Chapter 304 White Emperor’s Five Attribute Talents

Although the clone strength is only the Martial King, in the Blue Star, except for a Dragon King clone that may not exist, the White King is confident that no one is his opponent.

Although the clone does not have the talents of the ontology, the ontology sits on a White Imperial City, with countless resources, and it is also very attentive to the blessing of the clone.

At this time, Xing Yi’s Poison Burning Body has also been integrated, and he is devoting himself to cultivation. After all, the tempering of the physical body needs to be re-cultivation, as well as the training of Qi.

At this time, Bai Jun fell on the top of Xing Yi, and Mental Energy was also secretly observing this kid, what kind of talent he could complete three times at this age.


It looks okay! No wonder my baby likes it so much.

But this cargo looks a bit like that old yin batch!

Is it an illusion?

I didn’t hear that Lao Yin criticized someone!

Mental Energy watched Xing Yi quietly, and at the same time observed Xing Yi’s injury, it really recovered.

Once again, Bai Jun appeared directly in Xing Yi’s room.

“Your name is Xing Yi!” Bai Jun sat on Xing Yi’s bed without seeing anything, and asked Xing Yi who was still cultivating.

Xing Yi suddenly reacted, and was shocked by the person who appeared suddenly. The next second, the absolute defense would protect his surroundings.

“Who are you?” I can appear in my room without realizing it, this is the entrance to the front line of martial arts!

Don’t recite so much!

Bai Jun stretched out his hand and tapped lightly, and Xing Yi’s strongest defensive shield broke directly.

“Martial Skill is okay, almost the strength.” Bai Jun said lightly.

Xing Yi was already shocked and didn’t want to speak. Although his own absolute defense was not full of energy before, at least he had a defensive ability of hundreds of thousands of cards.

As a result, this person didn’t even have a Martial Skill, just reached out and broke it with just one click.

Xing Yi’s first reaction was to run and ran to Xiqing Wudali, but the next second Xing Yi found that he could not move anyway.

This feeling is too terrifying, much more terrifying than when I faced Jiang Mingda before.

Xing Yi carefully used the system to probe the white army.

Name:? ? ?

As soon as the absolute defense opened, the stone instantly hit the barrier and turned into debris.

Bai Jun didn’t panic, and waved his hand again, and the flying stone directly covered a layer of fire attributes and turned into lava.

Not only that, the Bai Jun snapped his fingers, and there was a lot of metal out of thin air, turning into sharp swords and flying towards Xing Yi.

As soon as I sat down, the weeds on the ground surged frantically and grew rapidly, rushing towards Xing Yi like a grass snake.

As soon as he stretched his hand upwards, a cone of ice was born in an instant.

Lava directly broke through Xing Yi’s defense, hitting Xing Yi’s body, even his clothes burned, not to mention a sharp sword, and perfectly missed every fatal point of Xing Yi, and then inserted Xing Yi’s body.

The grass on the ground directly locked Xing Yi, making him immobile, and the ice cones above and below Xing Yi also suspended above Xing Yi’s head.

Xing Yi is not calm at all. This is especially a five-attribute talent, and it is a real five-attribute talent. There is not much Spirit Power above that can have such power by the attributes alone.

This is the control of attributes. It doesn’t use Spirit Power’s kind of control, just like the movie Spirit Power’s control.

“How about it, do you study!” Bai Jun smiled and looked at Xing Yi: “Don’t worry about me thinking about your talent.”

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