Chapter 285 Dual Uses of the Spirit Swallowing Body

The elemental spirits used by the three of them are water, fire, earth, and three different elemental spirits.

“By the way, give the three of you a task to kill the Bai Shunong inside and take out the elemental spirits.” Jiang Mingda watched the three use the elemental spirits, and immediately called the three of them to stop before they merged.

The three of them were taken aback, but Jiang Mingda and the others knew.

At first, I didn’t know what dispensation was used to relieve the mental toxins, and I really didn’t blink when I killed people.

Several brothers were killed directly by him.

But now that Jiang Mingda was seriously injured, they were naturally not afraid and killed one person. They didn’t know how many people were killed here.

“I don’t need a machine, how many more times?” Someone asked.

It would be too cheap to just kill Bai Shunong, and kill some of their brothers.

And that guy’s talent seems to be good, dual-attribute talent, if you can extract the talent a few times, it will be a dual-attribute elemental spirit.

One more would be incredible.

Think about it, each person can use at most one elemental spirit, which means that only one talent can be added at most.

But if you use a dual-attribute elemental spirit, it’s the same, but it takes a longer time.

But that is an extra talent, an elemental spirit with one attribute can never be compared with an elemental spirit with dual attributes.

It was a pity that he killed Bai Shunong so hastily.

“Forget what the leader said just now, hurry up.” Jiang Mingda said: “Hurry up! Don’t cherish the opportunity to give you revenge. The elemental spirits you took out will be given to the leader.”

“Give the three of you a chance to perform.”

When the three of them heard it, they thanked him in an instant: “Thank you, my lord, I will not forget the great kindness of my lord in the future.”

“Okay, go!” Jiang Mingda waved his hand and said, “By the way, find a secret place, and your three talents will not be discovered, at least not now.”

Although Xing Yi was said to have recovered from his injuries, he never recovered. This is what Shuang Qianyi did deliberately.

He didn’t want Xing Yi to see himself at this time.

Xing Yi, like most people here, was locked in a collective cage.

Shuang Qianyi is going to take Jiang Mingda away, leaving a few miscellaneous soldiers here, and can deal with it by himself when Xing Yi wakes up.

At that time Xing Yi can leave safely.

“What are you three doing?” Shuang Qianyi saw three people sneaking up one person.

“His Master, this person has a dual-attribute talent. It’s a pity to let go.” One person said.

“It’s a pity to let go, I feel it’s a pity that you are alive.” Shuang Qianyi shot directly.

Tun Lingjue turned around, and the three of them didn’t even have the ability to change hands, they could only be absorbed.

Ling Ling Jue’s restraint on Ling Ling Gong was too serious.

“Stop! The leader!” The two people who followed Shuang Qianyi didn’t care about the leader’s disposal of the two servants.

If you deal with it, you can deal with it. It’s no big deal. The strength of the three people is just within the range that the leader can recycle.

The two of them took care of the outside situation after just a glance.

But after Shuangqian easily absorbed, when the element Spirit Power burst out, the two people felt it instantly.

These three people are talented, and it stands to reason that if two people stop them in time, they can definitely prevent Shuang Qianyi from absorbing elemental spirits.

But the elemental Spiritual Roots of the three people did not absorb and fuse. As a result, the three elemental spirits were instantly transferred into the body of Shuang Qianyi when Shuang Qianyi was absorbed.

It was too late when Shuang Qianyi was forcibly interrupted by Mental Energy.

“Quickly, take the leader back to the headquarters!”

A person appeared next to Shuang Qianyi in an instant, and he who didn’t dare to use his full strength at ordinary times, at this time, he forcibly tore a gap in space.

Prepare to leave with Shuang Qianyi.

But the crack that had just been torn healed instantly.

Seeing that it was wrong, one person grabbed Shuang Qianyi and ran away.

An instant across the sky, a few figures followed.

Shuang Qianyi was hidden under Restrictions, and the person behind also left a burst of energy as protection, and slapped three people to death and hurried to follow.

It is impossible to protect Shuang Qianyi right here. You are your biggest goal. At this time, you can only run, and no one knows the identity of the leader.

On the surface, it didn’t seem to have any magical atmosphere at all, and others couldn’t see it at all.

Only those who cultivate spiritual power know that Shuang Qianyi is the leader.

And Jiang Mingda below was also watching all this. He was found by himself to deal with the two Martial Kings next to Shuang Qianyi.

What kind of leader, a person who is not capable of a third-order Practitioner, is also worthy to be a leader?

Is it to evaluate his talent?

But it’s just being able to swallow the spirit, what qualifications do you have to be the leader.

It’s all about developing your strengths honestly when you are a leader. Once you start your own family business, the most important thing is not to hide your own anger.

He took the risk of being wanted by the world and arrested a man with all attributes.

As a result, you backhanded that the people of Huantianjiao were not allowed to hurt him.

They are so special to be the leader, and they have this character!

Of course, this was not the main reason Jiang Mingda wanted to kill Shuang Qianyi, the main reason was that he wanted a talent.

The Five Elements attribute talent can never be used by itself, but the so-called leader’s talent can definitely be used by itself.

The genius of swallowing spirits is also the spirit swallowing body.

Jiang Mingda had used one elemental spirit before, which was still a dual-attribute elemental spirit, so Jiang Mingda could not use other elemental spirits.

Otherwise, Jiang Mingda would not report Xing Yi’s talent, he would have used it himself.

The Five Elements elemental spirit is definitely not used by itself, but the spirit swallowing body is not the same. The spirit swallowing body is not an attribute talent.

There is more than one way to swallow the spirit body.

Jiang Mingda once read a fragmented scroll, and the information on it was to swallow the spirit body.

This is what he knew alone. The Spirit Swallowing Body can be used as an attribute talent, which is to swallow all talents to strengthen itself, but other talents are only used as nourishment to nourish itself.

That is to say, a very special kind of energy has been cultivated, a kind of energy with extremely strong swallowing ability.

Its energy intensity absolutely far exceeds the energy of any one attribute or even multiple attributes.

It is not too much to say that it is the strongest energy in the world.

The other is to absorb talents for their own use, and absorb all the talents in the world for their own use.

After absorbing the talents, you will return to your own position. What kind of talents you can use in the future, this kind of more terrifying, gathers thousands of talents in one.

This usage is definitely not weaker than the phagosome, and even stronger.

Although I don’t know what kind of effect the Spirit Swallowing Body possessed by Shuang Qianyi, no matter which kind of talent is facing in his own body, he can solve it.

In short, the talent of Double Thousand Change must be own.

That’s the Soul Swallowing Body, just thinking about Jiang Mingda makes me excited.

With the spirit swallowing body, people who are afraid of the magical cult, they are the leader of the magical cult, the leader of the entire another world.

Jiang Mingda cautiously came to the place where Shuangqianyi was hiding. After all, there was still the Martial King of Shenzhou outside, so he had to be careful.

Seeing that Shuang Qianyi was digesting the elemental spirits, Jiang Mingda was relieved.

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