Chapter 454

The flesh and blood of ordinary people is no longer enough for Xing Yi to fight on.

And this is also discovered in Korean. Xing Yi only recovers relatively quickly, but it is impossible to recover to his body at the peak.

With just a slight attack, Xing Yi immediately broke his skin.

Xing Yi is no longer the physical God of War, but the consumption of Spirit Power, Xing Yi seems to be endless, of course because Xing Yi can only be used for Spirit Power defense.

Plus in order to prevent accidents. Most of their offenses in Korean are space-based.

Xing Yi’s Spirit Power defense is also like a fake, so Xing Yi’s Spirit Power doesn’t consume much.

But now Xing Yi couldn’t hold it anymore, and the whole person was exhausted. Hangeul slowly appeared in front of Xing Yi.

A few people have long been in the formation and don’t know how many times they have fought, otherwise Xing Yi wouldn’t be able to hold on for so long.

Hangeul went out to absorb Xing Yi’s talent, obviously it was also Hangeul who won, and of course, Hangeul also paid a lot of price.

After promising to go out a lot of things, Hangeul is qualified to stand out among the many practitioners who cultivate spiritual power.

The people behind watched Han Wen fly in front of Xing Yi, and his heart was also complicated. Xing Yi’s talent definitely didn’t necessarily appear for many years.

It is also the strongest talent they have ever seen, and no one wants to give up at all, but Hangeul has given too much, and the strength of Hangeul is absolutely top among them.

They can only stare blankly now.

The same is true for Yunxi. Before solving the internal problems, Yunxi and the others had already restrained Yunxi and the others who were watching from the sidelines in advance.

Even if Yunxi’s status was unusual, they still bound Yunxi to the ground.

Han Wen went out without fail, and the formation order was dissolved.

Wang Kai looked at Xing Yi who was dying, and he was thinking about whether he wanted to make a move, but whether he made it to solve Xing Yi or this arrogant guy.

Even if Xing Yi’s talent is not attractive to him, the value in it is absolutely terrifying, and terrible that he doesn’t think he can hold it.

After thinking about it again and again, Wang Kai still decided not to make a move, but if Xing Yi died, the elemental spirit would be collected by himself, but he didn’t know whether he would drop the elemental spirit after being absorbed by the spirit power.

It should be, after all, spiritual absorption is not a god-level Cultivation Technique, and it should not be able to fully absorb it. This is also the drawback of spiritual absorption.

Seeing Han Wen drifting to Xing Yi’s side silently, one hand slowly stretched out, looking at Xing Yi who couldn’t even move, Han Wen also smiled disdainfully.

No matter how strong the talent is, it is not dying.

Without strong strength, he would dare to expose his talent at will, although he didn’t know why Xing Yi wanted to expose his talent, it was still in the case of so many people.

But after absorbing Xing Yi this time, I’m afraid I will hide, at least after hiding behind my Martial King to get out.

Seeing so many people, Hangul can’t be sure whether he will be alive after he goes back.

Xing Yi was really out of strength, not at all.

Originally, Xing Yi wanted to enter the original space directly, but later Xing Yi wanted to test the limit of own.

Now the test is almost done. Without Mental Energy, there is really no difference between it and a blind man. I can’t see any blindness by myself.

But fortunately, he can run away at any time and hide in the original space.

Seeing Hangeul raising his hand, Xing Yi knew it was time to run away.

Just as Xing Yi was about to run away, there was a sudden movement in his body.

It’s one’s own weapon, spirit!

Before Shuang Qianyi left, he gave Own a weapon with the function of swallowing and transforming. This thing has also been upgraded and strengthened by Xing Yi.

Now that he has the strength of the fifth rank, after upgrading to the fifth rank, the weapon spirit will directly enter his body.

It’s just that at Xing Yi’s current level, the weapon spirit can no longer withstand the use of his own Spirit Power. For a Tier 5 weapon, he may destroy the weapon with a little carelessness.

After all, he is already a Grand Great Master, Xiao Yi gave it to own, of course Xing Yi didn’t want it to break.

But now, the spirit actually moved on its own, and appeared directly beyond him.

“Huh~ I still have the strength to take a weapon!” Han Wen smiled disdainfully, ignoring Xing Yi, and continued to use the Devouring attribute on Xing Yi’s body.

But in the next second, Han Wen found out that he couldn’t control the Spirit Power in his body.

The magical weapon of the Magical Heavenly Sect means that it is the leader of the Magical Heavenly Sect himself, but Hangeul is not a member of the Magical Heavenly Sect. Of course, he does not know the existence of the Spirit Devouring Stick.

Why does Huantianjiao obey the order of those who hold the spirit swallowing stick, because the spirit-swallowing stick, like Double Thousand Yi, has sanctions for all the people who cultivate spirit-sucking skills in the Huantianjiao.

To be precise, as long as the cultivation of spiritual absorption is within the control of Shuang Qianyi, of course the same is true of the spirit swallowing stick.

Although the Spirit Swallowing Stick is not stronger than Double Thousand Yi, it can also strengthen itself through the cultivation of the Practitioner that absorbs spiritual power.

Taking the Spirit Swallowing Stick again, Xing Yi immediately knew the function of the Spirit Swallowing Stick. This was what Shuang Qianyi left to Xing Yi.

“Brother Yi, the Spirit Swallowing Stick has appeared on the initiative. I think someone with the cultivation spirit absorption skill is about to attack you, and the Spirit Swallowing Stick can help you!”

Then there are some functions of the Spirit-swallowing stick, but this is the message passed to Xing Yi by the Spirit-swallowing stick itself.

Xing Yi still stayed in the voice left by Shuang Qianyi, but Han Wen stood motionless in front of Xing Yi, the energy of his whole body being swallowed by the spirit swallowing stick.

The wood attribute on the spirit swallowing stick has been lightened brighter, and the spirit swallowing stick has also changed from rank 5 to rank 6.

Xing Yi, who came back to his senses, looked at the Korean language, it was almost gone.

Xing Yi didn’t keep his hands either, but directly controlled the Spirit Devouring Stick to absorb all the devouring attributes and Spirit Power of Korean.

The Spirit Swallowing Stick became stronger, and Xing Yi quickly recovered. He already had the strength to stand up. After that, the Spirit Swallowing Stick also helped him heal his injuries.

Xing Yi smiled unconsciously.

It seems that Xiao Yi has left a lot of good things for himself.

How could Xing Yi not know the value of the spirit swallowing stick, for all people who cultivate spiritual power, that amount is too much.

Grand Great Master has it, Martial King and even Martial Emperor have it, and mastering the spirit swallowing stick is equivalent to controlling these people.

The most frightening thing is that the Spirit Swallowing Stick can swallow even the Mental Energy that cultivates spiritual power, and can also store it by itself. It can be said that the Spirit Swallowing Stick is equivalent to a weakened version of the Double Thousand Yi.

There will never be too many of these things, and there may even be only one.

Seeing the sudden death of Hangeul and Xing Yi who slowly stood up, everyone was shocked. How could Xing Yi still have strength.

And how did he kill Hangeul, it’s impossible?

But in the next second, more than a dozen people found out that Spirit Power and Mental Energy in their bodies were out of control.

Wang Kai’s eyes widened, staring at Xing Yi firmly.

“Fuck! It’s crazy, how could Xing Yi have a spirit swallowing stick!” Wang Kai was too dumbfounded: “This thing is terrible, and isn’t this thing always in the hands of that old thing?”

Is Xing Yi so possible?

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