Chapter 463 Three Refining Completed

“Look at what I am doing, you two first take a good grasp of your current strength, and when I recover, let’s learn from each other.” Xing Yi said in the face of the two doubtful eyes.

Xing Yi looked at their strengths, and as expected, both of them successfully broke through to Martial King Realm.

The reason why I don’t seem to have the breath of Martial King is all because own Mental Energy has not completed the tempering. Even with the strength of Tier 8, he still looks like the Realm of the Grand Great Master.

This kind of embarrassing situation, in fact, Bai Shunong and Li Danyang are also the same, but they just broke through and haven’t noticed it.

After this battle, Xing Yi’s body refining progress has also been ascension a lot, but the recovery is still too slow.

After that, Xing Yi once again gave Bai Shunong a resource worth 100 million Lingcoins, and asked him to take it back, and Xing Yi’s friendliness value also expanded again.

Xing Yi didn’t talk nonsense, and directly unlocked a brand new talent.

Suddenly Xing Yi’s whole body flashed with thunder, and red lightning covered Xing Yi’s whole body.

Thunder attribute talent, the only attribute talent that can act on qi and blood and Spirit Power, is also the only attribute talent that can increase qi and blood.

The two people not far away were also surprised by the aura that Xing Yi exudes. The thunder attribute talent is rarer than the ice attribute.

The most exaggerated thing is how many talents Xing Yi already has, and now there is one more Thunder attribute talent, and in the future, it is estimated that Xing Yi will come out with any talents, and both of them will be surprised.

But this time the thunder attribute talent, the two obviously felt wrong, because the thunder attribute talent on Xing Yi’s body seemed to have just been obtained.

They also didn’t see Xing Yi using elemental spirits or something, then where did Xing Yi’s talent come from? If it was born with him, the level of talent mastery could not be like this!

But after a while, the two people put away their doubts, because Xing Yi’s thunder attribute talent was stable, and it exploded.

The blood surging throughout the body seemed to be the legendary three tempering.

Now the two of them are even more excited. These are the three temperings in the legend, and they have been completed by the White Emperor alone since ancient times.

Now Xing Yi is actually tempering the blood for the third time, and they have never seen the blood of the second tempering, let alone the difference between it and the first tempering.

But after watching the three tempering battles, the energy of Qi and blood was too exaggerated, as if it could swallow everything.

The fact is indeed the case, the qi and blood of the second tempering can swallow the spirit poison, and the qi and blood of the third tempering has fully possessed the ability to swallow all energy to strengthen one’s own.

As for Xing Yi, who possessed the Thunder attribute, the third qi and blood tempering became extremely easy. The third tempering was in progress while Xing Yi mastered his talent.

Lightning continued on his body, qi and blood surged, and the speed of tempering also accelerated.

The most exaggerated is the skyrocketing qi and blood. With the blessing of the source space, Xing Yi’s qi and blood have increased too fast, and Mental Energy is also rising.

The sixth-order Great Master Realm is finally about to break through, and only the seventh-order own Mental Energy can usher in a qualitative leap.

In less than half a day, Xing Yi had completely mastered his talent, but the three refinements had been completed, and Xing Yi also successfully broke through to the seventh-order Practitioner.

Mental Energy also began to temper, and Mental Energy’s tempering is even simpler. Each tempering will double the original basis.

If the mental energy tempering is completed three times, Xing Yi’s mental energy will be at least ten times.

After the mental training is completed, he can almost catch up with the mental strength of the ordinary eighth-order Practitioner, otherwise he is really too bad.

As for Bai Shunong and Li Danyang, they are even worse. On the surface, they are a Martial King. Once they use Mental Energy, the two of them will probably stop cooking immediately.

But it’s okay to practice with the two of them, but the most important thing now is to seize the time to recover, and then rush to Tuwangcheng.

On the bright side, Ye Guoliang is dead, so he is the highest official of Tuwangcheng, and he needs to go back and control the situation quickly.

If Yunhuangcheng sent another Martial King, he would be sure to seize power from him, or to replace him directly would be like replacing Ye Guoliang.

Xing Yi continued to recover, and Bai Shunong and Li Danyang continued to stabilize their soaring strength.

And the outside world, led by the dirt, the beast tide has moved forward in a big way, and it has already reached the foot of the forces in the cloud imperial city, and the beast tide moved by the order of the dirt.

And Yunhuangcheng had already prepared for the battle, one by one Practitioner flew outside the moat formation, and the formation was immediately deployed.

The great defense formation plus hundreds of thousands of Practitioners formed an array of orders, and this was the first line of defense. In the face of the beast tide, Cloud Imperial City laid out a full ten lines of defense.

Each of them is an imperial city force, and it is absolutely impossible for the beast tide to break through the line of defense and cause a devastating blow to Cloud Imperial City.

The power of Mo Yun’s frontier territory has become larger and larger, and then the power of the Cloud Imperial City has decreased, which is absolutely unbearable for the Emperor Yun.

The most important thing is that there are many spiritual veins on this necessary path, and that is the most important thing. Losing a spiritual vein is equivalent to losing half of a royal city.

Under the influence of Cloud Imperial City, there are only 30 imperial cities in total, and it is impossible to give up the spiritual veins, that is the foundation of the city.

But the target of the dirt is also those spiritual veins, not only that, but the dirt will also kill the Blue Star forces and use the beast tide to avenge.

Following the order of the dirt, the beast tide took the lead to attack. The dense beast tide army, wherever it went, there was no grass growing, and it hit the order of Yunhuang City, and the ground instantly cracked a gap of several hundred meters deep.

However, it was quickly filled in by the beast tide, one after another, and the dirt is also accumulating big moves behind it. As a spirit beast that has existed for so long, how could it be possible that the dirt has no hole cards.

Destroying formation is the most commonly used small trick for dirt, and every time there is an unexpected gain.

The same is true this time, the dirt is quietly controlling the poison while tearing the formation.

Tumu is not afraid that others will see that he is in charge of Dumu, because when using Dumu, Dumu is confident that even if he is just the most ordinary Practitioner, as long as he is using Dumu, he is of the ancestor level.

The repeated attacks of the filthy poison strengthened the beast tide and weakened the formation order.

The ten lines of defense were as if they were imaginary, torn apart by dirt.

But when someone discovered that the tide of beasts was heading towards the Blue Star forces, the commander also thought for a while.

Do you still want to stop the beast tide? This beast tide wants to attack the Blue Star forces. It has nothing to do with yourself. At most, you will lose a little property along the way.

If you can borrow the hand of the beast tide to eradicate the Blue Star power, you don’t have to worry about the Dragon Emperor’s revenge, but you can also clean up the aliens on your territory.

why not.

Even here you can take advantage of the chaos to collect some Martial Spirit, and even elemental spirits.

The commander thought for a while and decided to give up the defense, and let the beast tide move towards the Blue Star forces, and all the kings along the way could not attack.

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