Chapter 220 Weapon Price

“Houtian’s core Wuhan University enrollment requires each school to bring some students there.

“You also know the situation in our school. It’s all Practitioners, and the cultivation speed is not fast. This time, letting students go with a single move, the meaning could not be more obvious.” Chen Guangjiang looked embarrassed.

“Want to make us embarrassed, just like those ordinary Wu University students blocking our school gate?” Xing Yi said.

“Yes, our Chinese university is independent of all Wuhan universities. To be precise, most of our Chinese universities are not considered to be Wuhan universities.

“I didn’t deal with them at first, coupled with this year’s government policy, education resources have been greatly reduced. They want to rely on our Chinese language master, it is naturally impossible!”

When Chen Guangjiang talked about this, Xing Yi probably understood what it meant.

All of China’s Wuhan University’s education funds have been chopped off, but the Chinese University is not among them.

Chinese University does not rely on government funding, it is all self-sufficient. Chinese University lacks everything, but there is no shortage of money alone.

The Chinese University is not short of money, but he is not a fool either, to send money to other Wuhan universities.

Although they are all from China’s Wuhan University, they won’t be cheaper for outsiders, but the Chinese language is about to open up this opening, then the whole country’s Wuhan University.

The Chinese University doesn’t need to spend money on research, just go for charity.

Chinese University does not give money, and other Wu Nature also finds ways to make money from Chinese University.

Intimidation and lure almost can be used, and blocking the Chinese gate is the most common one.

Using the reputation of Chinese University to make money, this is not bad, and some Wuhan University even took people directly to the Chinese University to engage in exchange competitions.

Regardless of whether you agree or disagree with the Chinese University, people will directly bring them in. There are rewards for winning or losing, and the facilities and equipment of the Chinese University are used at will.

Not treating yourself as an outsider at all is no different from looting.

But there is no way, the Chinese is very angry and I have to hold back, I can’t beat it!

For a while, the senior management of the Chinese University even wanted to close the student office of the Chinese University directly.

Since then, they have not recruited students, anyway, they were not originally an institution for teaching and educating people.

But in the end it didn’t turn off. Instead, I chose to start recruiting Practitioner, which started this year.

The senior management of Chinese University is bound to break this deadlock. Now the reputation of Chinese University on the Internet is sparse.

Body Practitioner is even despised by everyone, and it has a counterproductive effect on the promotion of Body Practitioner.

The main reason is the birth of Zhuan Linggong. Otherwise, even if the Chinese language is allowed to develop, the government will stop it regardless.

But now with the emergence of Zhuan Linggong, everything is possible. Physical Practitioner does not need to promote those strong and talented Practitioners, but will also find ways to train through Ling Zhuan.

“Can I do it?” Xing Yi also doubted his own strength.

Although his current strength is not bad, Xing Yi still feels frustrated at the distance from the core freshmen of Wuhan University.

All the students in the potential class have a strength of up to 2,000 calories, and they have second-tier Practitioners. The core students of Wuhan University for one year are top-notch students, and the strength should be third or even fourth-tier.

He also has the first-order strength now, and even the second-order has no breakthrough, even if he has a talent advantage, it is useless!

The strength gap lies in this, and Xing Yi is really worried that he is not an opponent.

“Don’t worry, the students brought by the core Wuhan University this time are all prospective freshman students, and your strength should not be much worse.” Chen Guangjiang made a package.

Xing Yi was able to knock out Chen Yuefeng with a single punch, so his strength was 2,000 higher.

Even if it’s not the opponent of those core Wuhan University students, at least it won’t be much worse.

Chen Guangjiang’s requirement for Xing Yi was never to win or to show off. Chen Guangjiang only wanted Xing Yi not to be teased.

This is more embarrassing than lack of strength.

“A freshman student?” Xing Yi puzzled: “I haven’t enrolled students yet, where are the freshman students?”

Xing Yi even suspected that he was a freshman student in the Chinese University.


“They are prospective freshman students, and we are below sophomore year.” Chen Guangjiang felt a humiliation when he said these words.

Even he himself looks down on his school a little bit, and some of the new students from the other core Wuhan University have to compare them with the sophomores in the Chinese University.

No matter how you look at it, I look down on people a little bit, but there is no way, the fact is, if it weren’t for Xing Yi’s sudden appearance, even a sophomore student would be abused.

The strength gap is so exaggerated.

“Okay!” Xing Yi’s mouth was also a little stiff, and he didn’t know what to say.

After a period of silence, Chen Guangjiang went to the office and also explained some specific procedures to Xing Yi.

Each school will bring five students, except for Xing Yi, the remaining four are sophomores.

Strength Xing Yi also watched, the strongest Yu Xingsong did not reach the kilocal strength, and the remaining three did not even have 800.

It’s no wonder that Chen Guangjiang is so worried. Even if he is together, he is not necessarily an opponent of one person.

After each rewarded 10,000 points, I was asked to go back and prepare first.

Before going there, each person will be rewarded with 10,000 points, which is 100,000 yuan, and there will be rewards for good performance.

I have to admit that Chinese big money is really a lot.

An ordinary person may not be able to save so much money in a year, but Chen Guangjiang’s expression just now seems to be just a casual reward.

Did not think so much, Xing Yi went to prepare his own things afterwards.

Passing by and seeing the weapons, Xing Yi only briefly understood the prices of some weapons.

The first rank weapon costs 10,000 yuan to start.

The second rank is simply multiplied by ten, and the third rank weapon starts at a million.

Xing Yi, the fourth rank weapon, didn’t even look at it.

According to the heaven and earth mysterious yellow points, the first, second and third ranks are the upper, middle and lower ranks of the yellow rank, the four, five and six are the upper, middle and lower ranks of the mysterious rank, and the seventh and eighth ranks are only the upper and lower ranks of the earth rank weapons. Separate grades are being carried out.

The third rank weapon is worth millions, so own zero!

Unfortunately, he was sealed in the prison city.

Later, Xing Yi bought a mobile phone and applied for a card. The first thing was to board ownQV.

But I haven’t logged in for a long time, and it has been blocked.

There isn’t even a chance to thaw, maybe there is no money in it!

Xing Yi had to re-register one. Fortunately, Xing Yi’s memory was so terrible that Bai Yiling’s qv number was not forgotten.

This is also the reason why Xing Yi’s performance has always been ranked first. Whether it is memory or comprehension, Xing Yi can be described by the word abnormal.

Except for the things Xing Yi didn’t want to remember, Xing Yi could never forget.

After remarking my name, I sent it over.

After waiting for a long time, I didn’t agree with my friend.

It is estimated that the potential classes are not allowed to carry mobile phones, and it may become a habit after a long time.

But it’s okay, I always meet when I move alone, and I meet with my Chinese identity.

Originally, Xing Yi actually wanted to go to Wuhan University, but was persuaded by Zhang Fu, saying that the teachers of Wuhan University were limited.

I mainly rely on myself, but the resources that the school can provide are also the most important point for cultivation.

Zhang Fuxin vowed to swear by Chinese and beat other Wuhan universities. At first, Xing Yi was a little skeptical.

But now, Xing Yi just wants to say that he loves Chinese!

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