Chapter 288: Why Is Xiao Yi Here?

There are too many Martial Spirits in it, even if you don’t use these things at all, you should be able to get a lot of friendliness when you send them out.

Although I don’t know the specific price of Martial Spirit, but if you want to come to such a powerful function of Martial Spirit, even if China strictly prohibits trading.

But there will still be value that should be there, and if you send out Martial Spirit, you will definitely have friendly value.

Forty pieces of Tier 2 Martial Spirit, and three pieces of Tier 3 Martial Spirit, even if one piece of Martial Spirit is worth one million, it will also have 46 million worth of gains.

That is, the friendship value of 4.6 million yuan, but the value of Martial Spirit may be far more than one million yuan.

A piece of the second-order Martial Spirit can make a little kid, as long as he learns the Cultivation Technique, he can directly Ascension to the second-order Practitioner.

Two hundred and five is what counts for a wealthy family.

Not to mention wealthy families, but students who speak Chinese University, relying on the Ling Pressure Tower for a year, one million can definitely be reaped.

Second-order Practitioner, buy a second-order Martial Spirit, give them a wave of Ascension, maybe they will be able to reach the third-order Practitioner.

Only this time Xing Yi healed Bai Shunong with confidence, not afraid of external interference, nor worried about his own safety.

He helped Bai Shunong recover from his physical injuries and removed the poison by the way, so Xing Yi went outside directly.

After all, this place is a bit hidden, so I have to go out and give instructions to the supporters.

For the remaining injuries, Bai Shunong has his own water attribute talent, so he can heal the injuries by himself.

By the way, he gave two spars to Bai Shunong.

Friendly value +2000

“Look at them here. Someone should arrive in a while. I’ll go outside and wait for them.” Xing Yi turned his head and said to Bai Shunong.

“We were really rescued?” Bai Shunong still couldn’t believe it. Bai Shunong had been here for too long.

He has seen too many people about his age being put on that kind of unknown machine as raw material for Martial Spirit.

If it weren’t for Xing Yi’s reason, the focus here was on Xing Yi, I am afraid that he would have been on the road long ago.

Just because I have seen a lot, Bai Shunong still feels like a dream in this sudden escape.

After staying here for so long, the dream that Bai Shunong had the most was to escape successfully.

But every time he wakes up, the reality will give him a blow. The people are still those people, and the environment is the same.

“Don’t worry, it’s all right.”

“Otherwise you will go out with me, these people are here, there is no problem.” Xing Yi said again: “The people here are dead.”

“No, I’ll stay here, I’ll wait for you to come back.” Bai Shunong refused.

These people are the ones who have spent the longest time with him. They have been there since they were arrested, and now they can finally go out.

It’s better to be careful here.

I am here at least as a guarantee.

Bai Shunong watched these people lying motionless on the ground, although he knew that Xing Yi might be able to help these people stand up.

But Bai Shunong knew better, why Xing Yi didn’t save them, just because they were arrested here.

None of them have the ability to protect themselves.

“Okay, then I’ll go out first.” Xing Yi walked out after speaking.

The exit is a desert with a radius of tens of miles. The exit is too inconspicuous in the entire desert.

It’s weird if you can find it if you don’t search carefully, you have to find a way to lead the way.

Although I don’t know when those people will come, at least they need to be able to find here after they come.

Suddenly Xing Yi saw a bright light in the distance and a familiar breath.

It’s Jiang Mingda!

He hasn’t left yet?

what’s the situation? Didn’t you say that everyone has left? Why would you stay here?

It’s just his remaining breath.

A burst of energy can be felt even from so far away. If Jiang Mingda really stays here, he might not want to die.

Shenzhou has already dispatched so many Grand Great Masters, Jiang Mingda dare to stay here, and with such a strong energy, he will be hell without being discovered.

Xing Yi’s invisibility and concealed aura quietly approached the past.

At this time, the energy of the Restrictions held by Shuang Qianyi is running out, and Jiang Mingda is also getting more and more anxious.

Breaking Restrictions, even if Shuang Qianyi has the means to protect himself, he only needs to take him away.

Just wait until Shuang Qianyi can’t hold on, but the key is that he doesn’t even have the strength to approach Shuang Qianyi now.

If you don’t break through Martial King’s Realm in one day, you will never realize the real power of Martial King.

Just leaving a Restrictions casually, he needs to spend such a long time to break him.

The shortness of the hands left for Shuang Qianyi to protect himself should be so strong, you must know that the Huantian Sect has the existence of the Martial Emperor.

However, compared to himself, Shuang Qianyi was more anxious, because the energy remaining in his body to suppress the elemental spirits had been absorbed by the elemental spirits.

In other words, Shuang Qianyi is getting cold.

“You come out now, I can still keep you a whole body, or wait a while for the elemental spirits to clash, and your body will be scattered.” Jiang Mingda opened his mouth and hoped that it would be easy to kill.

Even if he doesn’t kill him today, he will die.

There is a way that Huantianjiao can help him ease the conflict between elemental spirits because Huantianjiao cultivation to Cultivation Technique is similar to Lingling Jue.

The Cultivation Technique level of the several old immortal cultivations in it has reached the level of heaven, and it is natural to help Shuang Qianyi.

But there is no one in Shenzhou who is cultivating spiritual power, even if there is, will anyone dare to come out and help Shuang Qianyi!

A group of guys who have cultivated spiritual absorption and have to hide in hiding, the people of China look down on them, especially the people in Huantianjiao.

Shuang Qianyi didn’t say a word. At this moment, he was almost unable to hold on. The elemental spirit in his body was too strong.

Upon seeing this, Jiang Mingda also knew that Shuang Qianyi was going to be unable to hold on, so he simply gave up the attack and chose to hide it here.

Punch through the ground to make Shuang Qianyi fall off, cover it with sand, and concentrate on hiding it for him, unless Martial King comes in person, otherwise no one should find it.

A Grand Great Master is determined to hide, it is still very easy, not to mention the Grand Great Master of Magic Heaven.

In addition to the famous spiritual absorption of Huantianjiao, another comparable to it should be hidden kungfu.

The special formation can even hide the exploration of Martial King. If they hadn’t opened the formation themselves today, even if they told the location of the people in Shenzhou, they would only have a black eye.

Xing Yi came, but the sight in front of him, especially the people in front of him, made Xing Yi stunned.

The person in front was really Jiang Mingda, and he seemed to be attacking something. He walked in and looked at Xing Yi to see who was being attacked.

Xiao Yi!

Why is Xiao Yi here? It was also targeted by Jiang Mingda.

“I tell you, you are dead today, I advise you to give up struggling, at least I won’t let you die so embarrassingly.”

While speaking, Jiang Mingda was also using Mental Energy to manipulate the surrounding sand.

The ten meters of sand around Shuangqianyi was all controlled by Jiang Mingda using Mental Energy to fly, and a continuous hole tens of meters deep was formed.

And Shuang Qianyi also fell directly.

And Xing Yi didn’t care about anything, and hurriedly followed, and plunged in.

There is also a small formation under the sand directly covering the two of them.

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