Chapter 391 Xing Yi Is Still Alive?

The reason why the Blue Star forces have such a small reserve of spirit coins is due to the number of Practitioners, and the exchange ratio between poison spirit coins and spirit coins is 10:9.

Forces like another world are generally two to one, which also allows some cities in another world to have enough reserves of spiritual coins.

Not only that, another world has to collect money even when they enter the city, and they have a large number of spirit veins, and spirit coins are definitely not lacking.

The Blue Star is different. Even if there is one more Dragon Imperial City now, it will only be five cities.

Without spiritual veins, only Dragon Emperor City had the great defense formation, but the great defense formation of the Dragon Emperor City was not researched by Chinese, but the Dragon Emperor used hard power to snatch it back from the imperial forces.

But even if it was taken back, it could not be studied, because the core of the defense formation was something that the Chinese University could not find a substitute.

Moreover, compared with the defense formation, large-scale joint formation is the current research direction of the Chinese University, but it suffers from the lack of formation.

But it is too difficult to obtain the formation order. The White Emperor can directly rush into the local camp and forcibly grab a few formation orders, but the formation order is tied to the individual.

As long as they are outside the personal limit, the formation order will be automatically destroyed. Even if the White Emperor snatches people back together, the high-level formation order controller can also destroy the stolen formation order at any time.

The imperial order has been developed for many years, and various situations have been taken into consideration, and they have been perfected one by one.

Now Chinese Da wants to research it out in a short period of time, making it almost impossible.

And those forces who came to take refuge in the Blue Star only saw the strength of the Blue Star Martial Emperor. If they want to really hand over the formation, the imperial Martial Emperor will probably appear in front of them in the next second.

Faced with Zhang Xiang’s request, the White Emperor also had a headache. No matter what Zhang Xiang wanted, he couldn’t get it out.

Even my daughter’s request is in no way. Own Mental Energy is almost covering the entire territory, but Xing Yi still cannot be found.

Instead, I found the Wang Kai who disappeared with Xing Yi.

However, the strength came directly to the Martial King, and he was directly generous and justified. There was too much weirdness revealed in this.

I can only hope that the big Chinese spirit coin manufacturing machine will be built soon, otherwise the high-rank weapons researched by the Chinese University will be useless.

For thermal weapons of Tier 7 and even 8, each attack requires at least tens of millions of Spirit Power, which is a thousand yuan upwards of spirit coins.

Once the war is started, the spirit coins are the biggest consumable, relying solely on the reserves of millions of spirit coins in the White Imperial City, even if it is not just the beginning of the war, the spirit coins will be gone.

Then let the Martial Emperor go off the court, and the situation will really last forever.

“I don’t know where Li Junyang went, he hasn’t come back yet.” Ding Ming said a little worried.

Luo Guangbin turned his head and said: “Blue Star has no news about Li Junyang, neither has the five major cities, and I have never responded to messages with him.”

“It is very likely that he is out.”

At this point, the faces of several people became serious, and they all knew what the situation was now. The forces of the earth had reshuffled, and it was difficult for the Blue Stars to survive in another world.

Running out is as if the prey enters the hunting ground, it is no different from looking for death.

Bai Yiling always wanted to go out, but she was imprisoned, and she couldn’t get out of the White Imperial City.

Even the White Emperor couldn’t guarantee Bai Yiling’s safety, let alone Li Junyang.

“I heard from the teachers that the war is about to start.” Bai Yiling also said: “When the time comes, we will look for him outside and Xing Yi by the way.”

It has been more than a year since Xing Yi disappeared. No one knows whether it is alive or dead, but they also have a vague answer in their hearts. Xing Yi must be gone.

Otherwise, how could there be no news until now.

The battle started, Bai Yiling and the others, as the core members of the Chinese University, had a sniper rifle with a Tier 7 weapon in their hands.

This is also the most powerful and safest weapon developed by Chinese University for single use.

However, the minimum cost is 500 Lingcoins for each use, and the maximum cannot exceed 1,000 Lingcoins.

When the war really starts, they will definitely stay on the last line of defense.

Although there is no large-scale joint formation in Chinese, there are still small-scale joint formations, and those people are responsible for controlling Tier 8 weapons.

That is the real destruction of the world. As for the Tier 9 weapons, they have not been studied until now, and at most they only use the Spirit Power value to reach Tier 9.

But it is almost impossible to truly use the power of the ninth-order Practitioner.

The White Emperor also gave Bai Yiling an own Mental Energy clone, something that no one knew.

One and a half Martial Emperor clones.

After the battle started, the White Emperor also agreed to let Bai Yiling go out to find Xing Yi, but he had to bring the Mental Energy clone he gave her.

If something is wrong, the clone will bring him directly.

The half-Martial Emperor clone is also the white emperor’s biggest trump card. It is said to be a half-Martial Emperor, but the talent it possesses is a body of poisonous poison. In the soil, it is not far behind the real Martial Emperor.

The biggest reliance of the Martial Emperor is to wave the Spirit Power around him between his hands and feet, without consuming his Spirit Power at all.

A clone with a body of filthy poison can also do it in the earth domain.

And it’s still manipulating the poison.

And even if the clone is invincible, you can go immediately if you sense it. As long as you don’t unearth the domain, the White Emperor can guarantee Bai Yiling’s safety.

“Okay, we will find it together at that time!” Luo Guangbin immediately agreed.

In this year, he also successfully broke through to Tier 5 Practitioner, and he had few opponents in the same session. With the Tier 7 weapons and many spirit coins in his Interspatial Ring, he was not afraid of what he might encounter when going out. Danger.

On the contrary, the more people in the White Imperial City said that it was dangerous outside, the more he wanted to go out.

Ding Ming wanted to say something but stopped, because he knew in his heart that Xing Yi was probably no longer there, and Xing Yi’s identity card had been extinguished for more than a year.

This is the only way for the White Royal City to know if they are safe when the Blue Star Practitioner is out. When the ID card is off, it means that the person is no longer there.

Unless Xing Yi is no longer in the territories, otherwise Xing Yi’s identity card will definitely not go out.

“Li Junyang is not dead, he also brought back millions of Lingcoins in Chinese University.” Suddenly someone ran over and said.

Li Junyang came back alive and brought back nearly six million spirit coins, which really stunned all the people in the White Imperial City.

The news spread in the White Imperial City in an instant, it was nearly six million coins.

“Really!” Luo Guangbin stood up directly, not making spirit coins: “Where is he?”

“In the branch of Chinese University.”

“Let’s go take a look.” Bai Yiling and Ding Ming also stopped and stood up.

A few people went directly to the Chinese University in the Baihuangcheng.

With nearly six million spirit coins, Luo Guangbin handed them all to Zhang Zhaozhong as soon as he returned.

Holding these three Interspatial Rings, Zhang Zhaozhong fell silent for a while.

Because there is an Interspatial Ring, he knows!

This is what he gave to Xing Yi.

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