Chapter 216 Xing Yi is Xing Yi?

“Do you think this guy looks like Xing Yi?” Ding Ming said while holding his mobile phone and pointing to the screen.

Ding Ming stayed with Xing Yi for a long time anyway, and Xing Yi’s appearance at the time was almost the same as the one in the video.

But Ding Ming was not sure, the reason was that Xing Yi was a Practitioner, how could he have such strength.

At that time, Xing Yi only had a period of time to be his own opponent, most of the time, he was hanging Xing Yi to fight.

The protagonist in that video has the strength of more than two thousand cards.

You look like a guy like Xing Yi, but you knocked out Chen Yuefeng with one punch. It’s unreasonable to be powerful.

Even if he was himself, Ding Ming couldn’t guarantee that Chen Guangjiang would be defeated in seconds. He had the strength of more than two thousand cards. Even if he had the talent of fire attributes, he would defeat Chen Yuefeng in one punch.

That is at least three thousand calories. Xing Yi is a Practitioner, he can’t ride the rocket so fast!

And when I met people from the Body Tempering class in Nanhe Province, didn’t they say that Xing Yi didn’t come in the Body Tempering class.

Now this person appeared in the Central Plains.

So Ding Ming was not sure, and called these two people over to recognize them.

“Let me see.” Shuang Qianyi walked over immediately and saw Xing Yi in the video.

“Isn’t this what Xing Yi?” Shuang Qianyi saw his back, and the first person he remembered was Xing Yi in the ring match.

“Uh, the point is wrong.” Ding Ming hurried forward a little bit, the video was a bit blurry, but at least an outline could be seen.

But speaking of it, Ding Ming is also puzzled. Xing Yi’s back is indeed quite like Xing Yi’s, but that face is hard to describe.

“It’s Xing Yi!” Bai Yiling also leaned over, and when he saw Xing Yi’s first glance, he recognized Xing Yi.

“Xing Yi, the strength is so exaggerated, the guy who was knocked out by a punch has the strength of more than two thousand cards!” Ding Ming said.

“Didn’t you say that Xing Yi is very strong?” Shuang Qian looked at Ding Ming suspiciously.

“Yeah, didn’t you say that Xing Yi has a strong talent for refining!” Bai Yiling is naturally willing to believe that Xing Yi has such a strong strength.

“It is strong, but he is also human! How could he have such a strong strength.” Ding Ming rolled his eyes.

Bai Yiling: “How strong?”

“The person who was given a second has the strength of more than two thousand calories.” Ding Ming said grimly: “I mean Xing Yiqiang, but Xing Yi is also a body builder no matter how strong he is!”

“Um…” Bai Yiling was silent after listening.

With more than two thousand cards, he is stronger than himself, and he has a talent for dual attributes.

Bai Yiling was also willing to believe in Xing Yi for no reason, but rationally told himself that Xing Yi could not have such strength.

too exaggerated!

“And Xing Yi didn’t come out in the Body Tempering class!” Ding Ming continued.

“But if you have the qualifications of the Chinese University, you can go to the Chinese University to report at any time, maybe Xing Yi has the qualifications of the Chinese University!” Bai Yiling thought for a while and said.

She doesn’t have the qualifications for the recommendation of the Chinese University, but she still has the qualifications for the recommendation of the Chinese University of Wuhan. Naturally, she knows the rules.

“Oh, yes, it may have come early.” Shuang Qianyi nodded.

“Forget it, just go and ask them the people in the Body Tempering class!” Shuang Qianyi didn’t look at it, and directly took someone to the reception desk to find someone.

Do you know if you just ask? Why waste time here.


“Let’s go.”

Is it Xing Yi? Ask the people in the Body Tempering class.

Didn’t it say on the Internet that that person was a freshman at the Chinese University?

If Xing Yi has the qualifications of the Chinese University to be recommended, those in the Body Tempering class must know.

“Xing Yi, Xing Yi is a fart, I don’t know the king, get out of here?” Wang Kai didn’t even bother to hear the news about Xing Yi at the door.

“It’s not Dage, aren’t you from the Body Tempering class in Nanhe Province?” Ding Ming asked, clearly not mistaken!

What the management staff just said was the people from the Body Tempering class in Nanhe Province who live here!

“It’s this room, right?” Ding Ming turned around and asked Shuang Qianyi.

“Well, it’s this room!” Shuang Qianyi said, “But the voices of the people inside are a bit familiar to me.”

“People in Body Tempering class, how could you possibly know each other!”

“Hello, we are Xing Yi’s friends, we just want to ask Xing Yi, did he come to Central Plains?” Wang Kai did not open the door, Bai Yiling had to knock on the door again and asked.

“My king said, I don’t know Xing Yan, why don’t you haw and leave!” Wang Kai had no choice but to open the door.

The atmosphere froze as soon as the door was opened.

“Aren’t you the second king?” Ding Ming stared at Wang Kai’s face and was stunned.

Wang Er, the second place in the ring, although not as popular as Xing Yi, but the ability to eliminate Double Thousand Yi is still a lot of people’s attention.

Especially after Shuang Qianyi, he told himself that the man who wounded him was called Wang Er, and Ding Ming paid special attention to this Wang Er.

And which Xing Yi comes from the same place, strong.

But what is the situation where Wang Er appears in the dormitory of the Body Tempering class? Isn’t he in the potential class?

Shuang Qianyi also recognized Wang Kai at a glance. After all, he knocked out himself with a punch, and his injury has not healed yet.

The Spirit Power of the soil attribute does exist, and it cannot belong to the Body Tempering class.

“What’s wrong, let’s talk about it, what do you want to do!” Wang Kai walked out aggressively, no matter who they were.

“Aren’t you from the potential class, why are you in the dormitory of the Body Tempering class?” Shuang Qianyi said bluntly.

“You can control it, it’s okay to get out of here.” Wang Kai directly irritated.

Although Wang Kai is no longer so irritable and Xing Yi, Wang Kai feels that the gap between him and Xing Yi is a bit big, so he wants to hurry up and cultivate.

When I was f*ck cultivation, I could disturb myself because of Xing Yi’s affairs. The goods were so big that they went to Chinese, and there were so many troubles.

I knew that I would also have a Chinese qualifications, so what time is wasted here.

“What’s your attitude!” Ding Ming was dissatisfied. Even if he didn’t want to answer, he couldn’t use this tone.

“If you don’t play two rounds, one-on-one, you still play together.”

“That Dage, we just want to ask, do you know Xing Yi? Want to know about Xing Yi’s situation.” After speaking, Bai Yiling also handed over a spar.

“I don’t know, get out, the people in the Body Tempering class have moved away long ago.” Wang Kai, whether you look good or not, what’s the use of being beautiful.

But the spar didn’t return it either.

I have never seen how beautiful the Poison King is before. In Wang Kai’s eyes, there is nothing more important than revenge.

“Where did you move, do you know?” As he said, Bai Yiling took out two spars.

“Go to Chinese to learn more.” After taking the spar, Wang Kai closed the door immediately.

“This kind of person, what are you doing to him spar!” Ding Ming couldn’t help but complain as he walked away.

“It’s okay, let’s go, let’s go and take a look at Chinese.” Bai Yiling walked in front.

However, Bai Yiling still didn’t believe that Xing Yi was in Zhongyuan, because he didn’t reply to the message he sent him. Without a mobile phone, he could only be in the Body Tempering class.

Otherwise, Xing Yi would definitely reply to his news when he saw it.

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