Chapter 322 Give Xing Yi a Gift

How did Xing Yi form such a formation? Could it be that Bai Huang saw that Bai Yiling suffered during this time and had a bad relationship with his baby, so he taught Xing Yi such a formation.

Let Xing Yi help.

It is also possible to think about it, the relationship between this kid and that baby is not ordinary.

But now I still have to talk to Xing Yi.

Immediately, a spiritual barrier covered Xing Yi, and Zhang Zhaozhong also slowly fell: “Boy, you are very good.”

“Principal!” Xing Yi turned around and saw that the principal had appeared behind him, but he hadn’t even noticed it. You don’t need to think about the difference during this period.

“Your formation is good.” Zhang Zhaozhong nodded and said, “The White Emperor taught you this!”

“Formation?” Think about it, as long as this absolute defense is separated from itself, it doesn’t seem to be much different from formation.

“It’s okay. I came to you just to tell you that as a member of the Chinese University, you performed very well.” Zhang Zhaozhong directly praised: “Whether it’s going out to capture or stay home to defend, it’s okay even for classmates. ”

“Um…” The principal suddenly ran over to praise himself, and Xing Yi felt a little uncomfortable for a while.

“If you do well, you will naturally have rewards. Let’s say, what do you want?” Zhang Zhaozhong said to Xing Yi.

No matter what request Xing Yi made, he planned to satisfy this kid. His contribution to Chinese is self-evident.

The great Chinese name stayed outside was all because of Xing Yi, and the other students were still close.

“Anything?” Xing Yi asked cautiously. Xing Yi suddenly thought that Chinese University really had a place that he wanted to go to and coveted for a long time.

It’s not a library. Martial Skill’s current temptation to Xing Yi has more talent than before.

Unless you can learn the Martial Skill of the level, but the Martial Skill of the level needs to be taught by the Great Master himself, I will be overwhelmed by learning at most one.

And if that place can really learn, the absolute defensive arrangement of the famous monument will be a breeze.

“Say it with confidence, anything will do!” Zhang Zhaozhong patted his chest and believed in himself. As the principal of the Chinese University, his rights are naturally enormous.

“I want to go to the Spirit Stones filter factory.” Xing Yi raised his head and looked at Zhang Zhaozhong eagerly.

The Spirit Stones filter factory is one of the reasons why the Chinese University is so rich. The Spirit Stones filter factory is responsible for the global Spirit Stones filter.

Most of the Spirit Stones are mined from another world, and most of the Spirit Stones inside are infested by dirt and poison. The Chinese University invented the dirt and poison filter in Spirit Stones long ago.

Generally, a Martial King is responsible for the treatment of the filtered dirt and poison, who will concentrate on packaging and exercise to the White Royal City for disposal.

All Spirit Stones filter plants, large and small in the world, can be controlled by big chaebols, and some countries do not even have a plant area.

As a developer, Chinese University also has a filter plant belonging to its own Spirit Stones.

“Where are you going?” Zhang Zhaozhong was puzzled. Spirit Stones filters mostly dirt and poison. I can’t say that there is no burn poison, but it is very rare.

“You have been to Prison City!?” Zhang Zhaozhong suddenly remembered that the White Emperor seemed to have gone straight to Prison City. Why did he go to Prison City?

It was the guy who was locked up in the prison city. The kid Li Zhan remembered that he seemed to have brought people in, and he was injured and criticized at that time.

“Yeah.” Xing Yi nodded.

“you will not……”

Before Zhang Zhaozhong spoke, he saw that the poisonous poison that suddenly appeared in Xing Yi’s hand was a poisonous poison that had been restricted by Lingling Power, but Zhang Zhaozhong was still taken aback.

What is the background of Xing Yi, the body of burned poison, the body of dirty poison, and the talented body of Five Elements. Are you really afraid of imbalanced talents in your body?

No wonder the White Emperor wanted to run over for Xing Yi to warn himself, this talent is too strong.

“Can you control the deadly poison?” Zhang Zhaozhong had to personally confirm before that, in case Xing Yi couldn’t control the talent in his body.

Once it gets out of control, it will be another “soil dirt”, rebirth from the blue star’s dirt, the previous dirt causes a big mess.

“Yes.” Xing Yi nodded heavily. Xing Yi knew it was time to prove himself to Zhang Zhaozhong.

Turning his head to look around, Zhang Zhaozhong said directly: “It’s okay, the surroundings are already sealed off, you can’t see it outside, don’t worry.”

I heard that Xing Yi directly controlled the poison in his body and burst out instantly. Xing Yi’s temperament suddenly changed, and the surrounding air seemed to be stained.

In the end, Xing Yi condensed on his own finger, and the Phantom Finger ejected in an instant, and was forcibly intercepted by Xing Yi less than one meter out.

Xing Yi’s whole person was involved. If it weren’t for the three Body Tempering, Xing Yi would have suffered serious injuries.

“Yes, the strength is okay, it can be intercepted forcibly, whether it is for the control of the dirty poison or the Spirit Power.” Zhang Zhaozhong nodded in satisfaction.

Xing Yi: “That…”

“Yes, you can try to deal with the dirt that will be filtered in the future, if it can be handed to you in the future.”

That’s right, the Martial King who is in charge of the Spirit Stones filter plant of Chinese University is Zhang Zhaozhong.

Every time the spirit storage pool is full, Zhang Zhaozhong needs to go forward to clean it, and then bring it into the White Imperial City.

If this kid can really help himself to deal with it, it will save himself trouble.

“Thank you principal!” Xing Yi said excitedly.

“Don’t get excited, all your talents in the future are not allowed to be exposed, and the three talents that have been exposed are not counted.” Zhang Zhaozhong gave Xing Yi a warning.

The descendants of those high-levels, there are many people with bad talents, whoever said that the harm must be the Huantianjiao!

“I will.” Xing Yi promised that if Zhang Zhaozhong hadn’t said the White Emperor to himself at the beginning, he wouldn’t have mentioned this matter to Zhang Zhaozhong at all.

“By the way, the principal, I…”

“Call me Uncle Zhang!” Zhang Zhaozhong said.

“Um…Uncle Zhang.”

Zhang Zhaozhong seems to be older and much older than the White Emperor, but as a Practitioner, his life span is much longer than that of ordinary people. The stronger he is, the longer his life span. Zhang Zhaozhong now looks like he is in his thirties.

This is what Zhang Zhaozhong looks like deliberately. If it is normal, it is said that Zhang Zhaozhong is believed to be in his twenties.

“Let’s talk, what’s the matter!” Zhang Zhaozhong said with satisfaction.

“The last time I was arrested and sent to Huantianjiao, the teachers were dead when I came out, and there was Martial Spirit falling on my body, and I took them away.” Xing Yi confessed honestly.

“These Martial Spirits are all taken from the idioms of Huan Tianjiao. Only one Martial Spirit fell from the victim and was cremated by me and that person.”

Listening to Xing Yi talking about being arrested, Zhang Zhaozhong was also afraid for a while, but fortunately he was rescued, otherwise he would lose a student with such a good talent.

May also breed an incomparable enemy.

After thinking about it, Zhang Zhaozhong said, “You can keep those Martial Spirits for use. You can’t sell them.”

“No, I want to give it to the students in our school. Their strength is a bit low. There are twenty and eight second-order Martial Spirits, and two third-order Martial Spirits.” Xing Yi interrupted.

Zhang Zhaozhong was stunned for a while. He only heard that Xing Yi was very generous to his classmates and was very willing to give, but he was too dedicated.

The value of Martial Spirit is so precious, even if the government has repeatedly banned it, but Martial Spirit is Martial Spirit, a cultivation artifact.

Xing Yi was actually willing to give it to his classmates, and it seemed that he still gave it to classmates who were not familiar with him.

This mind!

“Good, good!” Zhang Zhaozhong said three times in succession: “Very good!”

“I’m allowed. You take a break tonight, and I will take you tomorrow.” Zhang Zhaozhong withdrew after speaking. On the way back, Zhang Zhaozhong was still thinking about the reward for Xing Yi tomorrow.

This time I must give this kid Xing Yi a big gift.

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