Chapter 265 Practitioner Privileges

When the time came, Xing Yi tidied up his appearance and left the library directly.

When walking out of the library, the teacher in charge of the management also gave Xing Yi a meaningful look.

I originally thought that Xing Yi had a good talent, and he was willing to work hard. Even the strength of the second-order Practitioner can cultivate Martial Skill.

But now it seems that he is looking up at Xing Yi.

On the first day I entered, I knew that I was learning Martial Skill cultivation, and then I gave up and started cultivation.

This is the attitude that a Practitioner should have. Even if you can’t learn it, the place where the library is such a good cultivation Martial Skill is actually used for cultivation.

Normally, when cultivation is not enough, it must be cultivated in the library.

And after half a month of cultivation, his body’s aura didn’t seem to be much stronger, I don’t know what this kid is doing.

The old man is still very disappointed. But he just shook his head against Xing Yi’s back, and did not speak to dissuade him.

After Xing Yi came out, he took out his mobile phone directly on the road and watched what happened online recently.

The Chinese University has been conquered up to fifty times, and all the Wuhan universities in China, and those above the first-line Wuhan University, have also succeeded in conquering the Chinese University and the Chinese University.

This is undoubtedly a huge blow to the two schools. The Chinese language is good, but the reputation on the Internet is bad.

This is still the recruitment of Qi Practitioner, in the past, any Wuhan University can almost completely abuse the Chinese University.

But China Wuhan University is different. Over the years, China Wuhan University has firmly established itself as China’s No. 1 Wuhan University.

In every aspect, I have to make a high ground with other Wuhan University, but now my school has been captured.

For this reason, China Wuhan University is also constantly voicing on the Internet. First of all, it is to belittle Xing Yi’s strength, consciously and rhythmically, saying that Xing Yi’s success is by trickery.

The fact is true, Xing Yi originally relied on tricks.

Netizens also don’t believe that a freshman student can stay in the University of Wuhan. It was nothing. They are also willing to believe that Xing Yi relied on other methods instead of strength.

China Wuhan University’s publicity is also good, but the blame is that China Wuhan University is too anxious and eager to prove it.

The result was backlashed, as if I had put a label on myself that I couldn’t afford to lose.

For this reason, China Wuhan University also hurriedly shifted the attention of netizens, focusing on how many of them were captured instead of being captured.

There is no reference level at all in the upper grades. There are not many students in the juniors and seniors. Sophomores and freshmen are the main focus.

In the freshman year, the most dazzling strength is Xing Yi, after all, the reputation of Wuhan University is there.

Xing Yi is also firmly at the top of the freshman strength list on the Internet.

But with Xing Yi for half a month there was no movement at all, as if he had disappeared directly after he captured Zhongwu University.

Without conquering other Wuhan University, netizens just wanted to brag about Xing Yi’s strength, and the capture of Zhongwu University Xing Yi was indeed a trick to succeed.

And the freshman list Xing Yi also plummeted, directly outside the 100, the top 100 freshmen are all those who have captured the two tops.

Xing Yi ranked first among the first schools.

Among the top 100, 90% are from the core Wuhan University, and the remaining 10% are students from other first-line Wuhan universities.

The schools that are under key care, such as the Xiangxin Wuhan University, the last one in the overall ranking of all Wuhan universities in China, have been visited countless times.

Fortunately, the clerical department has a protection mechanism, otherwise the Xinwu University of the township is afraid that it will not even have the money to pay the student bonuses.

But even so, the Xiangxin Wuhan University did not abandon itself. Instead, relying on the particularity of the ranking, it became a hit on the Internet.

There is a way to make money if you are famous.

Xiangxin Wuhan University paid more students to defend for this.

However, the new Wuhan University in the township has not been called the title of the first stop for the students of Wuhan University to check in.

The goal of Xing Yi’s trip is also the Xiangxin Wuhan University. After all, the Xiangxin Wuhan University is now regarded as an Internet celebrity Wuhan University.

Xing Yi also saw the defensive lineup of Xiangxin Wuhan University on the Internet.

There is one third-order Qi Practitioner, there are ten second-order Practitioners, and the rest are all first-order Practitioners.

This strength, at first glance, is quite strong, but think about it this lineup is the strongest lineup that Xiangxin Wu University can come up with.

Even the number of second-order Practitioners is not enough. The clerical department stipulates that up to 30 defensive points can be used for defense.

However, even the 30 second-order Practitioners of Xiangxin Wuhan University are not available. Look at the third-order Practitioners in Zhongwu University. The gap is too big.

Xing Yi felt that Xiangxin Wuhan University, relying on strength alone, should be able to win it, and it was easy to win.

Zhongwu University is not far from the township of Xinwu University. Xing Yi also bought a car for this. In order to facilitate Xing Yi, he directly paid out enough money, plus the privilege of Practitioner.

Soon Xing Yi took his first car in his life, all of which amounted to more than one million.

There is plenty of space in the car. The key is that there is a lot of space behind. For this car, Xing Yi also went to the talent market.

There are many people who can’t find a job these days, and driving a Practitioner seems to be an honor in this era.

When Xing Yiji was a child, he heard from them that ordinary people even wanted to be a Practitioner for free, in order to have a chance to become a Practitioner.

Although Xing Yi is a second-order Practitioner who has not been certified by the Practitioner, the student card of the Chinese University is quite an alternative Practitioner certification.

Xing Yi enjoys the privilege of Practitioner for the first time.

When I came to the recruitment market, everything was done on special occasions, and Xing Yi directly opened a position for Xing Yi to recruit.

Never mind that Xing Yi only needs a driver, but the recruitment market still provides Xing Yi directly with a position specifically for Xing Yi to choose.

This is the privilege of the Practitioner, all special matters are handled specially, everything is kept simple.

Xing Yi was arranged in a rather biased position, but some people came, after all, there was a special Practitioner on the table.

These four words are worth a thousand dollars.

For those who did not become Practitioners when they were students, they experienced various polishings in the society and learned about the privileges of Practitioners.

If you want to become a Practitioner, you will have to spend too much money. If you miss the optimal age, Cultivation Technique alone is a difficult problem.

And want to study is also a big problem, of course, it’s okay to have enough money.

Xing Yi didn’t ask for it, and didn’t say exactly what to recruit, because it was too much trouble to make a recruitment brochure. He just needed a driver’s license and could drive.

Soon came the first interview: “Hello, this is my resume.”

Xing Yi didn’t look at it and just said, “Do you have a driver’s license?”

The man was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly said, “Yes, yes.”

“No salary, can you accept it?” Xing Yi glanced at him and said.

The length of the person is okay, and it seems that his age is not much different from him. It is estimated that he was a person who had not been admitted to Wuhan University.

“No problem.” Luo Jianming hurriedly nodded in agreement. What kind of salary is required to be a Practitioner driver, and Luo Jianming is already content to follow Practitioner.

“Well, it’s you, let’s go!” Xing Yi took Luo Jianming away directly.

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