Chapter 413

The golden Spirit Power gradually dissipated, but Xing Yi stood there unscathed.

Xing Yi looked squarely at the person in front of him this time. The Martial Skill was connected so fast that he could instantly break the spirit shield on his body.

Even if he was just careless, the spirit shield on his body didn’t use much Spirit Power, but you should know that there is not a slight difference between your own and Yu You’s strengths.

With the Golden Spirit Blade, he could break his own Spirit Shield, no wonder Yu You was able to sit firmly in the third place on the Billboard last year.

This actual combat ability is quite strong.

However, before the absolute strength, it is still necessary to exaggerate.

Xing Yi stood in front of Yu You intact.

Yu You turned his head back confidently and saw that there was nothing wrong with Xing Yi, both eyes widened, and he wondered if he had read it wrong.

How could Xing Yi in front of him have nothing at all, he clearly felt that Xing Yi’s spiritual shield was broken by his own Golden Spirit Blade.

But looking at Xing Yi’s sufficient spiritual shield, Yu You was already wondering if he felt wrong.

He didn’t hit Xing Yi at all.

Yu You didn’t see Mental Energy clearly, but it was clear to those who watched the video through the live broadcast.

Xing Yi’s spirit shield was indeed broken, and ten golden spirit blades were directly hit on Xing Yi’s body.

But Xing Yi froze because of his physical strength, and there was really nothing wrong with it.

“Didn’t it say that Xing Yi was tempered three times on the Internet before!”

“Yes, I didn’t believe it before, but now I really believe it. It’s not because I tempered my spirit shield three times to eat it.”

“Can the flesh really be cultivated to this level!”

“How much suffering do you have to endure three times!”

They didn’t know the three times of tempering, but they were too clear about the first tempering. Nowadays, almost everyone in the Shenzhou is dual cultivation of spirits.

They know the pain of tempering the body too well.

Especially when the bones are being tempered, life is not as good as death. Cultivation is completely different from Qi training, and it is simply suffering.

It has been difficult once, let alone tempered on top of tempering, let alone tempered three times.

And among Xing Yi, the three tempering seems to have always been a legend, even if the white emperor succeeded in tempering three times.

But not many people know.

Even Xing Yi’s three temperings have been exposed, and there are still many people who don’t believe that the three temperings can be completed by humans.

Let’s not talk about the pain value of tempering, just talk about the forced suppression of qi and blood before the breakthrough Practitioner, which is not something ordinary people can accomplish.

The second-tempered body Practitioner is generally a person who has the talent to strengthen a certain part of the body.

The third tempering is much more difficult than the second tempering, and it’s not at the same level at all.

Now Xing Yi once again showed his powerful physical body, I have to say that he was tempered three times and was invincible in close combat.

“I heard that you are also a Practitioner, right? Come and fight.” Xing Yi said to Yu You.

Yu You immediately began to switch Qi and blood, but the speed was much slower than Xing Yi. If such a speed were put on the battlefield, I am afraid that Yu You would have died a long time ago.

However, Xing Yi was also waiting for him, and did not rush to make a move.

After the switch, Yu You’s blood exploded, and he was also a Tier 5 Practitioner, but his aura was not as strong as before.

There should be some consumption in the middle.

A punch was mixed with blood and energy, and the palm of the fire cloud was attached to the palm of the fire cloud.

But Xing Yi stood there, didn’t even hide, just resisted.

Still the same.

Every time Yu You uses Martial Skill, he is mixed with blood, but Xing Yi is just a physical collision.

To put it simply, Xing Yi didn’t use any blood at all, just relying on the strength of his physical body to fight against Yu You.

Even so, Yu You couldn’t help Xing Yi, and there was even a hint of aura suppressed by Xing Yi.

From a distance, Yu You’s body is full of vitality and blood, a fiery red patch, and huge destructive power erupts between shots and feet.

And Xing Yi was like a young man who couldn’t help but feel weak.

But in reality, their styles are completely reversed.

At this time, even if Yu You didn’t admit it, he knew in his heart that Xing Yi was stronger than himself, not a little bit stronger.

Regardless of the strength of the Qi Practitioner or the strength of the body, he and Xing Yi are not at the same level.

Xing Yi’s talent, Spirit Power, and Qi and blood are useless, and now even if he uses the hot attribute talent, he may be deceiving himself.

But as a fighting freak, how could he give up lightly.

Since you can’t beat them, let’s add weapons!

Yu You is also not afraid of others saying that he cannot win by force. What he needs is battle, not victory.

If you can fight, you know you can’t fight, you must find a way to increase your own strength, just like the last time you dealt with Bai Yiling.

With the addition of weapons, he can fight back and forth with Bai Yiling a few times differently.

Yu You stopped, but Xing Yi didn’t attack either.

“How about it, can you take me in!” Although he didn’t exert his full strength, he should understand the gap between himself and Yuyou.

“Wait, I still have weapons that are useless!”

Next, Yu You didn’t care what Xing Yi said, the Tier 6 weapon directly took out, and a fiery red whip appeared directly in the hands of the friend.

Fire weapon, Tier 6 weapon.

“Fuck, Yu You, who is so terrible, is starting to play lame again!” Someone exclaimed.

You can only use weapons if you can’t fight, relying on the power of the weapons, Yu You has always turned the battle over, after all, it is a Tier 6 weapon, and it is a Tier 6 weapon for single use.

Already have a weapon with the power of attributes, combined with Yuyou’s own talent, it is naturally not an ordinary strong.

The sixth-order Practitioner can definitely be played.

Sure enough, after taking out the weapon, Yu You not only changed the attack method and the Martial Skill, but also the commonly used subconscious movements.

Qiang is indeed quite strong, but Xing Yi is also considered a half-step sixth-order Practitioner. Mental Energy is not weak at all. Even without Mental Energy’s Martial Skill, it is not a big problem to suppress a friend.

Mental Energy instantly turned into a huge palm, grabbing Yu You, and flying two spirit blades directly at Yu You in the backhand.

Why did Yu You use the fire whip to block it, but he couldn’t move his body no matter what.

It’s here again, and it’s the same feeling, when I was fighting against Bai Yiling last time, and Xing Yi’s was obviously stronger this time.

This Xing Yi is even stronger than Bai Yiling.

Yu You couldn’t stop him, Xing Yi controlled the Spirit Power, and the Jin Lingblade instantly turned into a palm and patted Yu You.

With the powerful Spirit Power, Yu You was shocked and flew above the large array behind him in an instant.

Yu You lost.

And Xing Yi hurried up, using water attribute talent to help Yu You recover.

Bai Yiling’s reaction was exactly the same as when Yu You and Bai Yiling were fighting last time.

I was afraid that Yu You would die, but Xing Yi had stronger control over Spirit Power, and Yu You’s injury would not be too serious. Xing Yi just wanted Yu You to send himself in.

I don’t have time to spend with him here, but I have something to do when I come to the North Imperial City.

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