Chapter 319-Martial Skill

What kind of strength is this? Not only Bai Yiling and the others were silent, but even the same people who watched the battle were silent, but there was a burst of shouts immediately afterward.

After all, here is the Chinese University, the home of the Chinese University.

Deng Yuanjie’s actions may be indifferent when placed elsewhere, and he may even shout for Deng Yuanjie. After all, Deng Yuanjie is also doing things with good reason.

And it is typical to play more with less.

But everyone who can come here to see what happened, only Xing Yi didn’t know, Xing Yi only knew that Deng Yuanjie was not a good thing.

Leave your name, humiliate others, bully the weak, what is it.

Holding the phantom finger to bully.

Then let you try the Phantom Finger of metallic talent.

The metallicity with the Phantom Finger can bring out the metallic talent to the fullest. Even if Xing Yi is not proficient in the Phantom Finger, but with the metallic talent, he can also use the Phantom Finger ascension to nearly a hundred times the strength.

Against Deng Yuanjie, he can easily break through Deng Yuanjie’s defense.

“How come, how can you have such strength!” Deng Yuanjie looked at Xing Yi in disbelief, especially the Martial Skill used by Xing Yi.

However, Deng Yuanjie was only careless. The gap between him and Xing Yi was still very large, 50,000 to 190,000, a gap of more than three times.

The reason for being injured was all because of melee combat, otherwise Deng Yuanjie could not have been beaten so embarrassed by Xing Yi.

Sure enough, in the next second, Deng Yuanjie immediately opened the gap with Xing Yi after reacting.

On the control of Martial Skill, Deng Yuanjie is actually stronger than Xing Yi. Xing Yi only relies on the advantage of his talent, otherwise he will definitely be able to hang him.

Regardless of Deng Yuanjie’s shock, Xing Yi immediately rushed towards Deng Yuanjie. Xing Yi also knew the disadvantages of own, so he could only get close to the battle if he wanted to win easily.

Although the strength of the own body Practitioner is not as strong as the Qi Practitioner, but the three tempering is too strong, and the weakest part of the Qi Practitioner is the physical body.

As long as close combat, Xing Yi still has the chance to win easily.

But Deng Yuanjie, who had suffered a loss, obviously would not give Xing Yi such a chance, and directly protected him with a spiritual shield.

The Spirit Shield is almost a defensive Martial Skill that every Practitioner must learn. It can make Spirit Power up to ninety times more effective.

Compared to Xing Yi’s absolute defense, it was much stronger.

Regarding the true defensiveness, the same energy is used to defend, the spirit shield can unilaterally sling Xing Yi’s absolute defense, and the casting speed is also extremely fast, and the comprehensiveness is the same.

The spirit shield is also known as the strongest defensive Martial Skill of the Shenzhou Profound Stage.

The only advantage of Absolute Defense may be that he does not consume Xing Yi’s own Spirit Power, but uses the energy Xing Yi usually accumulates in the savings space.

And it has a certain degree of phagocytosis to strengthen its own function, and it can exist alone without the user, similar to the function of formation.

Xing Yi punched Deng Yuanjie’s spirit shield, and the spirit shield only swayed, and it was restored as before.

Immediately afterwards, Deng Yuanjie made another Martial Skill, hitting Xing Yi to stretch the distance between Xing Yi and Xing Yi.

Xing Yi was beaten back, not only was not disappointed but full of excitement.

Because the spirit shield can be learned by itself, you only need own Spirit Power to hit Deng Yuanjie’s spirit shield. It’s too strong.

Only after understanding the spirit shield did Xing Yi know the strength of the spirit shield.

Manipulating the earth attribute talent again, I wanted to plunge Deng Yuanjie into the ground, but Deng Yuanjie’s spirit shield directly took Deng Yuanjie into flight.

The same Xing Yi manipulated the surrounding metal to attack Deng Yuanjie, and the spirit shield’s defense value was too high.

The only possibility to break Deng Yuanjie’s defense is own Phantom Finger, and he is also the only long-range offensive Martial Skill he can.

But the premise is that I have to consume almost the Spirit Power in Deng Yuanjie’s body. Otherwise, even if I add metallic talents, it will be difficult to break Deng Yuanjie’s defenses.

“Xing Yi is difficult!” Bai Yiling said off the court.

Bai Yiling just came to see if Xing Yi was back. He didn’t expect that Xing Yi was really here when he really came back.

“Almost, but at least I won’t be humiliated as before.” Xue Na also nodded and said.

“But this Xing Yi breakthrough Realm is really fast. I didn’t expect to have the strength of a Tier 4 Practitioner. If you give him more time, I’m afraid…” Xue Na’s meaning is self-evident.

Xing Yi has revealed three kinds of talents, namely the golden water and earth attribute talents.

“Moreover, he has a strong control over his talents. The most important thing is that he tempered them three times.”

Li Danyang and the others all knew what three tempering meant to the Practitioner, which meant that they would never be close by Xing Yi.

Even if it is not three times of tempering, facing the Practitioner, there is no energy that the Practitioner dares to fight him close, let alone the special addition of the three times of tempering.

From the fact that Xing Yi easily smashed Deng Yuanjie’s fist bones just now, it can be seen that the three times of tempering have strengthened the body.

“But this Xing Yihui doesn’t seem to have many Martial Skills.” Xue Na thought for a while and said, then smiled again: “Maybe the energy is focused on learning those functional Martial Skills.”

After all, breath simulation and stealth concealment, including transformation art Xing Yi, are also well-known.

“Why don’t we go to meet this Xing Yi too!” Xue Na turned to look at Li Danyang and smiled.

“Forget it, I don’t want to be scolded.” Xing Yi was struggling to deal with Deng Yuanjie. After he finished the fight, he went up again, and it was no different from the previous one.

Many people have heard the conversation between Li Danyang and Li Danyang. After all, the two did not deliberately listen to it, and they are not afraid that everyone will hear it.

Moreover, Li Danyang is the focus of the two people themselves. They are very similar to the previous stars in Wuhan University, but Li Danyang and the others are the attention they have won by their strength.

“You are not the only one who knows the element!” Deng Yuanjie patted Xing Yi directly with a palm.

Xue Na saw the Martial Skill used by Deng Yuanjie and said subconsciously, “Xing Yi is over now, Martial Skill!”

Not only Xuena, but seeing Deng Yuanjie’s offense, almost everyone on and off the court didn’t think Xing Yi could take Deng Yuanjie’s hand.

Because this huge palmprint exerts too much pressure on people, Deng Yuanjie also directly used nearly 100,000 Spirit Power to destroy Xing Yi once.

Martial Skill plus one hundred thousand bursts, Xing Yi is a Practitioner who has just made a breakthrough.

The huge red palm prints are full of fire-attribute Spirit Power. The fire-attributed Spirit Power is also famous for its explosiveness. Xing Yi did not dare to overstate Deng Yuanjie’s offensive.

The absolute defense was taken out immediately, and the absolute defense composed of burned poison and qi and blood was strong enough. Although it was broken, the remaining aftermath, Xing Yi, still resisted.

However, what Xing Yi is most puzzled is that this Deng Yuanjie has no talent, why does the Martial Skill he uses have the Spirit Power of the fire attribute?

“It was actually carried down!”

“Xing Yi Niubi!”

“Xing Yi’s eternal god!”

“How can it be!”

The most unbelievable one belongs to Deng Yuanjie, as long as he knows how much strength he has used.

Even if Xing Yi couldn’t be killed at this time, it was impossible to burn a few clothes holes!

If Xing Yi had hard power, he would definitely not be able to carry it off, but Xing Yi just accumulated enough blood and burned poison in his savings space a few days ago.

Although he couldn’t hold Deng Yuanjie’s blow, he at least blocked most of Xing Yi’s energy.

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