Chapter 328 Fire Continent

Comprehend space.

Xing Yi looked at a column that suddenly appeared in the system and understood the space.

Immediately, the specific information of the comprehension space gradually became clear in Xing Yi’s mind.

It is not so much a comprehension space as it is an escape space.

Xing Yi felt that the greatest value of this space was to allow himself to enter, and when he came out, he came based on his Mental Energy.

Xing Yi can choose from the place where he enters, within one meter of a radius.

I can only choose within one meter because I have not yet reached the point where I can control my own Mental Energy. If Mental Energy is developed by myself, the range of choices will be the same as own Mental Energy.

Xing Yi first saw such a function, and the most important function of comprehension space was the ability to comprehend in it.

Although you can’t speed up your ability to comprehend Martial Skill, you can let yourself go and cast Martial Skill over and over again without fear of damaging things around you.

As for the consumption of ten friend points per minute in the comprehension space, only six hundred friend points in one hour, for the current Xing Yi, it is drizzling.

Immediately, Xing Yi entered the system space directly.

The endless space and the ups and downs of the geographical environment do not feel like the emptiness in the space at all.

To Xing Yi, this place is more like a real world.

The most important thing is that the Spirit Power in it is actually very rich. Although it is not as good as using Spirit Stones by yourself, compared to the thin Spirit Power environment in China, it is simply a world.

Xing Yi tentatively linked the outside world, and then in Xing Yi’s mind, he entered an environment with a radius of one meter.

Show clearly in your mind, you don’t even need to look at it, choose one meter before your entry point, go out, and come in.

Xing Yi’s eyes lit up in an instant. Is this a kind of displacement, forcibly displaced, do you have to be afraid of others’ attacks when you enter the own comprehension space?

In the battle, as long as the entry and exit are fast enough, then it is really teleportation. Isn’t what you lack the most is the means of close hands!

As long as you control your own comprehension space, that is the best approach, as for that comprehension space is rounded up.

Do you care about the ten friendly values?

With the income of the scumbag, I can’t use Spirit Stones at all, and the deposit in my bank card is enough to squander myself.

Looking at the own friendliness value, after unlocking the system talent, there are only more than 1 million left. If you want to unlock the system talent, you need 50 million, and the talent is 10 million.

Fortunately, there is still a second-tier Martial Spirit left, ten of which is 5 million friendship points, and two third-tier Martial Spirits should be worth more.

I should be able to unlock another talent attribute, that is, I haven’t unlocked a functional talent for a long time. Except for the first balance body and the second Practitioner body, all the talents I unlocked so far are attribute talents.

The body of spirit poison is strong and strong, but its own strength is too weak, and I dare not use it at all.

But there are so many attributes, and sooner or later there will be a chance to unlock new talents.

As for another way of acquiring talent, Xing Yi had also thought about it, but he had to wait until he had a certain amount of strength.

The group of Huantianjiao, with their elemental spirits, Xing Yi didn’t have any psychological burden.

Looking at Dong Mengqi’s battle book, it has been set three days later, and there will be some people who will watch it, and the wind and cloud list will also send people.

Time is a bit tight, and the Spirit Shield and Fire Cloud Palm I obtained from Deng Yuanjie have not been practiced much.

Martial Skill can’t be mastered. If you are unskilled, you might not even be able to hit someone. What’s more embarrassing is that when you hit Martial Skill, you will be misfired.

Failure to release is even more embarrassing.

I don’t know that there is a Great Master, because he failed to release Martial Skill once against the waves. Although he won in the end, the actions and expressions of the failed Martial Skill release in the video of the game were hung on a certain station, and the popularity remained high.

In the next three days, Xing Yi didn’t dare to say that Martial Skill would be released at any time, but it was still possible to minimize the mistakes.

Only in this space can Xing Yi dare to truly use his own spirit poison as the release energy of Martial Skill.

Methamphetamine, I have never tried it.

In the next second, behind Xing Yi suddenly turned into five Daoist shadows, which were formed by Xing Yi using Spirit Power, Spirit Power materialized, and methamphetamine strengthened.

And far away in the land of fire in another world, only one figure was seen, and under his feet was the spirit beast of the fire attribute that had been rioting recently.

Suddenly I noticed something: “Have you unlocked so much!”

“It’s a bit faster!”

“It seems that I have no time to prepare.”

In the next second, the spirit beast of the fire attribute was firmly pressed to the ground, and countless vines sprang up on the ground with a wave of his hand, which could not even be destroyed by the poisonous fire in the sky.

Wrap the spirit beast on the ground, and then there is a burst of ice, the fire spirit beast is completely suppressed, and several attributes are sealed on the ground.

With a grasp of his hand, the spirit beast appeared on the man’s hand with a seal. After the man left, the fire in the land of fire slowly extinguished.

And another world went crazy completely, the fire of the Fire Continent was extinguished, and the resources on the five continents, only the Fire Continent had not been really developed.

A piece of mainland resource that has not undergone any development is crazy enough.

How many treasures of heaven and wealth are there, Martial Skill inheritance, Xiantian elemental spirits find one and take off in place.

Elemental Spirits The only difference between Xiantian and Houtian is that Xiantian Elemental Spirits can be used in stacks. This is enough to make people crazy.

The special physique of the Blue Stars is not enough under Xiantian’s conditions. They can only use one in their lifetime, and they can be stacked infinitely.

Like the White Emperor, an emperor, or an emperor with the body of a Practitioner, it took a piece of Xiantian elemental spirits for Bai Yiling to use for so many years.

There is a lot of dirt, but what kind of existence is the dirt, spirit beast, I don’t know how many years it has survived.

The more you get to the late stage, the importance of talent becomes more and more obvious, even if using Martial Skill allows you to simply use elements.

But borrowing is far stronger than owning it.

Like Fire Cloud Palm, Deng Yuanjie used it with Xing Yi, even if Xing Yi used it now and the talent of fire attributes, a little learning might be much better than Deng Yuanjie’s use.

The Fire Continent was also inhabited before, but after the birth of the Fire Spirit Beast, it became stronger and stronger, resulting in no more creatures on it.

Most people didn’t dare to set foot on the Fire Continent, but now the spirit beast of the fire has been subdued and sealed.

All the forces at this time all went to check the situation, and when they got the specific situation, everyone was crazy.

The fire spirit beast is really gone, and the war is about to start.

At this time, the pinnacle figures who were truly capable also stopped their cultivation and looked towards the Fire Continent. At this time, they all had a common idea.

That bastard broke through again.

This world is going to be chaotic again!

I hope he won’t go to trouble with the spirit beast. Five spirit beasts have already been sealed and taken away. It would be too much to make another move.

But for the remaining three, he was afraid that it would be fine, even if the wood spirit beast and the gold spirit beast were combined with the Martial Emperor in the world, they would not necessarily be able to seal them.

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