Chapter 308

But as time went by and Bai Jun released the water, in one afternoon, Xing Yi ordered and tempered again whether it was Meridians or his body.

Although Xing Yi’s hard power has not reached its peak, the current actual combat strength is definitely not comparable to the previous Xing Yi.

The control of the three attributes of earth, fire, and wood is strong enough. If the control is good, it may not be more powerful than the mysterious Martial Skill in actual combat.

And the second level is over, followed by the same two-in-one level, the one level of water properties and metallicity.

One can help Xing Yi temper his skin, and the other can temper Cyclone and bone marrow.

Xing Yi’s cyclone has not been damaged too much, and Xing Yi’s cyclone is the first to recover, which means that Xing Yi’s cyclone has already recovered.

As for the remaining skin and bone marrow, depending on the body part, the best thing to temper is the skin. It is estimated that it will not take too long, and the bone marrow is the point.

Xing Yi hadn’t been tempered before, but now it seems that he is tempered.

Refining the bone marrow will definitely produce a lot of Qi and blood, and the regeneration speed of Qi and blood will be the same as that of Refining Cyclone, Ascension is nearly ten times.

The ice cone is mixed with metallic Hidden Weapons, and Xing Yi has gradually become familiar with this rhythm, and the absorption of the two attributes of gold and water is getting faster and faster.

Seeing Xing Yi absorbed so quickly, Bai Jun also nodded secretly. This Xing Yi can be a qualified Practitioner.


Why did Xing Yi produce so much energy and blood? In a short period of time, he has increased by more than a thousand calories.

And the speed hasn’t slowed down, it’s still getting faster!

This kid didn’t temper his bones before, it’s a bit exaggerated!

Xing Yi, who possesses a five-attribute talent body, naturally also has the strengthening of the water attribute. After tempering the bone marrow, the growth rate of Qi and blood will definitely take off.

Xing Yi’s current results are not so exaggerated.

If he had so many talents at the beginning, he might be able to catch up with the white emperor’s advanced speed.

But this Xing Yi didn’t temper the bone marrow, which is a bit scary!

It is true that the three trainings are for fun, if you can casually perform the three trainings, this world will not only succeed in the cultivation of your own body.

On Xing Yi’s side, with the control of Jinshui’s dual attributes, Xing Yi can completely control the five attributes.

Open the system panel:

Friendship value: 7,321,319 points

Blood value: 7130 cards

Spirit Power value: 14099 cards

System space: 21229 cubic meters (increases with strength)

System functions:

Probe: (You can detect a Practitioner one level higher than yourself, and you can get all the opponent’s talents and Practitioner strength, 10 points of friendship at a time.)

Concealment: You can hide all your talents and strengths. (Consumption of ten friendly points per minute)

Stealth: You can hide your body shape. (100 Friendly Points are consumed every minute)

Breath simulation: Any breath can be simulated. (100 Friendly Points are consumed every minute)

Saving space: The saving space in the body can store the excess energy in the body, which can be used at any time, and can save up to ten times of its own strength.

Absolute defense: One percent of the devouring effect. (Ascension will increase with strength)

Talent: Balanced Body, Practitioner Body, Earth Attribute Talent Body, Water Attribute Talent Body, Metallic Talent Body, Dirty Poison Body (Incomplete), Wood Attribute Talent Body, Fire Attribute Talent Body

Unlock Talent: 5,000,000 friendly points

Unlock function: 10000000 points friendly value

Not to mention the strength restored to the peak, the vitality has soared by more than two thousand calories, and the Spirit Power has also increased by more than 1,000 calories.

The most important thing is that the limit of the own body Practitioner seems to have risen. It used to be four times that of the ordinary Practitioner, but now it seems to have doubled.

Approaching the eight-kcal mark, Xing Yi could obviously feel that he could rise again, and he didn’t need to breakthrough.

The limits of the body Practitioner and the Qi Practitioner are synchronized, and both are five times the limit.

“Don’t be confused, the three times of the body Practitioner’s tempering is the same as the Qi Practitioner’s god-level Cultivation Technique, and the limit is five times.” Bai Jun explained.

Speaking of the god-level Cultivation Technique, even the Bai Jun has a little yearning. In this world, it seems that the only person who cultivates the god-level Cultivation Technique is the poison king who was killed!

It’s a pity, I don’t know if the Dragon Emperor has got the things, if not, I’m afraid I will never see God-level Cultivation Technique again.

“Then why is it four times when I breakthrough the second order?” Xing Yi was puzzled.

When I first broke through the second-order Practitioner, it was indeed quadrupled, and when I reached four thousand, I broke through the second-order Practitioner.

“That’s because you didn’t really complete the three temperings before. Now I can help you solve it.” Bai Jun said.

“Thank you!” Xing Yi solemnly said.

Bai Jun: “No, let’s talk about it after the next two levels!”

As soon as the voice fell, everything around him began to change. The doors and walls behind him were gone. What you saw was yellow with a little black and red in between.

People who haven’t been to another world may not know what’s going on. Xing Yi has never been, but Xing Yi knows that it’s all poisonous.

He who possesses the body of filthy poison can’t be more sensitive to filthy poison.

It’s not that the poison is only available in another world. Even if Blue Star has a prison city, how can it be possible to set up a large array of poison with such a deep concentration together with the White Emperor.

Can you confess the secret of possessing a poisonous body to the White Emperor?

Duty is absolutely taboo in Blue Star. Xing Yi is afraid that if he really confesses his words, he will lose his freedom or even his life.

But the Dragon Emperor can control the poison.

After thinking about it, Xing Yi still chose to hide. Without the strength of his own class and the White Emperor, his ability to control does not mean that he can also control it.

“Your uncle!” Suddenly Bai Jun shouted, “Do you have talent?”

The body of the Practitioner, the White Emperor, played superbly, and similarly, there was the body of Dirty Poison, which was the only spiritual poison physique controlled by the White Emperor.

The White Emperor saw that these spirit poisons would not attack Xing Yi at all, and what was sucked into Xing Yi’s body was all because Xing Yi’s Practitioner actively absorbed them.

Although Xing Yi didn’t control the evil poison, the white emperor recognized it at a glance.

“You’ve been to Prison City!?” This was the only explanation the White Emperor could think of.

“Yeah!” Xing Yi nodded.

The same Xing Yi also knew that he had been exposed, and that the Poisonous Body was not hiding. He had the experience of controlling the five-attribute talent and the previous experience of controlling the Poisonous Body.

As soon as the body of Xing Yi’s Practitioner was revealed, all the surrounding dirt was quickly absorbed by Xing Yi, and the five figures were also absorbed by Xing Yi’s manipulation.

“Damn!” Bai Jun really couldn’t help but explode.

Xing Yi’s control over the Poisonous Body has reached this level. Originally, he wanted to pass this level to let Xing Yi exercise the Practitioner body.

But now it seems that Xing Yi is not exercising every day, and the White Emperor who also has the body of the poisonous body certainly knows what the body of the poisonous body means to the body of the Practitioner.

It is an endless cultivation resource.

Dammit, for the sake of the Poisonous Body, I hit the dirt for many times. If it weren’t for the Dragon Emperor to grab him, I’m afraid that he wouldn’t be able to possess the Poisonous Body.

But now this kid has only been to the prison city and he has a body of poison. This is no luck.

If the White Emperor were to know that Xing Yi still had a poisonous body, I’m afraid the White Army would explode on the spot.

You must know that the spirit beast of the fire attribute is not dirt, and its strength is not a level. Simply put, even if the body of the Practitioner restrains the spirit poison, the White Emperor still can’t beat that guy.

Don’t even think about the body of burned poison.

“I teach you how to use and hide the poison.” Qi returns to Qi, and it is still necessary to teach.

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