Chapter 348 Spirit Powerized Machine Gun

“Ah, President Zhang, you are here too!” Yan Qiuyuan suddenly changed his tone when he saw Zhang Zhaozhong standing on the side.

“Well, take them to understand here first, they are all Chinese University students.” Zhang Zhaozhong nodded and said.

“Okay, I’ll take them there.” Yan Qiuyuan immediately walked to Xing Yi and the others.

“The five of you will follow him first, and get to know the world first.” After speaking, Zhang Zhaozhong turned his head and walked back.

“Come on, follow me.” After learning that he was a Chinese major, Yan Qiuyuan’s attitude changed obviously.

More importantly, after he approached Xing Yi and the others, he felt that the Spirit Power emitted by the few people in front of him was not weak.

Unlike those who came before, the strength is too bad, most of them are pulled over to make up the number, it is too difficult to help.

He didn’t even reach the third-order Practitioner, and went to places outside the White Imperial City. It was not to save people, it was to wait for others to save him.

Can only handle some trivial matters in the White Imperial City.

“The thick yellow mist outside is not the legendary poison!” Luo Guangbin stepped forward, pointing to the yellow mist in the sky and said.

This is terrible, the richness is like realism, as if it can be liquefied at any time.

“Yes, it’s all filthy poison outside, without the isolation of this big formation, our strength simply won’t last long in another world.” Yan Qiuyuan also looked at the filthy poison outside and said.

“Originally, the external scum poison was not so serious, but yesterday I didn’t know what happened. The scum poison suddenly increased. Many of our bases were broken through, and most of the people inside were eroded by the scum poison.”

“So, we now need to bring those who are unable to return back to the White Imperial City.”

The White Imperial City, everyone knows that there is such a magical city, which not only helps people to clear the dirt and Impurities in the body, but also restores people to the most healthy state.

And it can help recover from injuries, no matter how serious the injury is, as long as there is one breath, it will be healed in the White Imperial City.

The White Imperial City was established from the very beginning, and it successfully became the most important capital city of Blue Star in less than a year, and eventually moved directly to the gate of another world.

With the strongest formation and the most guards, once this place is breached, it means that Blue Star is in danger.

“By the way, do you know Lingdun?” Yan Qiuyuan asked suddenly.

As the top defensive Martial Skill of the mysterious rank, the spirit shield can not only defend, but also insulate dirt and poison.

The previous another world did not need the Martial Skill with such a high level of spirit shield, but the basic Martial Skill used to isolate dirt and poison is a bit weak.

There are more scumbags, and the offensive becomes stronger. If you continue to use the previous Martial Skill, I am afraid that a new scumbag infection will appear soon.

Moreover, once infected by the filthy poison, the strength will decrease, and the blockade of the Meridians and the cyclone, not to mention.

“Yes.” Luo Guangbin, Bai Yiling and Xing Yi nodded.

“It’s okay, we have dual cultivation of Qi Wu, and Du Du has little effect on us.” Ding Ming and Li Junyang are both dual cultivation of Qi.

Moreover, they are all Practitioner’s third-order strengths, and the poisonous effect will not affect them much. At least it will be no problem to go outside to support them and bring people back.

Even if you are infected by the filthy poison, you can continue to turn to the Practitioner after you return to the White Imperial City to clean up.

When the two of them spoke, Yan Qiuyuan cast a trace of envy in his eyes.

Gas dual cultivation has been carried out in Blue Star for more than half a year, but in another world, it is too difficult to learn spiritual skills.

Let’s not talk about the level of difficulty of the spiritual skill itself, it is not easy to cultivate the Martial Skill of the mysterious level by oneself alone.

Not to mention the difficulty of the second stage of Zhuan Linggong is close to the Martial Skill, it is even more difficult to learn.

In Blue Star, if you want to learn spiritual transformation, you need to practice first, as long as the cultivation transformation is one level. But in another world, there is no time to train them and there is no environment to train them.

It is undoubtedly a very difficult thing to learn spiritual skills.

“That’s the best.” Yan Qiuyuan said with envy.

As a group of people walked on the road, Xing Yi discovered that the biggest difference between the Practitioner and the Blue Star Practitioner here is that these people carry a weapon with them.

There are all kinds, and even modern thermal weapons.

But it should not be a traditional thermal weapon, it should be a thermal weapon modified by Spirit Power, and the energy used should be its own Spirit Power.

The course of weapons is also conducted in the first semester of the university.

A really good weapon is to inject its Spirit Power into it, and to swing Martial Skill with the weapon, its power is much stronger than that of unarmed hands.

More modern thermal weapons have terrifying functions. You only need to pull the trigger and the weapon will automatically convert the injected Spirit Power into the corresponding Martial Skill.

Automated weapon equipment.

However, the materials are scarce, even if the Chinese language has been studied for a long time, it has not been really popularized until now.

The highest research of Spirit Power’s chemical heat weapons is said to have reached the level of the seventh-order Practitioner. Only with enough refining materials, the seventh-order Practitioner can be quantified.

“That is the Spirit Power gun. The most popular weapon at the moment. Its power is equivalent to the Martial Skill of the Mysterious Order. It is a Tier 3 weapon and can burst out the strength of the Tier 3 Practitioner.” Yan Qiuyuan followed Xing Yi’s line of sight to see. Explain for Xing Yi.

“The Spirit Power gun can not only input Spirit Power by itself to adjust the power, but also buy Spirit Power bullets to save own Spirit Power.”

“That seems to be a machine gun!” Xing Yi couldn’t help but said: “Don’t say that the thing is a burst…”

“Yes, that’s the same as you think.” Yan Qiuyuan nodded, wanting a weapon like this in his heart.

But not to mention the high price, the quantity is also very small, if you want to buy it also needs to be snapped up.

“Damn, is it so strong!” Luo Guangbin couldn’t help but said.

In that kind of scene, Luo Guangbin just thinks about it and just thinks about it. The two of Meow are playing against each other, and you have a machine gun in one hand.

Who can resist, no matter how quickly Spirit Power recovers, I dare not say that I dare to fight with a machine gun.

“There are also sniper rifles and rockets!”

Xing Yi:…

Luo Guangbin:…

Ding Ming:…

“Depending on the structure of the weapon, the power exerted is different, just like the Martial Skill, the same Spirit Power, and different Martial Skills are also very different.”

Is the Tier 7 weapon even the Spirit Power version of the intercontinental missile?

Xing Yi suddenly thought of Own Zero, the spirit in the prison city, that is, the collar around the dirt neck, if it is still there, can it be transformed into a machine gun.

What’s the power, but I can only think about it. Zero is an artifact of the dirt seal.

Unless the dirt is dead, otherwise Own Zero will never be able to take out the prison city.

Going forward, Xing Yi has also seen a modern transportation tool transformed into Spirit Power.

Compared with ordinary transportation, it has a special protective measure to prevent dirt and poison from entering.

After asking, I realized that these are all things researched by the Chinese University.

Xing Yi knows why the status of Chinese is so high.

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