Chapter 341 New Talent: Armor Poison Body

After returning home, Xing Yi had a particularly peaceful time for the past two days. He usually exercised his body and went to the defensive office to strengthen his absolute defense sooner or later.

Bai Yiling is also in Closed Door Training, and no one is seen for a few days. Together with Ding Ming and Luo Guangbin, they are working hard to cultivate, and they may be preparing for the Practitioner competition in the second half of the year.

And Xing Yi is still considering whether to unlock a new talent, or wait for enough friendliness to unlock new system functions.

In the past two days, Xing Yi had nothing to do and ran the Internet and the library to find questions about talents. Xing Yi has also gained a lot.

Talents are not only attribute talents, but also various functional talents, just like Xing Yi’s Practitioner body and balance body are functional talents, and they are the strongest batch of them.

Like the more famous function-tired talents, there are talents that can make oneself completely transparent and invisible, as well as the enhanced talents in functions.

Someone’s eyes have been strengthened. In his eyes, people’s movements are like slow motion. The most important thing is that he can see the order of other people’s Martial Skills through his own eyes and learn directly by himself.

It’s similar to own, but I don’t see it, but feel it.

There is also a certain part of the body that has been strengthened, which is not worse than own three times of tempering. It is almost the same as the three times of tempering by the strength of talent alone. It is scary to think about it.

Fortunately, it’s just a certain part, if it’s all, it would be really horrible.

Then there is the spatial talent, a talent that exists in the legend, which also appeared at this time, as long as he uses Martial Skill, he can almost perfectly break the defense.

It also belongs to own savings space, and the space can store a lot of energy.

And the attribute talent is not limited to the Five Elements attribute, and there is also a rare thunder attribute talent.

This is the thunder attribute talent, which is called the special attribute talent for refining, because the body part that thunder attribute strengthens is Qi and blood.

Therefore, the thunder attribute talent can only be used for body training before the emergence of Zhuan Linggong.

It is because the Practitioner who has the talent of thunder attribute was abducted by the University of Wuhan, making the Chinese of the special training Practitioner very angry, and the relationship became worse and worse, and finally turned into a hostile relationship.

There is also the ice attribute talent, which strengthens the Spirit Power, so the original Bai Yiling can make the Spirit Power materialize in the fourth-order Practitioner.

And there is a particularly rare wind attribute talent, which is said to strengthen Mental Energy, but it has not been proved by himself.

There are many different kinds of talents, and each talent developed to the extreme is a power that cannot be underestimated.

Even the most common five-attribute talents have been developed to the extreme, and they are in their world wherever they go. Compared with those who don’t have the talent to rely on Martial Skills to use their talents, the difference in strength can be known without thinking.

But no matter what kind of talent it is, cultivation is a difficult task. According to the book’s record, talent has no special cultivation method.

It can only rely on non-stop practice, but the efficiency of this Ascension talent is the lowest.

Another is that without cultivation, talent will become stronger with the strength of Ascension, but Ascension is limited and very slow, unless Ascension is a big Realm, otherwise it will not be visible at all.

The most useful way is to use Mental Energy’s Ascension to drive talent. Any talented Ascension has a direct relationship with Mental Energy.

As long as Mental Energy is mentioned, the control of talent will follow Ascension, so in general, the control of talent will have a qualitative change in the Great Master Realm.

There is another way to force Ascension with the help of the elders. For example, when the White Emperor helped own own, all the attributes of Five Elements can be easily mastered.

Then there is the use of resources to force Ascension Mental Energy. The only drawback is that it is expensive. After all, Ascension Mental Energy is involved.

Seeing so many talents, Xing Yi also has a similar understanding of own strength. Although he has more talents, his strength should far exceed those of the same class.

But as far as the game is concerned, one’s own spirit poison body cannot be used, and the own attribute talent has only realized a few.

Both the White Emperor and the principal have warned themselves not to expose their talents. The reason may be that they can go to another world in their sophomore year. By then, own talents are not only not an advantage, but may also be hidden dangers.

In the evening, Xing Yi thought about it for a long time, and felt that he decided to unlock a new talent, hoping to unlock a talent that could be Ascension’s own Mental Energy, that would be great.

In the next second, Xing Yi decisively used 10 million friendship points to unlock a new talent.

Body of Poison Armor!

Sure enough, it was a spiritual poison physique again. I don’t know what the hell was going on with this system, whether he wanted to unlock all the five spiritual poison bodies and then fuse them into a real spiritual poison body.

Of course, Xing Yi knows the knowledge of Kai Du.

Armor poison: At first, the skin will gradually harden, just like possessing a metallic talent, then slowly expand to the whole body, finally the body is hardened, and finally the whole body is solidified. After many years, it will become Demonic Beasts.

And the Demonic Beasts who become demonic beasts will follow the command of the person who has the body of the poison, that is, they will listen to the command of the golden armor.

The golden armor, that is, the golden spirit beast, has occupied a whole continent in another world, and its strength is also exaggerated to the extreme.

The strength of his body is called the Emperor of Emperor by all Martial Emperors. It is also the one with the most young brothers among the five spirit beasts. Unlike the spirit beast of dirt, he is lonely and finally sealed.

The armored poison body obtained this time is undoubtedly extremely strong, but it is still a bit tasteless at Blue Star. The only effect may be to temper the skin twice by himself, and the skin has been tempered again.

And the body of kay poison can just help yourself tempering three times to quickly reach the fourth-order body Practitioner.

At that time, the own strength, the flesh and the skin are all tempered, and the own defensive ability may rise to a higher level.

One and two refining together, the speed is extremely fast, even if the energy used in own refining will never be exhausted, it will take a lot of time to complete the refining.

Open the system panel:

Friendly value: 6841319 points

Blood value: 15910 cards

Spirit Power value: 60300 cards

System space: 76210 cubic meters (increases with strength)

System functions:

Probe: (You can detect a Practitioner one level higher than yourself, and you can get all the opponent’s talents and Practitioner strength, 10 points of friendship at a time.)

Concealment: You can hide all your talents and strengths. (Consumption of ten friendly points per minute)

Stealth: You can hide your body shape. (100 Friendly Points are consumed every minute)

Breath simulation: Any breath can be simulated. (100 Friendly Points are consumed every minute)

Saving space: The saving space in the body can store the excess energy in the body, which can be used at any time, and can save up to ten times of its own strength.

Absolute defense: One percent of the devouring effect. (Ascension will increase with strength)

Comprehension Space: Allow yourself to enter (consumption of ten friendly points per minute)

Talent: balance body, Practitioner body, five-attribute body, armor scale ice burn poison body (incomplete)

Unlock Talent: 50,000,000 friendly points

Unlock function: 50 million friendly points

The tempering of the third-order Practitioner has only completed a little more than one-third.

The strength of the Qi Practitioner is still more than 400,000 calories behind the breakthrough fifth-order Practitioner, which is farther.

Compared with those who are at the forefront of the rankings, they are hundreds of thousands less, but cultivation is not something that can be accomplished overnight.

Taking advantage of Kai’s Poison Body, it is the right thing to get into the body refining now.

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