Chapter 200 New Talent

A hundred spars are really of little use to Xing Yi.

Even Spirit Stones are better than spars. Although Spirit Stones have spiritual poison in them, at least Xing Yi can help Xing Yi’s body refining play a little role when he breathes and cultivates automatically.

Moreover, the energy in a Spirit Stones and a spar is almost the same, but the price is doubled.

Fortunately, this is the Central Plains, where Spirit Stones are sold. Xing Yi used transformation art for several faces before replacing fifty spars with eighty Spirit Stones and one hundred bottles of Spirit Power water.

Xing Yi intends to give away the remaining fifty yuan.

Double Thousand Yi, Bai Yiling still gave it to Chen Aunt, no matter what, it would be fine to send it out for charity.

The starting point orphanage is gone, otherwise Xing Yi can send all the spars there.

Xing Yi first sent twenty spars to Chen Aunt.

Friendly value +20000

The game was played by He Yifeng and his team. It was naturally a little inappropriate to give He Yifeng. Xing Yi gave Li Junyang ten spars.

Friendly value +10000

After Li Junyang received it, he almost hugged Xing Yi and kissed him.

Fortunately, Xing Yi ran fast, and after knowing the incident, He Yifeng also made a big difference to Xing Yi.

Except that it is a bit ugly, everything else is not bad. This is He Yifeng’s current impression of Xing Yi.

Bai Yiling and Shuang Qianyi are in the potential class, and from Xing Yi’s point of view, they don’t seem to lack spar at all.

Otherwise, if the strength of Shuangqianyi is more than two thousand cards, if you really want to compete with yourself, you really may not be the opponent of Shuangqianyi.

Or you can directly find people who are higher than yourself, and eliminate them one by one. It is estimated that it will be easy.

And Bai Yiling now feels that Xing Yi feels like a child of a rich family. When Xing Yi looks at Bai Yiling, he even feels a little inferior in his heart.

It seemed that the little white who had followed his butt before was gone forever.

Not only Bai Yiling, but also Shuang Qianyi.

Students in the potential class naturally have a sense of disdain when facing the students in the Body Tempering class. Even if they do not admit it, the Body Tempering class is the worst in the entire student stage.

Even those who stay in school to study cultivation, even look down on the people in the Body Tempering class in their hearts, even those who can stay in the Body Tempering class in the end have been screened through thousands of hard work.

The starting point is low!

After thinking about it, Xing Yi prepared the remaining spar to give to Wang Kai.

Take the spar out of the system space, put it in a box, and walk to the door of Wang Kai.

Leaving a note, Xing Yi knocked on the door and went straight out.

“I don’t know if this king is busy!” Hearing the knock on the door, Wang Kai reluctantly put down his cultivation and walked out.

In this house, Xing Yi and himself are the only ones who will knock on the door except Xing Yi. If they don’t come out, Xing Yi will probably be annoyed by Xing Yi.

This dog is so annoying!

How could he not even be able to compare to a dog when he re-cultivation of the Poison King himself!

It’s so annoying. Wang Kai is desperately chasing after him. The earth attribute Wang Kai just merged a little. After all, Wang Kai didn’t have the resources to merge.

Only a small amount of soil attributes were integrated, but now with the spar, Wang Kai will immediately come in handy.

That is, own inventory resources are not too much, and if they are sufficient, they will not even be comparable to a hairy boy.

Opening the door and bowing his head, there was a box of twenty spars. Wang Kai picked up the note and saw a few words written on it.

“There are too many to use up, leave it to you, your strength is too good, I’m afraid to throw you too far!”

Picking up the box, Wang Kai let out a deep sigh. Maybe he can teach this dog appropriately in the future.

However, he still has to avenge his grievances, and he will be taken as a younger brother when his strength recovers in the future.

Friendly value +20000

The friendliness value arrived, and Xing Yi heard the system’s prompt sound.

Counting this way, I have enough 100,000 friendship points, and I can unlock a new talent from scratch.

Open the system panel:

Friendly value: 107,319 points

Blood value: 290 calories

Spirit Power value: 1010 cards

System space: 1300 cubic meters (increases with strength)

Function: Probe (you can detect a Practitioner one level higher than yourself, and you can get all of the opponent’s talents and Practitioner strength, and ten friendly points at a time.)

Concealment: You can hide all your talents and strengths.

Talent: balance body, Practitioner body, earth attribute talent body, water attribute talent body, metallic talent body, poisonous body (incomplete)

Balance body (to be extracted)

Unlock Talent: 100,000 friendly points

Unlock function: 100,000 friendly points

The friendliness value is enough, the unlocking talent is still the system function, Xing Yi hesitated for a while, and chose to unlock the talent.

I just don’t know what kind of talent will be unlocked, whether it is attribute talent or something else.

But to unlock talents, you also have to find a place to be alone, and the pressure room of the pressure tower is just right.

Calling a bottle of Spirit Power water, Xing Yi ran straight to the 20th floor.

Twenty levels of spiritual pressure were enough for Xing Yi to bear.

Going up Xing Yi was afraid that he would not be able to hold it, and Xing Yi was afraid that he would not be able to hold it even at the 20th level of Reinforcement.

The last aura on the 20th floor, the one with the smallest aura.

Xing Yi rushed in directly, and at the same time, the metallic talent also covered his surface.

Sure enough, as soon as Xing Yi entered the spiritual pressure room, the huge spiritual pressure converged into an attack. With a strength of more than two thousand cards, Xing Yi was directly beaten out without a chance to react.

Fortunately, Xing Yi climbed to the ground in time so that he wouldn’t be beaten out of the spiritual pressure room.

Xing Yi did not talk nonsense. The metallic Spirit Power disappeared and weakened by half, and the Spirit Power shield on the surface was also much weaker. Then Xing Yi faced a stronger attack.

If it hadn’t been for Xing Yi’s whole body bones to have been tempered again, it is estimated that Xing Yi could be directly destroyed by such an attack.

The metallic talent is turned into the earth attribute talent, and the attribute power is mixed with Spirit Power and directly integrated into the own body.

Like other talents, the soil-attribute Spirit Power is directly absorbed and integrated by the body when it reaches the body. While the supply is in short supply, Xing Yi does not dare to put too much earth-attribute Spirit Power to merge.

Because Xing Yi still faces a terrorist attack from Lingpian, a part of Spirit Power must be reserved for defense.

You can only try slowly little by little.

At the same time as the soil attributes merged, a large amount of blood was produced, and the strength of Xing Yi body Practitioner was also rapidly Ascension.

Persevering on the ground, the metallic mutual shield continued to weaken. After a while, Xing Yi took out a few bottles of Spirit Power water from the system space and poured it directly into his mouth.

Spirit Power water and spar are both refined Spirit Power, and Xing Yi only needs to transform it into soil attribute Spirit Power.

Slightly stabilized, Xing Yi decisively unlocked the new talent.

Wood attribute talent!

The green light of wood attribute on Xing Yi’s body suddenly appeared, but in an instant, the Spirit Power of the whole body was transformed into a talent of wood attribute.

The balance body that had never existed suddenly appeared, and the wood attribute talent of riots was also solved.

Before the balance body has been upgraded, I am afraid that Xing Yi’s attributes will start to fight again.

But now the balance body just took a short while to integrate the wood attribute talent with other talents.

The balance body is not only capable of upgrading Xing Yi’s own perception, but like the Practitioner body, it also becomes stronger as Xing Yi’s strength increases.

After the solution of the wood attribute talent body, Xing Yi’s blood and Spirit Power increased by nearly a hundred cards within a short time.

This is just gaining talent. Xing Yi hasn’t merged yet, but with one more talent, his hard power has directly risen by nearly two hundred cards.

The most direct feeling was not brought about by hard power, but the strangeness from Xing Yi’s own bones.

Even without the talent for fusing wood attributes, Xing Yi feels that he has been able to quench his bones to complete his bones.

The strength of Ascension directly brought Xing Yi no longer on his stomach, but squatting in the corner shivering.

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