Chapter 365

Methamphetamine water, the lower the water, the deeper the concentration of methamphetamine, and the faster it consumes Xing Yi’s Spirit Power.

In the savings space, Xing Yi didn’t store Spirit Power at all. All he stored was methamphetamine, so he couldn’t concentrate on his career two days ago.

It’s all methamphetamine, if you didn’t have the two second goods above, you would have used it already.

Now I can only watch my own Spirit Power dissipate a little bit, even if I can replenish it through the spirit coins in the system space, but the consumption speed and recovery speed are not at the same level.

After a while, Xing Yi’s spiritual poison broke directly, but methamphetamine wanted to penetrate into Xing Yi’s body but was blocked by Xing Yi’s skin.

The skin tempered three times, even if Xing Yi’s current strength is not too strong, it is difficult for this level of spiritual poison to invade Xing Yi’s body.

However, in the eyes of Yao Liqiang and Ma Xincheng, Xing Yi’s spiritual poison is broken, which means that Xing Yi has no chance to resist.

As Xing Yi sinks deeper and deeper, the two of them are also anxious. The space equipment is still on Xing Yi. If Xing Yi sinks further, the two of them will really not be able to salvage Xing Yi.

Without the release of Spirit Power, the surrounding methamphetamine began to freeze again.

And Yao Liqiang jumped directly, he didn’t want to wait anymore, just in case, Ma Xincheng also jumped with Yao Liqiang.

Even if Xing Yi still has spare energy, the two can get involved and won’t be dragged by Xing Yi as a backstop.

The two of them plunged directly into the water at once, and the Spirit Power that the two radiated would not make the ice water solidify again, but it could be maintained for a while.

In order to ensure that Xing Yi was dead, the two of them also dropped a few more attacks on Xing Yi. Seeing that Xing Yi did not respond, the two suddenly accelerated, scrambling to swim to Xing Yi’s side.

The ring in Xing Yi’s hand is now particularly dazzling for the two of them.

“Since you are here, don’t leave.” Seeing the two, Xing Yi shot directly, Spirit Power is gone, but his own blood is still too much.

But even now, Xing Yi has not exposed the existence of qi and blood, but has transformed the qi and blood into Spirit Power through spiritual transformation.

Even if there is not much Spirit Power, with Xing Yi’s current control over Spirit Power, even under the suppression of methamphetamine, the two of them are still entangled under the surface of the water.

“I was wrong, I was wrong, Xing Wei went out and gave you all the coins, let me go, let me go once.” Ma Xin established Ma beg for mercy.

Under this ice water, no one dare to stay here for a long time, and can’t even float without Spirit Power.

Moreover, the peculiarity of methamphetamine, even if it is contaminated with a little bit, is a very scary thing. In order to get Xing Yi’s Interspatial Ring, Ma Xincheng and the two have already taken a big risk.

“Let me go, let me go, I will give you all my spirit coins, and give you everything you want.” Yao Liqiang also quickly begged for mercy, almost crying in fear.

“It’s late, stay with me down here.”

The two of them struggled to break free, they used more and more Spirit Power, and the three of them sank deeper and deeper.

Methamphetamine is already rich to a certain degree, at least more than half.

The shields of the three of them were all broken, and Ma Xincheng and the two immediately condensed into ice. Xing Yi didn’t use any force, and the two of them broke into ice slag.

Xing Yi quickly reached out and took over the two Interspatial Rings.

The two solved it, but Xing Yi had no Spirit Power at all. The ice water condensed too fast. Before Xing Yi could get out, he was frozen in front of the ice.

Even if you hide in the comprehension space, you can’t break through these ice surfaces.

Comprehension Space can carry out a corresponding distance displacement with its own Mental Energy strength, but the premise is that there is no obstacle in front of this displacement.

In this situation, let alone a few tens of meters of ice, there is a formation on it to isolate, and you want to go out unless you wait for your strength to recover and you go all the way.

But if he wants to go out, there is no big problem. As long as Xing Yi uses methamphetamine, he can go out directly.

Even if you don’t use methamphetamine, you can still fight out after you recover some strength.

Taking advantage of the recovery time, Xing Yi also took a look at the Interspatial Ring of the two of them. There were still many things inside.

The entire Interspatial Ring is full.

Most of the ones placed in it are spirit coins, and there are some weird things, and a map just happens to be what I need.

There is also a weapon, a spear, and the quality of the weapon is probably about the fourth rank.

In the other Interspatial Ring, most of the resources placed in it are cultivation resources, and the Chu Ling Pill accounts for the majority, and there are some Medicine Pills that I have never seen before.

This should be Ma Xincheng’s Interspatial Ring. I remember that this guy has to work hard to cultivate. These resources are much better than the other one.

Yao Liqiang’s Interspatial Ring is only about 500,000 coins, a weapon, a map and some strange things.

And Ma Xincheng’s Interspatial Ring is a lot richer, and there are probably millions of pieces of the Spirit Pill alone. There are also many precious Medicine Pills, which are probably used to help breakthroughs.

It’s a good harvest. When I go out, I will give him Yao Liqiang’s warehouse and replenish his own system space.

Ma Xincheng, who has cultivated resources, has helped himself to supplement, and he doesn’t have to worry about cultivation resources.

With so many resources, I don’t know how long I can use them.

With millions of storage pills, his current strength should be able to absorb three storage pills a day, and with his own talent, he can handle side effects well.

At least fifteen Spirit Pills can be obtained in a week, and one million is enough to use for many years.

And Chu Lingdan’s Ascension to his own strength can also accelerate his Ascension, doubling the Ascension.

Three thousand Spirit Power’s Ascension a day, I am afraid that I am going to shock everyone.

One thousand five thousand five days a week, before breakthrough becomes a fifth-order Practitioner, it takes less than two months to complete.

This Ma Xincheng has helped him a lot, and only with the strength of Tier 5 can he be more calm on this continent.

Although it is still very small, but at least the strength is rapid Ascension.

In one day, Xing Yi didn’t break the formation but used the mark left by Ma Xincheng to fly directly out.

From the outside, there is no difference at all, it is amazing, the structure of formation is too amazing.

But even if Xing Yi wants to learn, there is no way. Even if Xing Yi never forgets to learn, he still needs to understand from the most basic.

But now the most important thing is to collect Yao Liqiang’s inventory. If you want to take your own life, then keep the money.

However, when Xing Yi walked to the lake ice town, he was also stunned by this scene.

What was once a bustling lake ice town is now in chaos.

Almost all of the ice-based buildings in Lake Ice Town were pushed to the ground, and there were many blood stains on the ground, like a battlefield after a fight.

The stores of Ma Xincheng and Yao Liqiang have all closed down. When Xing Yi went to search for the spirit coins in the warehouse, even the warehouse collapsed.

This was only a day, and the lake ice town was messed up like this.

After inquiring, I realized that the official forces had attacked the original forces in Lake Bingzhen.

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