Chapter 452 Space Breaking Blade

Xing Yi has exposed too many talents. With Xing Yi as the center, a special talent field has been formed, but there are three more types of people around Xing Yi.

After a brief calm, there will be violent storms.

The three groups of formations almost avoided Xing Yi tacitly and became a clash of team forces.

However, Xing Yi was locked by Third Stage Mental Energy. At this time, Xing Yi was already unable to move. There were too many people accumulated in the array.

Even if Xing Yi’s talent was exposed too much, it was as cool as Mental Energy, let alone Third Stage Mental Energy.

Xing Yi’s current situation is very similar to the scene where the dirt was chased and killed by many Martial Emperors, but it was a big formation composed of Martial Emperors.

It is not a level at all.

Xing Yi can only hope that the own clone will come over soon, or else he might actually explain it here.

Fortunately, the Practitioner’s physical energy slowly swallows these mental energy, which can make him feel better, otherwise Xing Yi may have difficulty breathing now.

As long as you give yourself a little more time, you can hide in the original space.

But fortunately, he still has some resources, which were taken from those people just now. Long before the war started, Xing Yi gave some of these resources out.

It was given to the Bai Shunong and the others in the Origin Space, so that they would have the opportunity to bring it back to the White Imperial City in the future, and use it by themselves if they didn’t have a chance.

And the friendship value left by Xing Yi himself is enough to unlock a new system function again, even though Xing Yi’s spirit is now being charged.

But the system can still be used, unlock a new system function.

Spiritual barrier!

It is most conducive to own things now, too suitable for the current self.

Own Mental Energy is fully charged, and the mental barrier is to protect own Mental Energy from being controlled.

Simply put, the mental barrier is to send Xing Yi’s Mental Energy to a space similar to the origin, which is to move to a safe place.

It can prevent Xing Yi’s Mental Energy from being controlled, but Xing Yi can no longer use Mental Energy. There are pros and cons, but the advantages definitely outweigh the disadvantages.

Without Mental Energy, Xing Yi could only rely on his eyes to observe the surroundings. Many invisible attacks would definitely not be visible to Xing Yi.

Moreover, the current energy is released, and the mountain collapses when the earth moves. Even if Xing Yi’s eyes are strengthened, they are also human eyes.

In the high-rank Practitioner battle, there is no difference between being blind without Mental Energy, but it is still very beneficial to Xing Yi.

Mental Energy itself is Xing Yi’s weakness. Although Xing Yi can’t perceive the opponent’s offense, this requires Xing Yi’s faster reaction speed and stronger physical fitness, otherwise Xing Yi will definitely finish playing.

However, Xing Yi possesses both of these, which largely makes up for the weakness of not having Mental Energy. Although it still greatly weakens Xing Yi’s strength, it is better than being charged in place.

Using the mental barrier, Xing Yi immediately felt that the Mental Energy from his body had disappeared, but he did not feel the existence of Mental Energy.

I can only vaguely feel an invisible force fighting back and forth around me, and my own body is also bound by that kind of thing.

But his body is already able to move, as long as he can use his force, the powerful qi and blood can fully support the surrounding restraints.

Look at the battle on Yunxi’s side.

“Korean, I advise you to give up. This powerfully talented Practitioner is not something you can kill. He can serve Yunhuangcheng and will atone for his merits in the future.” Yun Xi angrily rebuked.

“Xing Wei killed people in public, and it was my friend who killed him. I must avenge him. Xing Wei must die today.” Han Wen didn’t persuade him at all.

It’s nothing more than to offend Yun Xi. If you offend Li Xingxiang, then you will come to the end. The most important thing is Xing Yi’s talent, as long as you grab it.

I definitely have the confidence of Breakthrough Martial King, even if I offend people all over the world, I don’t hesitate to do it.

The same is true for the other team. Xing Yi’s talents are amazing. The six talents are definitely one of the top forces in Yunhuangcheng.

Even Yunhuang has mastered Yunhuang’s power for so many years, he does not necessarily have Xing Weiduo’s talent.

Although more talents do not necessarily mean more powerful, more talents can completely determine where your lower limit is.

For the six talents, the lower limit will not be low no matter what.

At this time, it’s no hesitate to offend anyone.

That is to say, they didn’t know that Xing Yi was a Blue Star. If they knew it, they would go crazy right away. The only ones who are crazy now are those who cultivate spiritual power.

Although the low-level spirit absorption skills and the devouring talent are flawed, they have also made them crazy to this point. If there are no side effects of elemental spirits, I am afraid that the current Yun Xi has also joined the looting army.

The three groups fought back and forth, and they all had their own followers. Little did they know that Xing Yi had already got rid of the shackles and was preparing for a sneak attack.

Spatial Broken Blade, the five attributes of Spatial Broken Blade, this can be regarded as Xing Yi’s most powerful trick, that is, it takes too long to accumulate energy.

Five attributes plus spatial attributes, the space is connected and broken into pieces.

No matter how strong the Practitioner is, as long as it does not dodge, it will definitely be cut into pieces.

Unless the physical body of the Practitioner can withstand the tearing of the space, and the space disappears wherever he is, or the intensity of walking around him.

The five attributes are additional scattered attacks. Once the Spatial Blade touches a person, it will explode immediately, and the five attributes will explode and decompose just like the origin.

The most suitable is group attack.

When someone discovered that Xing Yi had broken free, he didn’t take Xing Yi to heart when he was accumulating energy.

I just thought that someone had interrupted the shackles of Xing Yi on his side. As for Xing Yi to untie it by himself, it was impossible.

Mental Energy of dozens of people work together to deal with a person of the same rank. If he can untie himself, there are only two possibilities, otherwise Xing Yi himself has hidden his strength.

Either there is external help.

Obviously Xing Yi belongs to the latter.

But no one cared. The place was so big that Xing Yi couldn’t run away. There were beasts outside, and there was only this place that was slightly safer.

Seeing Xing Yi’s energy, they were not afraid at all. For them, Xing Yi’s attack was no different from tickle.

The three of them didn’t care about Xing Yi’s particularly powerful attack. They were confident that Xing Yi could not even break their shield.

Unless he knows the Martial Skill of the Space System, but the Martial Skill of the Space System is so precious, and Xing Yi’s strength uses the Martial Skill of the Space System, just like that.

It is impossible to hurt them.

But the next second, when Xing Yi Space broke the blade and hit them in front of them, they were moved and regretted.

A huge black crack, like a hunting blade, rushed straight towards them. The spirit shield outside was like a bubble, which was easily cut.

They can only avoid as much as possible. Fortunately, the broken blade is a piece, as long as they don’t resist avoiding it.

I have to say that Xing Yi’s power is still very deterrent, and everyone is forced to avoid it.

But at the moment of contact, the broken blade exploded and instantly turned into a space crack, shooting in all directions.

Everyone didn’t react, and the body was penetrated.

The additional attributes dispersed instantly.

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