Chapter 185

Even with Xing Yi’s metallic talent, Xing Yi’s 200-calorie Spirit Power is much weaker against Li Junyang’s 500-calorie Spirit Power.

But coupled with the strength of the Qi and Blood Practitioner, Xing Yi can completely catch up with Li Junyang and even overtake.

However, Xing Yi couldn’t stand the strength of Qi and blood here. Using Spirit Power alone would cause Xing Yi to have insufficient offense and more than defense.

But this is also just right, the situation of insufficient offense just allows him to give full play.

“Come on, use your full strength.” Li Junyang is a master posture. In Li Junyang’s eyes, Xing Yi is a qi Practitioner with a strength of 200 calories, even if he has a metallic talent.

It is impossible to smooth the gap between the three hundred cards.

Spirit Power is released, he Xing Yi can still be unable to release it all the time, and he can’t be used to kill him.

Xing Yi didn’t talk nonsense. After seeing that Li Junyang was ready, the Spirit Power in the cyclone was quickly mobilized to Xing Yi’s hands.

The strength of two hundred cards was directly hit, and one punch went down, and it was done in one go. The bone-breaking punch did not hit it, but it had an impact on his own strength.

I am afraid that half of the strength has not been played out.

After Li Junyang reacted, he fisted directly, and Xing Yi was directly beaten back.

“Sure enough, the strength is not good!” Li Junyang saw that he could directly beat Xing Yi back with a single punch, so he directly drew Xing Yi a level in his heart.

Obviously Xing Yi is the Spirit Power Practitioner. Even if the two hundred calories are less than himself, it is not so bad.

“You’d better use the Golden Spirit Power. Even if the Spirit Power is used up, it’s time to prepare for the game.” After knowing Xing Yi’s strength, Li Junyang decisively didn’t want to entangle Xing Yi anymore.

The strength is too bad, Xing Yi is not qualified to be his opponent at all.

“I’ll talk about it later.” Xing Yi didn’t want to use Golden Spirit Power to deal with Li Junyang.

He has too much talent himself, and he originally had a bonus. It was just a mistake on his own. If they really used the Golden Spirit Power, the situation of the two would be completely different.

Li Junyang shook his head. Since Xing Yi didn’t use it, he forced him to use it.

I don’t want to waste time here with a related party.

Li Junyang directly chose to attack.

When Xing Yi saw this, he didn’t talk nonsense, and tried Bone Breaking Fist again and again, mobilizing the Spirit Power sequence to give full play to the strength of Martial Skill itself.

However, Xing Yi’s control of Spirit Power was still not in place. Not only did the Bone Breaking Fist fail to display it, but it was greatly weakened every time he shot.

Bone Breaking Fist, as if the broken bones were own bones, had too much influence on Xing Yi.

Thinking of what Wang Kai said, Xing Yi didn’t keep his hands, and Jin Spirit Power immediately covered his whole body.

Next, both Xing Yi’s offense and defense have been greatly strengthened.

Against Li Junyang, Li Junyang also felt the pressure.

Unexpectedly, Xing Yi’s strength was not good, but his body was very hard, his own offense was placed on Xing Yi, Xing Yi had nothing to do.

However, seeing Xing Yi’s talent for metallicity, Li Junyang knew that Xing Yi was pretending to be vain.

Now I can’t help it anymore and start using Golden Spirit Power.

The situation of the two really changed, and Li Junyang was no match for Xing Yi in an instant.

Upon seeing this, Xing Yi immediately began to reclaim and reduce his own strength.

Compared with the initial full-scale display, this kind of restrained style of play is really a bit uncomfortable for Xing Yi.

But the effect is also very good. Depressing own strength and playing against Li Junyang can really help him control Spirit Power.

Next, Xing Yi and Li Junyang remained at the same level.

Most of the time, Xing Yi did not succeed in using Bone Fragment Boxing. From the outside, it seemed that Xing Yi was not Li Junyang’s opponent.

Bone Breaking Fist pays attention to a secret force, and the premise of the secret force is to ensure that there is nothing serious outside the bones, and the bones have been crushed.

Especially Xing Yi also used the talent of metal. Golden Spirit Power covered the surface and punched others. How could it be okay outside.

This also led to Xing Yi’s fist and bone-breaking fist not successfully used, Li Junyang did nothing, it seems that Xing Yi’s offensive garbage.

And relying on Xing Yi’s rich combat experience, Xing Yi can always find a chance to punch Li Junyang, but the result is that Li Junyang has to take the opportunity to give Xing Yi twice without doing anything.

The defeated by Li Junyang steadily retreated.

Not only the outsiders felt that way, even Li Junyang also felt that he was really blinded by such a good talent.

Over time, what Li Junyang couldn’t accept was that Xing Yi’s Spirit Power was still unique, and his strength of five hundred cards was almost exhausted.

Xing Yi could still maintain the Spirit Power covering his body.

This is a bit weird.

“Xing Yi, if you want me to say you don’t practice Bone Breaking Boxing today, Huang Pin’s Martial Skill can be practiced overnight!” Xing Yi didn’t give up, Li Junyang didn’t want to fight.

After playing for such a long time, Li Junyang understood that Xing Yi’s offensive force was not strong, but his defense was surprisingly exaggerated.

Li Junyang even felt that Xing Yi had hardened his bones more than himself.

And the combat experience he didn’t know how to train was surprisingly terrifying. Li Junyang even felt that if Xing Yi had his own strength, he might not be Xing Yi’s opponent.

This is a bit scary, but that’s all.

Xing Yi’s strength is not as good as himself, even if he adds a metallic talent.

Bone Breaking Fist is Huang Pin Martial Skill anyway, how could Xing Yi be able to practice it, and it was still in such a short period of time.

“Fight again, just once.” Xing Yi said excitedly.

Xing Yi felt that he was about to succeed. Bone Fragment Boxing had already mastered the trick. The most important thing was an afternoon of training. Xing Yi’s control of Spirit Power was already able to barely use the Bone Fragment Boxing.

“Okay, it’s the last time. I’ll go back to prepare for the game after the fight.” Li Junyang agreed, and at the same time he punched out and wanted to go back quickly.

I was already wasting too much time here.

Xing Yi did the same. A fake punch tricked Li Junyang into a punch, and then he punched Li Junyang on the ribs.

Li Junyang is not surprised, Xing Yi’s combat experience is indeed richer than his own, and he can always successfully hit himself.

But the offensive intensity was a bit unsatisfactory. Seeing Li Junyang didn’t even bother to avoid it, he directly resisted Xing Yi’s punch.

Because Li Junyang knew Xing Yi’s punch, he wouldn’t have anything to do, at best it was painful for a while, and it was completely useless.


With one punch down, Bone Fragment Fist was practiced.

Li Junyang looked like nothing happened from the outside, but the broken bones were directly smashed by Xing Yi’s punch.

The ribs that hadn’t been quenched, even if Xing Yi had gained most of his strength, Li Junyang’s ribs would still be broken and shattered.

With severe pain, Li Junyang fell directly to the ground.

Xing Yi realized that Li Junyang was not Wang Kai, nor was he a Practitioner. Such a serious injury had too much influence on Li Junyang.

Houtian is about to play, but Li Junyang has suffered such a serious injury.

This matter seems to be a bit serious, and I still don’t control Spirit Power in place, and at the same time I regret it in my heart.

Xing Yi hurried to find someone, and Li Junyang was taken to the recuperation room for recovery soon after.

After learning the news, Liu Shengzhao also rushed over immediately. Li Junyang was the main player in Houtian’s game.

It’s hurt now, it’s too late.

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