Chapter 442: The Invincible Xing Yi

“You two stay here, I’ll go find someone else!” Xing Yi said to the two of them after finishing the spiritual engraving.

Although Mental Energy consumes a lot, it recovers faster in the original space. In addition, Xing Yi’s current Qi Practitioner has broken through to the seventh-order Practitioner,

Not to mention the recovery.

It takes only a few hours to write a Cultivation Technique for two people, and the mental energy consumed is not too much.

After speaking, Xing Yi disappeared directly.

The formation order shows that there are still fifteen Blue Star people, and there are still fifteen Blue Star people in the past so long, indicating that these people from Cloud Imperial City intend to bring people back.

Even though it won’t hurt people’s lives now, Xing Yi is also ready to go forward one by one.

Generally speaking, those Blue Star people who were killed should encounter Grand Great Masters who were not too strong, because they were not confident that they could bring these Blue Star people back in exchange for a lot of resources.

So they can only kill people on the spot to take the Martial Spirit. Even if they are eliminated later, they can return with a Martial Spirit.

As for those Grand Great Masters who discovered that the Blue Stars did not kill them, generally speaking, they have enough confidence in their own strength. Bringing the Blue Stars back can exchange a lot of resources.

This is more valuable than a Martial Spirit, not to mention that most of the Blue Stars here are physical practitioners, and the Qi and Blood Martial Spirit is not too useful for them.

It is the most cost-effective to take it back.

Of course, if there is any danger on the road, if they can’t take the Blue Stars back, they will definitely take the Martial Spirit first, and then run on their own.

Xing Yi also wants to rescue those people before they encounter danger, or for those people, it is not necessarily that he is the danger.

In general, when saving people, you must be careful, otherwise those people are likely to take the Martial Spirit directly.

After Xing Yi left, Bai Shunong and Li Danyang also exchanged ideas immediately.

“I fainted at the time, how could Xing Yi be here?” Bai Shunong was really confused, even if Xing Yi had successfully rescued himself, Xing Yi didn’t say anything to himself.

The current Bai Shunong still doesn’t know anything.

“I don’t know too much, you know the person who shut us in that formation, he is actually Xing Yi!” Li Danyang recalled and said, in fact, he couldn’t believe that the powerful Practitioner was actually Xing Yi.

“Isn’t that person from Yunhuangcheng, what’s the aura?”

“Zhanlinggong!” the two said in unison, staring at each other.

Xing Yi just gave the improved spiritual transformation to two people. Although neither of them has started cultivation, the two people still understand the general function.

It is said that after turning to spiritual cultivation, it can simulate the aura of all people in the world, or it is a perfect simulation of aura, the kind that even I can’t distinguish.

In other words, Xing Yi must have penetrated the enemy by relying on breath simulation.

Thinking of this, the two people thought that Xing Yi was too terrifying, and this talent was simply invincible.

Bai Shunong is okay, because he has seen Xing Yi’s talent explode once, and that time Xing Yi saved himself, and it was the same underground Martial Spirit processing factory.

He was caught for the second time, and then he was about to seize Martial Spirit.

Both times, Xing Yi saved himself. To be honest, Bai Shunong was already a little ashamed.

“Well, your current strength?” Bai Shunong suddenly raised his head and looked at Li Danyang.

Bai Shunong saw the outbreak of Li Danyang at the beginning. Although he had never beaten those three people, his strength must be much stronger than himself.

Because those three people gave themselves a second casually, and Li Danyang was able to tie with one, and he could still come to him among the three. This strength was strong enough.

Speaking of this, Li Danyang was also silent.

Only she knows how her strength was exchanged, and that was obtained through Martial Spirit Ascension, which is not own strength at all.

Li Danyang truthfully talked to Bai Shunong about the origin of his strength. The first is that it took more than a year to get to the sixth-order Practitioner in the underground factory with the resources of those people.

Finally, their sacrifices fulfilled the strength of their Grand Great Master.

But obviously he didn’t fulfill their dying wish. Not only did he fail to do it, if it weren’t for Xing Yi’s arrival, he would have given those people a stronger elemental spirit.

It’s also very fortunate that Xing Yi has come, and has enough strength to save himself and Bai Shunong, otherwise Li Danyang would not be stunned even if he died.

After hearing this, Bai Shunong was silent. Another world wanted the Martial Spirit of the Blue Stars. In their eyes, the Blue Stars were not humans, just like Spirit Coins and Martial Skills, that was the best cultivation resource.

Killing one or two Blue Star people will not have any psychological burden at all, and it will not be long before the Tuwangcheng will have a large-scale war with the Chinese forces.

I don’t know when, Blue Star will truly stand up in this land.

“What about Xing Yi? What is his strength!?” Xing Yi’s strength is obviously beyond Bai Shunong’s understanding, and Li Danyang has the strength of a seventh-order Practitioner.

And one of the other three Grand Great Masters is still the peak Grand Great Master. Since Xing Yi can easily crush three people, what is Xing Yi’s strength?

Martial King! ?

Xing Yi is still so young, he should not be the Martial King, but even if he is not a real Martial King, Xing Yi is also strong like a Martial King in terms of this combat power.

“He should have just breakthrough Grand Great Master!” Li Danyang said this, she herself couldn’t believe it.

But the feeling Xing Yi gave her was not wrong. He was also just breaking through the Grand Great Master. It was indeed the same as Xing Yi, but the strength of the same junior Grand Great Master was too far apart.

Moreover, the strength of Xing Yi’s Practitioner has not even reached the seventh rank, and Xing Yi has not used Spirit Power to fight at all, and the same is true of Qi and blood.

Xing Yi solved the three people and seemed to use only physical strength and physical strength to tear the space apart.

Moreover, the space of Moyun’s frontier has been specially reinforced. Generally speaking, even the Grand Great Master cannot easily open it, or tear it apart.

But Xing Yi did it with his body.

Little did he know that Xing Yi couldn’t finish it either, and being able to use the space so skillfully also relied on the power of Xing Yi’s space talent.

All three Grand Great Masters were beaten to death.

“New to Grand Great Master, are you sure!?” According to Li Danyang’s words, Bai Shunong didn’t dare to think that Xing Yi was new to Grand Great Master.

Bai Shunong would rather believe that Xing Yi has a particularly strong cultivation talent and cultivation resources, so that Xing Yi’s cultivation progress can be improved by leaps and bounds.

It’s also hard to believe that Xing Yi is a higher-order match, and he won easily.

This is really shocking.

“It should be the effect of spiritual transformation!” Li Danyang thought for a while and said: “The more spiritual transformation is cultivation, the stronger the control over Spirit Power and strength.”

Thinking about the progress of Xing Yi’s cultivation, it is really possible that it is the effect of Zhuangong. At this time, the two people look at the Zhuangong in their minds, and they are even more excited.

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