will be left to continue the game.”

There are nearly two thousand people and two hundred left. No wonder Li Junyang said that he just made it through the knockout rounds. The elimination rate of 90% is indeed a bit ruthless.

“Xing Yi, what is your strength?” Li Junyang asked curiously. Li Junyang still cares about the strength of the household.

Generally speaking, this kind of relationship households must have sufficient resources at home, and the strength will not be too low if they want to be, and Li Junyang can still accept it.

But think about it just now that Xing Yi was just a spar, his strength must be very high, Li Junyang firmly believes this.

“Strength, almost two hundred cards Spirit Power!” Xing Yi said truthfully.

“How much more?” Li Junyang suspected that his ears had misheard.

What can you do here with the strength of 200 calories?

It’s nothing, it’s also killed by a spike when going up, it’s too unreliable, right?

“Two hundred cards Spirit Power.” Xing Yi said again

“Cough cough, what Xiao Xing! Or you guys wait here for a while, I will call you at night, I suddenly remembered that I still have something.” Li Junyang instantly became tough.

Mom sells batches, so little strength is not a waste of time.

I have to discuss with the coach and replace this one called Xing Yi, which is really ugly.


“Actually, I still have a talent for metal.” Xing Yi added, speaking of the Golden Spirit Power, he began to cover his hands.

“Brother Xing, here, my little things don’t feel important. It’s important to take you to the dormitory first.”

Looking at Li Junyang attentively, Xing Yi was also speechless for a while.

The face changed too quickly.

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