Chapter 440 It’s actually Xing Yi!

Seeing that Xing Yi dealt with three people so easily, and even able to mobilize space, it was not just Bai Shunong who was desperate at this time.

The same is true for Li Danyang. She of the seventh-order Practitioner knows that Xing Yi has the strength that she can’t handle.

When the previous battle was over, Li Danyang also knew that he had no chance of survival, and he also gave up the hope of breakthrough formation.

A formation that is arranged at will is so powerful, let alone what kind of strength he has. At this time, Li Danyang just wants to die, not leaving it to these people Martial Spirit.

Blasting is my only way out now.

Before the war was over, Li Danyang came to Bai Shunong almost instantly, and with a palm, Bai Shunong was half dead. Bai Shunong didn’t even have a chance to react, and Li Danyang was about to blew himself up.

And Bai Shunong will definitely die in this self-destruction.

“Fuck!” Xing Yi turned around and was dumbfounded: “What are you two doing!”

Xing Yi directly controlled the absolute defense, reduced and then reduced, restricting Li Danyang’s movements, and he himself came to Bai Shunong in a flash.

At this time, Bai Shunong was almost dead, and the mental energy was almost dissipated. Xing Yi hurried to help Bai Shunong with the body of the Practitioner. In order to speed up the speed, Xing Yi’s water attribute talent also helped Bai Shunong recover.

Li Danyang looked confused.

Afraid of Li Danyang’s misunderstanding again, Xing Yi directly restored his original appearance: “Don’t be so stupid, I’m Xing Yi, a Chinese major, my own!”

Li Danyang also stood there on the spot, and the person in front of him was actually Xing Yi, who is a big Chinese. No wonder he had to protect the two of them behind him when they first met, and even used formation to isolate them when fighting.

It turned out not to be afraid of running away, but to be injured. After all, the battle between Tier 7 was too exaggerated.

No wonder this formation is so familiar to me. Isn’t it the kind of formation in Chinese? It was arranged by the same person.

Li Danyang also hurriedly approached Bai Shunong, who wanted to help recover. After all, he had taken a heavy shot just now, and Bai Shunong himself was already half-stripped.

Taking a palm by himself was almost tantamount to killing Bai Shunong.

“Don’t make any mess, you can just wait aside.” Xing Yi was also sweating anxiously at this time.

Bai Shunong’s injuries were more serious than he thought. Although the injuries on his body were recovering visible to the naked eye, Bai Shunong couldn’t wake up.

With a wave of his hand, Bai Shunong and Xing Yi disappeared. Li Danyang was left standing there, feeling at a loss.

“What about people?”

Li Danyang was anxious and excited now. He didn’t expect that he and Bai Shunong were rescued, but he almost slapped Bai Shunong on the road.

But the person is gone now, even Xing Yi is gone, but the formation hasn’t dissipated, and the two people seem to have disappeared out of thin air.

The space around this is not as fragile as Blue Star, how could Xing Yi disappear under his nose, but thinking about Xing Yi’s current strength, it seems that everything is possible again.

Xing Yi grew up to this kind of Realm. Faced with three Grand Great Masters, he could not only win but also easily solved it.

The strength of his body is invincible, and the offense of several people on Xing Yi’s body seems to be a joke.

Think of the rumors that Xing Yi had tempered three times before, and now it should be true. After all, this kind of physical strength is too exaggerated.

Xing Yi now has the combat power of a Tier 7 Grand Great Master, and he has grown faster than himself. You must know that he also relies on Martial Spirit to gain his current strength.

It is impossible for Xing Yi to use Martial Spirit, but Xing Yi’s strength is physical strength. That’s a physical Practitioner. How can there be so much blood and Qi Martial Spirit for Xing Yi to use.

Even the eighth-order Qi and Blood Martial Spirit may not be able to supply the three-time tempered Xing Yi to his current strength.

In addition, there is no such person in the Blue Star of the eighth-order Martial Spirit, and there can only be the White Emperor, and other people can’t drop the eighth-order Martial Spirit at all.

Not to mention the eighth-order Martial Spirit, it is said that there are only a handful of eighth-order Practitioners, which means that Xing Yi cannot have the current strength by relying on Qi and blood Martial Spirit.

Then Xing Yi was terrible.

This growth rate is simply unstoppable.

At this time, Xing Yi had already come to the original space, where the Spirit Power is rich, and there are special powers for people to use.

If Bai Shunong can’t be saved here, then Bai Shunong may really be gone.

If it really died like this, it would be too worthless. It didn’t die in the hands of another world, but died in the hands of its own.

Fortunately, Bai Shunong’s Mental Energy has slowly stabilized, which means that Bai Shunong’s injury has stabilized.

The rest relying on Xing Yi’s Practitioner body can still help Bai Shunong recover, but it can’t restore Bai Shunong to the peak of his body, but there is still no problem in allowing Bai Shunong to move freely.

Twenty times the speed of Spirit Power, and it didn’t take long for Bai Shunong to do it.

Seeing that Bai Shunong finally woke up, Xing Yi also let out a long sigh of relief. He had already helped clean up the poison in Bai Shunong’s body.

In other words, Bai Shunong can now run his own talent recovery.

“Don’t talk, you are fine now, you are safe, I will help you heal your injuries first.” Xing Yi said immediately.

Bai Shunong felt his own body gradually regain consciousness, and his skin trauma was visible to the naked eye, and he was stunned.

However, the reason Bai Shunong was stunned was because of Xing Yi. How could the person in front of him be Xing Yi, didn’t he have been thrown into the border of Mo Yun?

Aren’t there four Grand Great Masters in a duel and locked up themselves?

Bai Shunong of Tier 5 strength couldn’t see the battle of Xing Yi and the four of them at all. He just knew that the destiny waiting for him must be Death.

But now what is in front of him, Xing Yi will help him heal again. Could it be that Xing Yi saved him? That counts as the last time, Xing Yi has saved himself twice.

And where he was now, as his injuries recovered, Bai Shunong gradually began to cultivate himself to heal his injuries.

I don’t know if I don’t cultivate, the poison in my body has been completely emptied, but Bai Shunong is not too shocked.

Because he knew that Xing Yi had an ulterior secret, and this secret himself had been tight-lipped and never told the public, that was Xing Yi’s manipulation of Dudu.

Xing Yi should have helped clean up the poison in his body, but his current cultivation speed is too exaggerated. Could it be that he made a breakthrough?

It’s a breakthrough sixth-order Practitioner. Obviously it is not. It is the problem of the environment.

If the body is weak, the qi and blood will become weaker, and there is not much qi and blood, and Bai Shunong’s Spirit Power will be directly restored.

Bai Shunong hasn’t used this familiar Spirit Power for too long. This kind of body tempering will not only feel painless, but also feel unusually comfortable.

This cultivation method is much better than body training.

The two recovered together, and Bai Shunong’s body recovery speed was almost abnormal.

Bai Shunong, who was still at the gate of the prefecture last second, already had the ability to act at this moment.

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