Chapter 359

When Xing Yi came next time, the number of spirit coins he took again was as high as 15,000.

When carrying the poisonous spirit coin given by Ma Xincheng, Xing Yi did not ask Ma Xincheng to send someone to move it. Instead, he cloned ten identical Xing Yi in and carried the poisonous spirit coin with Ma Xincheng.

The breath is no longer concealed, each clone has nearly 400,000 cards of Spirit Power, which in Ma Xincheng’s eyes is a Tier 5 Practitioner.

There are still ten identical Tier 5 Practitioners, all of which are Martial Skills used by Xing Wei. Obviously, Xing Yi’s move has also made Ma Xincheng completely honest.

Ma Xincheng is a Tier 5 Practitioner, but he has just entered Tier 5, that is, the strength of Tier 5 Practitioner has allowed him to grow and monopolize nearly half of the spirit coin market in this township.

The strength shown by Xing Wei is obviously a warning to himself.

Xing Yi is indeed planning this, he has already brought a lot of coins, and Xing Yi is afraid that Ma Xincheng will take the risk.

It is still necessary for Ma Xincheng to show his established strength.

Even if Xing Yi is not afraid of Ma Xincheng’s memory, Xing Yi does not want to lose an honest partner.

With Ma Xincheng’s team, Xing Yi even wants to monopolize all the coin exchanges in this town, even if the profit is one poison coin.

After all, I have no cost at all. The only cost may be that I also need to spend a little time to practice with the body cultivator of the Practitioner for a while.

The difference lies in the speed at which oneself accumulates money.

“Boss, Yao Liqiang sent someone over again.” Suddenly a person walked over and said to Ma Xincheng, “He asked us to raise the price quickly.”

“Humph!” Mentioned Yao Liqiang’s new achievements and became angry.

In Hubing Town, the two of them originally occupied the coin exchange market, and the price was negotiated by the two, but his own market share was already squeezed out a lot by his actions.

Even this price increase has to come first by yourself, isn’t this cheating?

If you want to go up, everyone will raise the price together, so let yourself go up first. Is there such a trick?

Ma Xincheng even suspects that this price increase is also Yao Liqiang deliberately cheating himself, wanting to further annex his own market share.

At this time, Ma Xincheng naturally did not want to increase prices.

Originally, when Xing Wei appeared, Ma Xincheng thought it was Yao Liqiang to warn him, but Xing Wei was obviously not sent by Yao Liqiang.

“Boss, Yao Liqiang also sent someone to say: If we don’t increase the price, they will reduce the price.”

“Fuck it!”

“Raise the price of f*ck, does he want to increase the price!”

“I think he wants to monopolize the market in the lake ice town alone.” Ma Xincheng couldn’t help cursing.

Xing Yi listened in the sidelines and did not speak. For some time here, Xing Yi also had some understanding of the market here.

The coin exchange market in Hubing Town is exclusively owned by Ma Xincheng and Yao Liqiang, as well as some scattered retail investors.

But those who even have a market share are less than half of them.

In general, the market is divided by Yao Liqiang and Ma Xincheng with a score of seven to three, Ma Xincheng with three points, and Yao Liqiang with seven points.

Yao Liqiang should do this because he wants to swallow up Ma Xincheng’s share, and now he can burn money, as long as he monopolizes him, he can earn it back immediately.

Maybe I can help one side, let the other side monopolize the market, and then sit back and reap the benefits, or cooperate with the two rooms and eat double in the middle.

But to balance between the two, you can’t do it yourself, but you don’t need it, you have no cost at all.

The most important thing is trouble, and what Xing Yi fears most is trouble.

“I will bring some more spirit coins here in the afternoon.” After saying that Xing Yi left directly.

“Wait, brother.” Ma Xincheng hurriedly stopped Xing Yi.

Speaking, he took Xing Yi to a place where there was no one: “Brother, please give me the bottom line, how many spirit coins do you still have?”

Ma Xincheng has nothing to do. If Yao Liqiang cuts the price, he will definitely not be able to burn his money.

If according to Yao Liqiang’s request, Ma Xincheng is sure that he has increased the price, and Yao Liqiang will definitely not increase the price, and even if he comes back, it will be of no avail.

The market is definitely going to fall. The space and equipment he bought is limited, not as big as Yao Liqiang, and the spirit coins he brought back at one time is definitely not as much as Yao Liqiang.

So now, Ma Xincheng can only count on Xing Yi to have a lot of spirit coins, or to let Xing Wei use his space and equipment to stand on the same line as himself.

“A lot!” Xing Yi said.

If I hadn’t used the Spirit Gathering to replenish the Spirit Power of about ten cards for each spirit coin, and if I was only filtering methamphetamine, it would be as much as I need.

Even with 10,000 spiritual coins, it will not take long for the body of the own Practitioner to swallow all methamphetamine.

“Brother, although I don’t know where you came from, the spirit coins given to me are also the most formal spirit coins. There are a lot of Spirit Power cards in it. I also admit that the price of my spirit coins is a bit low.”

“After all, brother, you gave a lot of spirit coins, and they are very formal.”

“Wait, Xing Yi hurried to the stall outside, picked up a coin, and checked it.”

Fuck, every lingcoin is almost not full ten thousand kaling coins, and most of them are short of two.

And far more than ten cards are missing, the most dare to lose a hundred cards.

This one is less than one hundred coins, and the chain of interests in this one is too exaggerated.

“Brother, listen to me, as long as you help me overcome this difficulty and let me monopolize the market, I will directly share 10% of your profits in the future.”

“No, 20%!” Ma Xincheng said after thinking about it.

“I want 50%. The spirit coin I can provide you in the future can be reduced to one spirit coin and two poison spirit coins.”

“Don’t worry, I can take out as many spirit coins as you want, as long as you have enough poison spirits.” Xing Yi added.

“If the brothers can really do it, I can agree, but the profit sharing will have to wait for me to overcome this difficulty.”

“I can promise you.” Ma Xincheng wanted to overcome this difficulty first. When he has money, he only needs to buy another space equipment. Then he can also ask Xing Wei to monopolize the entire market by himself.

“Our total market in one day is about to exchange nearly 50,000 spiritual coins. If the price is rashly reduced, it may reach 60,000 or even 70,000.” When speaking, Ma Xincheng kept his eyes on Xing Yi to see his reaction.

“Of course, my current share may only have a trading volume of 15,000 lingcoins a day, but if I unify the market, I can do it naturally.”

“Okay, wait for me first, I will take away 200,000 poisonous spirit coins, and I can bring you one hundred thousand spirit coins tomorrow.” Xing Yi tentatively said.

“No problem, I believe you.”

Speaking of Ma Xincheng, he took Xing Yi directly to the two rooms. The poisonous coins were all swept away by Xing Yi.

“Okay, then you can wait for my news tomorrow.”

After taking the Poison Spirit Coin, Xing Yi walked straight away, leaving the lake ice town, Xing Yi went into hiding and went into hiding.

According to his current strength, processing these two hundred thousand poisonous spirit coins will take up to two hours.

If it can really be the same as Ma Xincheng said, the daily transaction volume of 60,000 to 70,000, according to the current conversion of one spirit coin and five poison spirit coins.

He can harvest more than 300,000 poisonous spirit coins in one day, which is equivalent to spirit coins.

Sending it out is equivalent to more than 300 million Friendship Value a day.

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