Chapter 332 Dong Mengqi’s “saving space”

How did Dong Mengqi be able to cast the Golden Spirit Blade three times in a row?

If it is hidden strength, then why not use Spirit Power more as soon as you open it, break the formation directly, and waste three times of effort.

But to say that Dong Mengqi can only burst out of 30,000 calories, then Dong Mengqi’s strength should be in the early 30,000 calories, and it is sensed that Dong Mengqi is indeed this strength.

How did it recover in such a short time?

Just to calm down Ding Ming, Luo Guangbin was thinking about how Dong Mengqi did it.

Have Spirit Power cultivation good, and then store it elsewhere?

Or maybe Dong Mengqi has taken some particularly powerful Medicine Pill in advance, which can give him a period of time to recover.

Or is this guy using Martial Skill to hide his strength.

If it’s the first two, Xing Yi may still have a chance to win in the afternoon game, but if it’s the third, Xing Yi doesn’t have to compare. Luo Guangbin thought to himself.

But in the next second, Luo Guangbin made preparations for combat, and a golden spiritual blade was suspended in front of him.

And Bai Yiling was full of rattans bursting out of the sky, and his aura was stronger than Dong Mengqi just now.

The same is true for Ding Ming, but he didn’t show any decent Martial Skill, but his Tier 4 strength still showed.

And some of the students who had just arrived later saw the aura bursting out of the three people in the same class as their own, and they were not weaker than Dong Mengqi just now.

It is also an eighth-level student, so the gap between them is too big!

“Don’t get me wrong, I just came to try this formation, and I don’t have the idea of ​​capturing it.” Dong Mengqi quickly waved her hand to explain.

The reason why he came out was to save the reputation of the University of Wuhan, not as a junior from the University of Wuhan, and even the formation arranged by a student of the Chinese University could not be broken.

There is also a solution to Ge Xuhui’s siege. As for the idea of ​​capturing, Dong Mengqi has no such idea at all. What if more colleges and universities are captured.

There are more fame and fortune who have not yet made the list, and even if it is captured, Dong Mengqi has no plans to capture it at this time, and she still has to retain her strength to deal with Xing Yi in the afternoon.

What kind of a situation is it consuming so much Spirit Power here.

“Don’t capture it!” Ding Ming was also a little stunned. He thought that Dong Mengqi had shown such strength.

“It should be that Spirit Power consumes a lot!” Bai Yiling guessed.

A person’s Spirit Power is definitely limited, no matter how strong it is, at most those Martial Kings can open up their own space to store some.


Bai Yiling suddenly thought of a possibility, would Dong Mengqi also open up a space in his body with a function similar to cyclone storage. If this is the case, then Dong Mengqi may really recover for a while.

In this kind of space, my dad originally wanted to get through one by himself, but at that time, he and dad were angry and didn’t agree.

This Dong Mengqi’s elders will not be a Martial King, right? If this is the case, then Dong Mengqi’s secret to recovering for a while has been found.

But even so, the space in a person’s body is limited, at most ten times as much, and I still need to find Martial King for regular updates.

Dong Mengqi had already consumed a lot just now, and if that was the case, the three of them might not be opponents of Dong Mengqi alone.

Too many blue bars!

Bai Yiling suddenly realized the seriousness of the problem. As soon as Dong Mengqi said that he didn’t want to capture, Bai Yiling immediately ran to find Xing Yi.

Luo Guangbin and the other side stared at each other.

Finally, I said to Dong Mengqi: “I will show you a room, so you can recover it first.”

At this time, Xing Yi had already planned to give up. The spiritual transformation on the first floor was too tasteless, and on the second floor, he would definitely not be able to learn it before this afternoon.

Just give up understanding and talk about it next time.

Spiritual transformation can be Insight anytime and anywhere, as long as you don’t cultivate, you can wait until the next cultivation, so as long as you are patient enough, it is still possible to break through the five levels of spiritual transformation.

But when most people are on the second level, because the third level is too difficult and the temptation of the second level is big enough, they start cultivation directly.

Xing Yi does not lack time, nor does he need to switch back and forth between Spirit Power and Qi and blood to achieve dual cultivation of gas, which is naturally affordable.

Xing Yi’s gains in these three days are not small, the biggest gain is to make own energy materialize, both power and defense can double Ascension.

On top of own absolute defense, it’s perfect.

Not only the defensive ability of Ascension, but also the ability to absorb external energy to increase its own ascension, and the ability to maintain the consumption will also be greatly reduced.

I just don’t know if this is a formation, as if it’s the same as building a wall, I don’t know if the school allows it.

As soon as I placed it in cultivation, I heard the phone brighten up, and it was a message from Bai Yiling, asking if he had cultivated well.

After replying, Bai Yiling knocked on the door directly.

Bai Yiling was already waiting at the door.

“Brother Yi, that Dong Mengqi may have own space in his body.” Bai Yiling went straight to the subject as soon as he entered the door.

Then Bai Yiling went on to explain the reason to Xing Yi.

Fuck, isn’t that the own savings space, the function is the same, but it seems that own is a bit more powerful, and you don’t need to update Martial King on a fixed point.

Own savings space will expand with Ascension of own strength.

“Brother Yi, you may not be his opponent. He also knows the Golden Spirit Blade and Martial Skill.” It is not that Bai Yiling is unwilling to believe in Xing Yi, but that Bai Yiling knows the horror of the space inside his body.

Spirit Power is like infinite. Two people play against each other. How can one fight without a blue bar. You can cast unlimited spells, regardless of consumption. Isn’t it the same as a plug-in.

“It’s okay, I’m not as weak as you think. I tempered three times and you forgot.” Xing Yi said: “My body Practitioner has reached the level of a third-order Practitioner.”

“There is also the space you mentioned.” Xing Yi continued.

“How come, such a space can only be arranged by the Martial King, and it costs a lot to arrange it for others.” Bai Yiling has nothing to add, and this kind of thing cannot be done with money. It’s not that close relatives can’t arrange it at all.

On the one hand, the arrangement of Martial King is also quite laborious, but it is not someone who absolutely believes, and will not let you arrange it. After all, it designs the core place in the body.

“You didn’t deliberately lie to me to make me feel relieved!” Bai Yiling looked at Xing Yi suspiciously with two big eyes.

“No, I really do. It’s not easy to explain. I’ll talk to you later.”

“Then be careful, Dong Mengqi used the Martial Skill today. You should be careful today and don’t resist.” Bai Yiling asked: “When the game is over, let’s learn one later.”

Bai Yiling has already planned to let her father come over to teach Xing Yi’s Martial Skill.

If Bai Jun knows, it is estimated that Xing Yi will be taught again.

But the next moment I saw the fire Spirit Power compressed by Xing Yi’s hand, which was impressively Martial Skill, Fire Cloud Palm.

“Ah! Brother Yi, when did you learn the Martial Skill?”

And Xing Yi also intends to confess with Bai Yiling, at least this talent for learning Martial Skill can be confessed, or Bai Yiling will have to find ways to give her Martial Skill again.

“Just learned it two days ago.”

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