Chapter 274

Xing Yi didn’t want to die, but just about to unlock a new talent, suddenly someone came to patrol.

Xing Yi gave up the idea of ​​unlocking talents again.

The movement brought about by unlocking the talent was too great, even if he was hidden, it was impossible to block the vision. In order not to be discovered, Xing Yi had to give up.

Rows of cages are quiet and not noisy at all.

The people who have been caught up are already desperate, and every machine transformation, the personnel here are making the transformation in their presence.

Tell them the details.

Looking at the people who were arrested before me, they were exhausted a little bit by their last strength and were in a half-dead state. They wanted to die but couldn’t die.

Far more than the Blue Star will only drop one Elemental Spirit or Martial Spirit after death, but this place seems to be stuck.

Putting people in a half-dead state, ascension strength for those who are caught, eating Medicine Pill, and soaking Spirit Power.

It sounds pretty good. The reason they help you Ascension is to obtain higher-grade Martial Spirit or Elemental Spirit.

Those who have no room for improvement will be interrupted and thrown into a cage like a dog cage.

And Bai Shunong is the group whose strength Ascension has reached its peak, which means that the next step facing Bai Shunong is to hang on that special instrument with physical modification.

The body is always half-dead, but the spirit is particularly cleansed. People who are hung on the machine can clearly perceive everything in their body.

But you can only perceive that with the passage of time, people with good physique may be able to hold on more, but those with poor physique will generally die if they drop two Martial Spirits.

Those who came over also had experience, holding a special device and injecting the medicine inside directly into Xing Yi’s body.

This drug is highly toxic. Once injected, it will directly lose control of the body, and perhaps it can be regained over time.

But at that time, people were long gone.

After the drug was injected into Xing Yi’s body.

Xing Yi could clearly perceive that the medicine contained huge toxins and energy, which quickly blocked all parts of his body.

And the Practitioner body in Xing Yi’s body was also slowly turning around.

Xing Yi was taken away, and Bai Shunong, who was lying on the ground, didn’t see any thoughts. After arriving here, Jiang Mingda also thought about fleeing.

But there was no such possibility at all. When he came in, his limbs had been abolished, and at the same time he had no combat power, he would immediately be injected with the medicine Xing Yi had just injected.

Bai Shunong knew the feeling clearly, so he could only open his eyes and close his eyes, even having difficulty eating.

It depends on the people here for infusion, and even going to the toilet is automatic.

Seeing that another person was killed, Bai Shunong had no idea.

Even if Xing Yi used some unknown energy to heal himself just now, he didn’t think Xing Yi could take him out.

When you come here, unless the den is found and destroyed, you don’t want to run out for the rest of your life.

Xing Yi was also taken to an empty place, a bucket full of Spirit Power water, and then Xing Yi was directly put in.

At the same time, some people directly fed Xing Yi and special potions, and they depended on whether Xing Yi could make progress.

According to the inspection, Xing Yi is still a second-order Practitioner, and I don’t know if he can advance to the third-order Practitioner.

If you can really advance to the third-order Practitioner, then the elemental spirit level that Xing Yi drops will also be second-order.

Coupled with special treatment, maybe Xing Yi can drop three elemental spirits.

The second-order elemental spirit of the Five Elements attribute is scary just thinking about it!

The special bucket, which can be detected according to Xing Yi’s physical condition, probably shows Xing Yi’s strength, and it is only a second-order early stage.

Jiang Mingda came over and saw Xing Yi’s strength, although it was a bit low, but this talent was enough to make up for all the shortcomings.

“My lord, his Ascension space is still huge. According to system testing, if this person forces Ascension, he should be able to Ascension to the sixth-order Practitioner.”

“Rank six!” Jiang Mingda was still shocked when he heard the news.

Although the Spirit Power delivered to them was refined and softer, it was forced ascension after all, and after the injection of special drugs, the air rotation was also damaged.

Generally speaking, one person can force Ascension with one big stage, and Ascension with two big stages, then the talent is strong enough.

These people are generally talented people.

And this person can actually Ascension four large segments, this talent is really a Five Elements attribute, too strong.

“Yes, this is just a system test, and it may be even higher.” The person in charge of the test also couldn’t believe that there would be someone with such a talent.

Forced Ascension strength can directly Ascension to Tier 6 Practitioner, if you cultivate yourself, or slow down Ascension, wouldn’t it be possible to cultivate to Martial King Realm.

Or even higher rank, Martial Emperor!

It’s great for such a person to be caught here.

Otherwise, waiting to grow up in the future is a big threat to the organization.


“My lord, he seems to be still in the cultivation state.” Responsible for manipulating the machine is to assist Xing Yi to cultivate people. He actually found that Xing Yi was already automatically absorbing and converting those energy without his own control.

“Impossible!” Jiang Mingda said directly: “No one can still cultivate after the injection, not even me.”

“Well, I should have read it wrong.” Seeing the Spirit Power disappeared, the person in charge of auxiliary cultivation also realized that he was wrong.

How could there be people who can still cultivate after the injection, and the Spirit Power is gone. It’s a natural phenomenon.

However, it is usually only after they have assisted in their cultivation before they pass away, but after all, this person is a talented person.

Simply, this person once again inserted two iron pipes in Xing Yi’s body, which were machines used to help Xing Yi’s cultivation.

After Xing Yi was thrown into the special bucket, he immediately woke up, and the body of the Practitioner was also frantically absorbing and swallowing these toxins.

Xing Yi’s cyclone can also revolve, slowly absorbing the Spirit Power in his body.

At the same time when Xing Yi was cultivating himself, Xing Yi also discovered that there was another inexplicable thing, helping himself to cultivate and expanding his cyclone and Spirit Power.

With the passage of time, Xing Yi’s strength became visible to the naked eye.

One hour’s progress in 100 calories was the result of Xing Yi’s deliberately deliberately preventing it.

Progress is too fast!

Xing Yi ran the Poisonous Body with the system function, and the Practitioner body was too busy at all.

And Xing Yi quietly put the bone quenching water in the system space into his mouth, and then began to quench the bones three times.

It’s crazy, cultivation under the eyes of others.

Xing Yi also deliberately controlled the body of the Practitioner not to help him recover from the injury, but slowly cleaned the toxins in his body.

The person responsible for cultivation to Xing Yi was also a question mark.

Isn’t it very talented?

Why is progress so slow, and so much consumption goes by.

As Xing Yi’s toxin is cleaned up, Xing Yi consumes more and more, and those who can’t be responsible can only ask Jiang Mingda for instructions.

And Jiang Mingda said: “Let me use it, don’t be afraid, what’s the use, don’t be afraid of consumption!”

Just kidding, this is a five-attribute talent, so what is it that consumes a little Spirit Power resources.

Sending this base out is worth it for another guy with such a strong talent.

And after receiving the order, Xing Yi also stuffed various resources into Xing Yi…

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