Chapter 241 Another World Announcement

During this nearly half a month, the college entrance examination has also ended, and the Chinese University also ushered in the largest and last enrollment of this year.

Unlike ordinary schools, Wuhan University has announced the results at the end of the college entrance examination, and can fill in the volunteers on the third day.

After confirming the admission, you can go directly to Wuhan University to report.

And now the students of the Chinese University have successively reported all of them.

It used to be empty on the first floor of the Lingpressure Tower, but now it is also full of new students, most of which are physical practitioners.

Most Practitioners are in the second or even third-tier cultivation.

Xing Yi is now a serious freshman.

The enrollment of students is almost complete, and the Chinese University has finally started classes.

In the first class of the Chinese University, everyone had to sign a confidentiality agreement the night before all members participated.

Xing Yi felt that there was such a trace of horror just for this battle.

Early the next morning, everyone was gathered on the playground of the Chinese University.

“Under what circumstances, shouldn’t I go to the class in class?”

“What the hell is coming to the playground!”

“Is it the principal who wants to speak!” Someone guessed, after all, it is the practice in China.

“There should be something to announce. Didn’t you sign a non-disclosure agreement yesterday!”

Suddenly a transparent barrier appeared in the air with faint rays of light, surrounding everyone.

The students are sitting on the playground, and the teachers are sitting in the auditorium.

And a figure came out on the rostrum.

It is Zhang Zhaozhong, the principal of the Education Department of Chinese University.

“Next, every word I want to say is the password you have to keep in the face of ordinary people.”

The voice was loud, and Zhang Zhaozhong didn’t worry that anyone around the school would hear it. One aspect of the large array that just opened was to prevent the transmission of voices.

“Is it another world matter?”

Xing Yi had already heard about it. Old Weng told him, but he didn’t elaborate, just mentioned it a little bit.

Everything in another world is particularly mysterious in Xing Yi’s eyes, a world that has never been understood.

But Xing Yi doesn’t know exactly what another world looks like, but it must not be as peaceful as Blue Star.

Xing Yi guessed one thing, that is, there are so many Wuhan universities in the world, and I don’t know how many Practitioners have been trained in the past century.

There are too few Practitioners in society, and Xing Yi, a young Practitioner who graduated from Wuhan University, has never seen it.

What you can see is generally injured, and most of them are physical practitioners.

It stands to reason that it is impossible. The world is dominated by Qi training, but the Practitioners that appear in the society are all physical Practitioners.

This is very unrealistic. When he knew the existence of another world, Xing Yi easily accepted it, because he also guessed that there must be a place where the Practitioner must be gathered.

“What I said, I guess you may have heard some rumors more or less.”

After hesitating for a while, Zhang Zhaozhong continued, “Another world!”

“Another world is a world independent of Blue Star, and it is much larger than Blue Star!

“How big is it, let’s just say that, our current technology has not yet explored the edge of another world.”

After Zhang Zhaozhong finished speaking, the chaos below suddenly became a mess.

There are discussions everywhere.

Xing Yi didn’t seem to be touched by Bai Yiling: “Have you known about this place before?”

“Well, I heard my dad say that, I only know that the people there are very strong, and the spirit power is also very rich.”

I remember that when Bai Yiling was just picked up, the White Emperor should have made time to accompany Bai Yiling.

But as one of the strongest Martial Emperors of Blue Star, he must guard another world to prevent another world from invading.

The special talents of the Blue Star people are destined to be a king or a person raised by others.

Not to mention another world, I am afraid that even Blue Star has such an organization, otherwise there are so many Martial Spirits and Elemental Spirits for sale.

“Okay, quiet!” Zhang Zhaozhong’s spirit was shaken, and the scene suddenly became quiet: “The other world is big enough, Spirit Power is enough, and the same is true of resources. Opportunities are everywhere.”

“But opportunities and dangers coexist. You should all know the special physique of our Blue Star people. If you don’t know, I will tell you first.”

“After every Practitioner of the Blue Stars dies, the body will produce a Martial Spirit of the strength of the Practitioner during his lifetime.

“The rumors you have heard are indeed true. Once again, I will set a rule for you!” The tone of the call suddenly became severe.

“Anyone who buys elemental spirits will get out of the Chinese language once they find out, and before leaving, I will personally abolish your strength.

“And it’s best not to have the idea of ​​trying to gain the strength of others, otherwise you will die miserably. Shenzhou law can’t tolerate you, and all Practitioners in China can’t tolerate you.”

“Anyone who has this idea will be converted to a cult. You should also be aware of China’s attitude towards cults, and zero tolerance!”

Zhang Zhaozhong continued: “Before the Blue Star and you grow up, the Shenzhou government and the military conference will do their best to protect you, but no one can protect you in another world.”

The deeper meaning of Zhang Zhaozhong’s words is that the Blue Star is actually not 100% safe, and the government and Wuhan University are also made up of people.

People are destined to be self-interested. When the benefits outweigh the ideals, no one can guarantee that they will not do anything out of the ordinary.

The own talent may not be exposed.

At least two talents exposed to the public are enough.

“And another world is also your only way, no matter it is anyone must go, the country gave the Practitioner such a right because of the battle of another world.”

At this point, the faces of the people below can’t help but become solemn, another world must go, although I don’t know how dangerous the other world is.

But no one who can be admitted to the Chinese University is a fool, and how many young practitioners are usually in contact with in the society.

The young Practitioner can be seen at the gate of Wumen and on the Internet, and the probability of seeing a star in the world is even lower than before.

In other words, another world must be dangerous.

Think about the laws of China. No matter any law in China, Practitioner is above ordinary people.

Except for some necessary provisions, ordinary people can enjoy the same rights as Practitioner, and in other respects, there are simply two levels.

And it is a hierarchical system on the bright side.

It’s cruel and realistic, but in today’s society, China is a little better, and the status of Practitioners in other countries is infinitely elevated, and even killing an ordinary person can be exempt from responsibility if handled properly.

However, minors before the age of eighteen have the right to interact with the Practitioner, but most of the rights enjoyed by the Practitioner can hardly be used when they are underage.

Forcing ordinary people to become Practitioners, no one wants to be subordinates, and becoming a Practitioner is their only way out.

Especially those who have not become Practitioners are more demanding on their next generation.

But even so, nearly half of the people in the world have not become Practitioners. There is no way. Resources are limited. The poorer the place, the more talent is needed.

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