Chapter 417 Breakthrough!

Xing Yi is going to Cloud Imperial City this time. There are a total of ten Imperial City forces going to this time. In comparison, Tuwang City can only be regarded as the upper-middle strength among the ten Imperial Cities.

But the geographical location of the Tuwangcheng was determined. The Tuwangcheng must be the vanguard of the battle against the Blue Star forces, and no one can grab the use of the Tuwangcheng.

The remaining nine royal cities dealt with those forces that took refuge in the Blue Star, or the forces that took refuge in the Dragon King.

And the Dragon Imperial City is standing in the center of the empire’s power, like a thorn in the heart of the empire, and the empire will never allow this thorn to not only be pulled out, but also continue to expand, or become inflamed.

The Tuwangcheng battles the Blue Star forces. Without the participation of the Martial Emperor, even if the Blue Star has more Martial Kings, the empire is not worried that the Tuwangcheng will be defeated.

Leading the army, stepping down all the way, the Martial King has to kneel as many as he comes.

It doesn’t matter if you run away, as long as the site is flat.

As for revenge, no one really cares about the revenge of a Martial King, unless that person is a dead Poison King.

The person who controls the spirit poison with one hand may still be worried, but the general Martial King can’t get in.

There is only one end after entering, that is, being slapped to death by the Martial Emperor of the empire, or being surrounded to death by the army.

The Tuwangcheng seems to be infinitely beautiful, and given so many orders, generally speaking, a royal city with a million Practitioners is the best.

But Tuwangcheng already has 3 million Practitioner armies, all of which are the starting armies of Tier 3 Practitioner, and this number is still increasing rapidly.

Not only that, but the Cloud Imperial City also equips the Tuwangcheng with so many 7th-order formation orders, relying on this, the Tuwangcheng can also be proud of the other kings.

Generally speaking, an imperial city has a seventh-order formation. When fighting, the seventh-order Practitioner leads the army, and the eighth-order Practitioner fights alone.

That is the combat power of two Martial Kings, one is more tiring and the other is more powerful.

The Tuwangcheng now has four Martial King combat powers, and three of them are military Martial Kings, and their hard power is comparable to the existence of Martial Emperor.

That is a weapon of siege, a weapon of mass destruction, used in battle, it is definitely an overkill.

There is no problem with an army Martial King dragging a lot of individual Martial Kings. If the Practitioner under the Martial King is slaughtered, it is even easier.

Moreover, Xing Yi still has nearly three million third-order orders, four million fourth-order orders, 10,000 fifth-order orders, 50 sixth-order orders, and ten seventh-order orders. make.

With so many orders, can Ye Guoliang’s confidence be insufficient?

This is also the biggest treasure Xing Yi found in Ye Guoliang’s Interspatial Ring. An array is equivalent to a Practitioner.

It’s still a Practitioner of not low grade, and a royal city can have so many orders, tens of millions of troops.

Yun Imperial City called Ye Guoliang this time and thought that the equipment given to Ye Guoliang last time was too much, and it would be difficult for a royal city to truly digest so many orders.

It is impossible to want the entire Tuwangcheng people to be soldiers, even if Xing Yi is willing, the Tuwangcheng people are not willing.

Not everyone is willing to enjoy the benefits of formation without labor, and there is not a small number of people who want their own cultivation to gain strength.

However, Xing Yi expanded his troops madly, and found that the real Practitioner now has only three million troops. It may become more and more difficult in the future, no matter how great the benefits are.

And the extra formation order must be returned, even if Xing Yi wants to be greedy, Xing Yi still has a 9th order formation order on it.

Everyone thought that Xing Yi’s formation would all be invalidated.

Therefore, it is impossible at all, and Xing Yi must also return it.

It is indeed a bit unrealistic to control tens of millions of troops. Maybe with so many troops, it may be possible to kill a Martial Emperor.

On the other hand, Xing Yi took most of the Medicine Pill, plus the use of the original space, and in one night, Xing Yi finally broke through to the strength of the sixth-order Practitioner.

Spirit Power materialized, not relying on own talent, only relying on current strength, Xing Yi can finally do this.

In the future, there is no need to use talents to pretend. Hard power is the truth. The breakthrough of the sixth-order Practitioner gives Xing Yi too much.

The sixth-order Practitioner strengthens and tempers Spirit Power and Qi and blood. One element materializes and the other is Qi and blood materialization.

Only with the breakthrough sixth-order Practitioner, the elemental talent can exert its true strength, and with the ability to materialize, it is just as powerful as a tiger.

Strength to the next level.

The most important thing is that after breaking through the sixth-order Practitioner, own Mental Energy is also slowly growing. Although the speed is not fast, it is indeed rising again.

You have to know that your previous Mental Energy can hardly grow on its own, either by taking drugs by yourself, or unlocking new talents.

But now, own Mental Energy has finally begun to grow slowly, but unfortunately there is no Martial Skill and Cultivation Technique specialized in cultivating Mental Energy.

Otherwise, own Mental Energy can’t be so bad.

Doesn’t match own strength at all.

Generally speaking, the Mental Energy of the high-rank Practitioner is one-tenth of its own Spirit Power value, so like its own, the Spirit Power value has exceeded one million.

But Mental Energy is still 10,000 ups and downs.

The difference is too far. When encountering those Practitioners with higher mental energy, even if your Spirit Power value is strong, it is useless.

Mental Energy attacks are more powerful than any Martial Skill, and more indefensible than spatial Martial Skill.

Just like when I dealt with Ye Guoliang, he didn’t give Ye Guoliang any chance at all. A mental shock directly shook Ye Guoliang to death.

The 100 million yuan Mental Energy is, even if it is placed in the Practitioner waiting for you, it is also the highest ninth-grade Mental Energy.

It’s a kind of Minor World by itself, but unfortunately Xing Yi doesn’t, otherwise the avatar’s strength would not be so bad.

Obviously it is the hardware of the Martial Emperor, but I was dumbfounded by myself as the advanced fifth-order Practitioner.

There was no way that Xing Yi had too little contact, and he didn’t know how those Martial Kings and Martial Emperors fought.

Like a stalk, Xing Yi is the farmer, dreaming about the emperor’s life, using a golden hoe.

Xing Yi couldn’t understand it.

Even if Xing Yi has the hard power to control the Martial Emperor, he still has the skills to deal with people.

Even Xing Yi didn’t notice that even if the Martial Emperor avatar was slapped gently, a space crack could be punched out.

One step into an abyss is not an exaggeration at all.

Xing Yi has not really seen the strength of the Martial Emperor. The strength of the individual Martial King may have been seen by Xing Yi, but he has also seen it.

He doesn’t understand how the Martial King fights, because when it comes to Martial King Realm, Mental Energy is especially important.

As for Mental Energy, Xing Yi couldn’t see or touch it at all, and he didn’t even dare to feel it with Mental Energy.

With the strength of Tier 6, now he can finally start the cultivation of Mental Energy.

Even if own Mental Energy does not compare with own hard power, it is not too high even if it compares with the sixth-order Practitioner of the same rank.

Especially those Tier 6 Practitioners who have already cultivated Mental Energy are far from each other.

In front of them, perhaps I estimate that one stop at one step will result in a concussion in two steps.

Mental Energy is so different that there is no way to fight it unless you use military orders to protect yourself.

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