Chapter 379 Fire Spirit Stones

The coming Martial King, Mental Energy instantly blocked the audience, looking for the Martial Spirit that Xing Yi blew up just now.

The breath exuded by Xing Yi’s clone is indeed the breath of the Grand Great Master, or the breath of the Blue Star.

It is necessary to know that since the Blue Star forces have shrunk, the Blue Star people have hardly left the city, even if it is a Martial King like him, it is extremely difficult to kill a Blue Star’s seventh-order Practitioner.

After feeling the breath of Xing Yi’s clone, Ye Guoliang also immediately felt the scene.

Unexpectedly, this Blue Star person didn’t even resist, so he blew himself up. This was in line with the Blue Star person’s temperament to regard death as home.

But I really thought that if you blew up, you wouldn’t drop Martial Spirit, it’s ridiculous!

Even if the Blue Star is originally from explosion, Martial Spirit will still be dropped, but the drop grade will certainly not be as high as the non-self-explosive drop.

Think of a Grand Great Master who is just getting started, and it is very likely that the fifth-order Martial Spirit will be dropped after the explosion.


A Tier 6 Martial Spirit, but because of his own negligence, turned into a Tier 5 Martial Spirit, Ye Guoliang was not upset that it was fake.

But at The next moment, Ye Guoliang was no longer angry, but angry.

Martial Spirit disappeared, and someone took the fallen Martial Spirit away under his nose.

This is completely challenging own bottom line.

The next moment, the Mental Energy of Rank 7 broke out in an instant, and everyone around was immediately shocked, unable to move even if they wanted to.

Let Ye Guoliang’s Mental Energy explore it again.

“No!” Ye Guoliang said, and his voice sounded like a thunder, shaking in everyone’s ears.

In Tuwangcheng, he, Ye Guoliang, is the king, the only king.

Dare to challenge your own temper. Those who steal their own Martial Spirit are afraid that they are not looking for death.

As everyone knows, Xing Yi’s clone won’t drop Martial Spirit at all. Not only does it lack Martial Spirit, it doesn’t even have a breath remaining.

Not only could Ye Guoliang couldn’t find the whereabouts of Martial Spirit, but he couldn’t even find the body of Xing Yi’s clone.

After searching around, he didn’t find the whereabouts of Martial Spirit. Didn’t that guy die?

It is also possible to think about it. A Grand Great Master is extremely difficult to cultivate and grow. It would be silly to run to the enemy city to give someone a head so easily.

Such a person cannot grow into a Grand Great Master.

But in what way did you escape, and why this moat formation didn’t respond, it shouldn’t be!

Ye Guoliang put away Mental Energy, and the people standing around also breathed a sigh of relief.

The spiritual suppression of a Martial King is really terrifying, and even the seventh-order Practitioner can not be able to resist it, not to mention that most of the onlookers are the fifth and sixth-order Practitioners.

Some people who think they are a little bit strong.

Unable to figure it out, Ye Guoliang also disappeared.

Xing Yi in the distance was relieved. Xing Yi was actually not afraid of being discovered, but afraid of Li Junyang being discovered.

The aura on Li Junyang’s body is extremely dangerous here if he doesn’t simulate the technique anymore, and even he may not be able to protect him.

Even if you have a strong clone, the strong Spirit Power value does not mean that you really have that level of strength.

The background of that Martial King is not strong enough to be terrifying, there is no one or two back players, let alone the Martial Emperor created by his friendly value is just the most basic Martial Emperor.

If accompanied by his own breathing determination, he is not even considered a Martial Emperor, that is, he just broke through the Martial King.

What Martial King is best at is the spatial Martial Skill, that is, when Dong Mengqi dealt with own moves, even if he could not handle it three times.

Not to mention Martial King’s offense. Such a space Martial Skill is so powerful that it directly forcibly blocked the space. Xing Yi just felt it clearly with his clone.

That kind of powerful power can no longer be compensated by the value of Spirit Power. In the Realm competition of Martial King, it is more about Spirit Power’s control of space.

Speaking of control, the first person that came to Xing Yi’s mind was Wang Kai.

That guy’s use of Martial Skill and Spirit Power reached an exaggerated Realm.

It may be the reason for Zhuan Linggong. Since the cultivation of Zhuan Linggong improved by Wang Kai, the deeper the cultivation, Xing Yi feels that his control over power is more subtle.

The faster you learn Martial Skill.

Wang Kai can improve his spiritual power, so his strength is even more exaggerated. Until now, he still feels out of reach when he cultivates spiritual power.

Wang Kai hid too deep!

It is estimated that it will be difficult to catch up with Wang Kai, but it shouldn’t be difficult to deal with Wang Kai with own body.

But there are too many Martial Skills that Wang Kai knows, especially the last move against own, which feels like it’s unstoppable.

However, Wang Kai has no control over the space, otherwise he might not have been able to hide in the savings space.

When I went to see Li Junyang in the evening, he hadn’t learned the simulation and transformation art he had learned.

Xing Yi can also be regarded as seeing the speed of ordinary Practitioner learning Martial Skill.

Accustomed to the perverts between himself and Wang Kai, even Bai Yiling learns Martial Skill very quickly.

But Li Junyang only learned the Martial Skill of the three mysterious ranks, one for disguise, one for concealment, and one for simulation.

Until now, Li Junyang had just become familiar with the concealment technique, and concealed his own breath until he learned how to not know the year of the monkey.

No way, Xing Yi had to take Li Junyang’s token to help him renew it for a month, and at the same time help himself renew it for another month.

I was thinking about returning to Blue Star as soon as possible, but now I don’t know how long to wait.

Reluctantly, I overestimated the speed of Li Junyang learning Martial Skill, it was too slow.

The communication equipment on Li Junyang’s body had long since been raided, and the White Imperial City could not be reached at all.

Just take advantage of this time to get acquainted with the city of another world, what’s the difference.

Looking at the cooling time of the Dharmakaya outside of his body, there are still twenty-three hours. Next time, maybe he can condense a stronger clone.

After instructing Li Junyang, Xing Yi went to the market outside to hang out.

Exotic and dazzling treasures, Xing Yi bought almost all the weird things he saw, and bought them as gifts for Bai Yiling as a souvenir.

Until Xing Yi saw a flaming red stone, similar to a spirit coin, but burning like a flame, there was still temperature when he put his hand on it.

After asking, I knew it was called Fire Spirit Stones.

The energy in it is all fire attribute Spirit Power, which is too useful for Practitioners with fire attribute talent.

Suddenly, Xing Yi thought of something. After buying a fire Spirit Stones, he went straight to find a place where no one was left to enter the savings space.

Take out the weapon spirit and fire Spirit Stones together.

Sure enough, the weapon spirit crazily swallowed the fire Spirit Stones, and after a while, the fire Spirit Stones were completely swallowed.

It is much faster than devouring ordinary spirit coins. The most important thing is that after the weapon spirit has swallowed a fire Spirit Stones, it becomes stronger too quickly.

The kind that is visible to the naked eye becomes stronger, and consumes more fire. Spirit Stones might be able to advance to Tier 4 weapons soon.

For Tier 4 weapons, the most important thing is that these days the weapon spirit swallows own Spirit Power, and gradually they actually have contact with themselves.

It is estimated that a little more, it may be income into the body.

At that time, if there is something that the spirit can swallow, just hold it in your hand, and you don’t need to enter the savings space.

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