Chapter 313

“This is?” Luo Jianming, the Martial Spirit in Xing Yi’s hands, is not clear. Without the education of Wuhan University, he would never know what it was.

The website for Practitioner discussion is also not open to ordinary people. What ordinary people know is what Practitioner intends to let them see.

Otherwise they don’t know anything.

“Have you learned the Cultivation Technique?” Xing Yi asked instead of answering Luo Jianming’s question.

Luo Jianming was stunned for a while. It turned out that Xing Yi knew his own idea, so would Xing Yi still let himself follow him?

You should know that the general Practitioner is very repulsive to the idea of ​​ordinary people who want to become a Practitioner following their own.

Because once you become a Practitioner and have so much power, how can you still work honestly?

But that has nothing to do with Xing Yi. If you don’t work honestly, in Xing Yi’s eyes, it may be that you haven’t given enough money.

“Don’t you want to be a Practitioner, don’t Kung Fu cultivate privately?” Seeing Luo Jianming’s silence, Xing Yi asked again.

Hearing Xing Yi’s tone, I also knew that Xing Yi might not mind that he wanted to be a Practitioner at all. When he was happy, he immediately confessed to Xing Yi.

“I haven’t figured out a few points. I haven’t learned Cultivation Technique yet.”

“Show me the Cultivation Technique, and I’ll help you.” Xing Yi also put away the Martial Spirit, and took the Cultivation Technique that Luo Jianming carried with him.

When seeing Cultivation Technique, Xing Yi glanced at Luo Jianming unexpectedly. He didn’t expect Luo Jianming to cultivate the Cultivation Technique.

No wonder that Huang Jie Cultivation Technique can be insight by himself in general. Without Insight, either he is not serious, or he doesn’t want to learn it at all.

When Xing Yi was in school, he never learned the Cultivation Technique. That’s why Xing Yi was always underestimated when he was in school.

Obviously, I have a good grade. I rank first in the cultural class every time, but I haven’t learned Martial Skill. There are only two reasons. The first is that Xing Yi doesn’t want to learn, and the other is that Xing Yi is unwilling to cultivation Huang Jie Cultivation Technique. Choose the higher-rank Cultivation Technique for cultivation.

And Luo Jianming estimated that this is the case. Although I don’t know where Luo Jianming started the Cultivation Technique, he must be guided by someone to learn the Cultivation Technique.

There are too many points to pay attention to. With my own understanding, it is almost impossible to cultivate successfully.

Xing Yi’s understanding of Martial Skill and Cultivation Technique has surpassed that of ordinary people since he was a child, and he is naturally no exception to Martial Skill.

What’s more, he has also experienced the Martial Skill experience of the White Emperor in the space. Xing Yi now has a very high level of understanding of Cultivation Technique Martial Skill.

It is still very easy to teach Luo Jianming to learn the Cultivation Technique.

Cultivation Technique didn’t even learn, let alone get through the corresponding cyclone.

Luo Jianming was in charge of driving in front, and he was also nervous in his heart. I don’t know if Xing Yi can understand own mysterious order Cultivation Technique.

Even if Xing Yi is now a Practitioner, but he has only cultivated for a few years more than himself, Luo Jianming has not reported much hope for the profound level of Cultivation Technique.

Xing Yi put down the Cultivation Technique, and kept careful attention to Xing Yi’s Luo Jianming, and his heart was cold. In such a short period of time, Xing Yi just watched it for a while before letting it go.

That must be incomprehension, do you really want to learn Huangjie Cultivation Technique!

Luo Jianming had already compromised in his heart at this time. Although the cultivation technique is more powerful, he also wants to be a real Practitioner, not a superficial Practitioner.

But Huang Jie didn’t own Cultivation Technique. When he went to school, Cultivation Technique was not free, only the cultivation method of Practitioner was free.

Unlike Xing Yi, Huang Jie’s Martial Skill can be used for free cultivation.

Huang Jie’s Cultivation Technique is not cheap. He doesn’t have that much money. Should he ask his parents? Luo Jianming was embarrassed to open this mouth.

“Tell me, you don’t understand it.” Xing Yi immediately pulled Luo Jianming back on the edge of despair.

“You get it!” Luo Jianming couldn’t believe it.

“It’s almost done, there should be no problem teaching you how to learn it.” Xing Yi said calmly, it’s just a Cultivation Technique, it’s not difficult.

Next, Luo Jiming told Xing Yi several Cultivation Technique problems one after another, and Xing Yi solved them one by one, and Luo Jianming was immediately relieved after hearing it.

“Find a hotel and stop, you go and try.”

“It’s still early.” Although Luo Jianming also wanted to stop right away and try the feeling of cultivation, he was more concerned about Xing Yi’s feelings, the “student” who helped him embark on the path of Practitioner.

“It’s okay, don’t worry.” Then Xing Yi threw Luo Jianming a bottle of Spirit Power water and a bank card.

“Thank you!” Luo Jianming solemnly thanked: “I will definitely make money and return your bottle of Spirit Power water.”

“Give you it, when you pay.” Xing Yi said nothing, Spirit Power water is of little use to him now.

Using Spirit Power water is far less rapid than absorbing Spirit Stones cultivation by its own cyclone, and the Spirit Power in the Spirit Power water is so pitiful that Xing Yi doesn’t care.

He simply gave Luo Jianming the remaining Spirit Power water in his own space, a full one hundred bottles.

Friendly value +10000

And Xing Yi was still on the road, quietly helping Luo Jianming clear some cyclones.

As long as Luo Jianming cultivates at night, the speed at which he can get through the cyclone will definitely surprise people.

Early the next morning, when Xing Yi looked at Luo Jianming again, Luo Jianming’s temperament was different, and he seemed to be more robust and energetic.

The most important thing is that Luo Jianming has already broken through two cyclones and already has two Spirit Power cards.

This is some of the Spirit Power Xing Yi left in Luo Jianming’s body, and he can get through two cyclones.

“It’s still thirty-eight, work hard!” Xing Yi patted Luo Jianming on the shoulder and said.

Luo Jianming also didn’t expect Xing Yi to see his own strength at a glance. Yesterday, when he broke through the first cyclone at the speed of light, he felt the Spirit Power accumulated in his body, and Luo Jianming was about to burst with joy.

He just couldn’t fall asleep, so he sat up and continued cultivation, and in just one hour he directly broke through two cyclones.

However, the speed has slowed down since then. Luo Jianming attributed it to his previous accumulation. After all, he had not used Spirit Power’s auxiliary products less before.

Luo Jianming has seen the speed at which a cyclone breaks through on the Internet. Generally speaking, it takes two or three months to break through a cyclone at the beginning.

And as the cyclone increased, it would get faster and faster, and I didn’t expect that I had directly crossed the two most difficult hurdles.

In the evening, Xing Yi thought about it, and finally decided to give Luo Jianming one of Martial Spirit.

After all, Luo Jianming, who was the one who killed him, almost died at the beginning, and sending him a Martial Spirit, even if there is any danger in the future, he must have the ability to protect himself.

Of course, Xing Yi also wants to know how much friendliness can be gained by giving a Martial Spirit.

“Just open a room tonight, let’s have a room.” Xing Yi said after thinking about it.

After Xing Yi finished speaking, Luo Jianming’s expression was a little unnatural. Look at Xing Yi’s handsome and handsome face, and then look at himself.

Although not bad, there is still a big gap between Xing Yi and Xing Yi. How can Xing Yi look at himself?

But do you agree or agree.

It’s impossible for Luo Jianming to think about it wrong!

Forget it, Xing Yi is kind to himself, but he doesn’t know whether he will suffer or attack at night.

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