Chapter 363 One Hundred Million Spirit Coins

“Three poison spirit coins and one spirit coin, you can supply unlimitedly?” Yao Liqiang didn’t believe the man in front of him a little.

Ma Xincheng cooperated with Xing Yi in a play. The two people cooperated and fell out. Ma Xincheng wanted to lower the price, while Xing Wei wanted to increase the price. The standard for cooperation between the two was also disguised as three and a half poisonous coin and one coin.

According to the original idea, Yao Liqiang was going to contact Liu Shao, and the two of them killed Ma Xincheng together and gave him some benefits.

Unexpectedly, this lion opened his mouth and directly asked for three layers of pure profits.

“Yes, we can directly exchange it now. I have as many poison coins as you have.” Xing Yi said directly.

“As many as you want, are you sure?”

Yao Liqiang looked at Xing Yi intriguingly, his own poisonous spirit coin reserves are far beyond what Ma Xincheng can match, he is more than double his.

It is acceptable for Yao Liqiang to exchange three poisonous spirit coins for one spirit coin, but Yao Liqiang still does not believe that Xing Yi can come up with so many spirit coins.

Xing Yi smiled without saying a word.

“Three poison spirit coins are acceptable to me, I’m afraid you don’t have so many spirit coins.”

“Don’t worry, I can take out as much as you want.”

The two came to a warehouse, where all neatly arranged poisonous coins were stored.

“Can you still take it out now!” Yao Liqiang’s eyes were always paying attention to Xing Yi’s expression.

“No problem, take a count.”

After that, Xing Yi also showed Yao Liqiang a little bit of his own strength, so that Yao Liqiang would not be distracted.

And Yao Liqiang’s reserves of poisonous coins are indeed exaggerated enough, with nearly 90 million reserves, Xing Yi also won in one fell swoop.

Yao Liqiang was silent for a long time when he saw Xing Yi directly take out the 30 million spirit coins, and the 90 million poison spirit coins were also taken away directly.

This kind of space equipment is a bit scary, no wonder this guy has such confidence that he can have so many poisonous coin reserves because his own space equipment is too small.

If he had such equipment, even if he hadn’t unified the market for a long time, there would still be some poisonous coin reserves by then.

To be honest, if it were not for Xing Yi’s previous strength and his indifferent depth, Yao Liqiang might have already figured out a way to do it at this time.

After the transaction was completed, Xing Yi also left directly.

After Yao Liqiang was silent, he thought about it and went to a place quietly.

And when Xing Yi walked out of Yao Liqiang’s site, he immediately found a place to live, and the spirit coins in his system space had exceeded 100 million.

It’s exactly one hundred million. Maybe I can wait for Yao Liqiang and the others to change the spirit coins into poison spirit coins, but it takes time. The daily amount of spirit coins in this township is actually limited.

Fifty thousand spirit coins died a day, without the poisonous spirit coins reserves of Yao Liqiang and Ma Xincheng, the speed was too slow for the current Xing Yi.

I can’t afford to wait here. If I take a reserve of Yiling Coins back to Shenzhou and give it to Chinese University, my own friendly value will be able to break through 100 billion immediately.

At that time, no matter how many talents you want to unlock, it won’t matter, there are system functions as well.

With so much money, Xing Yi has been wandering in Lake Bingzhen these days. There are also many things that China does not have.

Weirdly shaped weapons, as well as a lot of Demonic Beasts skin and meat, bones are the best raw materials for weapons.

Demonic Beasts cannibalize people. The strength of a person is the best tonic for Demonic Beasts, and Demonic Beasts is the same for people.

The whole body is the same, but Demonic Beasts also depends on the level. Demonic Beasts that are too high-level cannot chew the meat at all.

After all, Demonic Beasts have to temper their flesh.

The biggest difference from Blue Star is that the weapons here seem to be limited to the era of cold weapons.

But it’s right to think about it. With the blessing of Spirit Power, cold weapons are no different from hot weapons.

They don’t need any heat weapons at all, and many other world Spirit Power devices are even more advanced than Shenzhou.

Xing Yi hasn’t been idle these days, looking for related books everywhere, Xing Yi feels that he has completely integrated into another world.

However, Xing Yi did not feel the difference between the human beings here and the human beings of Blue Star, at most the difference in physical characteristics and dressing style.

Although no map about another world was found, Xing Yi also learned that this another world actually has space tunnels between major cities and the mainland.

At this point, the Bluestar high-speed rail plane is crushed. The Bluestar Practitioner should be able to do similar things, but maybe the Bluestar is too small.

Those high-rank Practitioners are too lazy to engage.

No record of Blue Star was found, but Xing Yi saw that this another world was connected to many other planets.

Blue Star may be just one of them.

And most of the humans on another world were not original inhabitants.

According to the information Xing Yi searched and bought, this another world is divided into five major sections. The most dangerous are the two sections with wooden spirit beast and golden spirit beast.

The safest is the plate where the dirt is located, and the land is also the continent with the most forces and the most human gatherings.

There are no humans in the fire area, and there may be humans who will take risks, but absolutely no one settles.

Because the fire spirit beast is too powerful, and the burned poison has some substantive properties, it is completely a sea of ​​fire, just like the water, it is full of ice, and it is difficult to drink water.

The spirit beast on the Golden Territory can be said to be the top Martial Emperor, and the speciality of armor poison has created batch after batch of Demonic Beasts.

And these Demonic Beasts are all ruled by the golden spirit beast.

The same is true for the wood spirit beast, the spirit poison of the wood attribute can also create the demon plant, and the strength of the demon plant ruled by the wood spirit beast is also terrifying.

Therefore, there are actually only two continents suitable for human survival, the water area and the soil area.

The waters can survive because water spirit beasts have basically never appeared before. Otherwise, the waters may not be suitable for human survival.

There is another religion. Xing Yi was silent for a long time when he saw it. Huantian Sect actually developed in another world, and it has existed in another world for a long time.

The Huantianjiao is widely distributed and strong. It belongs to the top of another world.

Practicing a powerful country is not as good as Huantianjiao.

Huantian Sect belongs to the existence of everyone shouting and beating in the same way as in Shenzhou, but Huantian Sect still exists to this day, and it is even particularly powerful.

After all, the growable Cultivation Technique is too heaven-defying, and the foundation of Huantianjiao is that Cultivation Technique.

Suddenly Xing Yi saw a familiar Medicine Pill, Chu Lingdan, but he didn’t expect that another world would have such a thing.

The quality seems to be better, but it’s right to think about it. It has only been a few years since Bluestar Practitioner has developed, and many things about Practitioner cultivation may have been learned from another world.

Inquired about the price, a spirit storage pill costs ten spirit coins, which is about the same as the price of Shenzhou.

They are all ten times the price of spars or spirit coins, and the Spirit Power stored in them is one-tenth the price of spars.

However, this kind of Medicine Pill is rare, and Xing Yi has only 20 of them.

After all, this is Hubing Town, which is equivalent to a poor small town in China. Even spiritual coins need to be accumulated, so there is no money to buy spiritual pill cultivation.

If you want to buy in large quantities, it is estimated that you will have to go to Arctic City.

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