Unlucky black cat

Chapter 190: People always have to make choices

Chapter 192 People always have to make choices


It was still raining in Luotai City at night. A pedestrian suddenly threw a homemade Molotov cocktail towards a shop on the street.

Then, the blazing fire started burning.

The streets today are extremely chaotic.

In the shadows of people and the continuous rain.

Some people were running around without a piece of clothing, and some were robbing people at intersections with daggers.

Some waved flags and looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, while others started their cars and went on a rampage.

Everyone else went crazy, and the normal people hid in their homes and were terrified.

But they don't know.

In fact, this is not crazy, it is just the liberation of human nature.

In the final analysis, humans are nothing more than beasts.

Once the so-called civilization mask is torn off, they will even be more barbaric and bloody than most of their kinds.

Hello, fellow viewers.

It is worth mentioning that.

At this moment, there is actually a reporter who is in the middle of the chaos.

He even held the microphone in his hand and talked in front of the camera that had just started the live broadcast.

Welcome to Luotai Daily. I am now standing on Chuanyi Avenue in the central city of Luotai. As you can see, there are large-scale riots in the entire central city of Luotai City. People smashed shops. , snatching supplies, and the probability of various forms of crime increasing exponentially. But what is the real reason behind this, what makes the formerly docile residents so angry. Yes, we need to know the answer. So please Follow me and walk into the subversive mystery of Luotai City together.

Under the illumination of various neon lights, the black mist became thicker and thicker.

They crawl over the city, spreading fragmentation and rain everywhere.

Xu Ming succeeded.

With the help of Yang Fuxian's spread.

He succeeded in driving an urban area into madness.

However, this is still not his ultimate goal.

So next, he needs to expand the scope of the virus.

And step by step, the whole world entered madness.

If humanity is worth continuing to exist.

Xu Ming thought.

Then they will establish a new system based on real madness.

If human beings can't coexist just because the mask is taken off.

Then there is no need for them to continue to exist.

Xu Ming's wish is very simple. He doesn't want to see the hypocrisy and pretentiousness among the crowd.

So as long as he can distinguish between true and false, he doesn't care if the world collapses.

If you can tear apart the faces of those hypocritical, arrogant and noble people.

Even if the world is destroyed tomorrow!

Xu Ming vowed to use his own madness.

To draw an absolutely real line!

time is limited.

Jiang Sheng, who transformed into a black cat again, squatted on the roof of a building.

It looked at the fire and black mist not far away, its brows furrowed subconsciously.

Jiang Sheng knew.

He must finalize a plan that can solve the problem as soon as possible.

However, Xu Ming's superpower is also really tricky.

Suddenly, Wei San, who had left before, came to it again through the wind and rain.

I have already communicated with the headquarters about Xu Ming's situation.

The man still held the black box in his hand.

The director gave me a spell, saying it can escape the imprisoned soul.


When the cat demon heard this, his ears perked up and his eyes lit up a little.


Wei San said and slowly lowered his gaze.

For this spell to take effect, we must first create a flaw in the soul of the person being cast.

Creating a hole in the soul?

Jiang Sheng didn't understand the meaning of these words.

So, Wei San gave an additional explanation.

In other words, we have to find a person or thing that can influence the mind of the person being cast, and use it to directly interfere with the opponent's soul, thereby creating an opportunity to kill with one strike.

Then how exactly is this kind of interference implemented?

For some reason, Black Cat's expression suddenly turned ugly.

It's very simple.

Wei San said expressionlessly.

Let that person, or that thing, kill the person being casted in the most direct way, and then we can use the spell to leave the disturbed soul.

Xing Tai is just an ordinary person!

The next second, Jiang Sheng suddenly said angrily.

It is clear.

It heard what Wei San was saying.

However, based on the information you told me before, she can indeed affect Yang Fuxian's soul.

Wei San always stated calmly.

But she doesn't have the ability to kill Yang Fuxian now.

The black cat shook his whiskers unceremoniously.

As an ordinary person, Xing Tai will get lost as soon as she gets close to Shenyin!

I know.

Wei San nodded slightly rationally.

But I remember that you seem to have a charm that can turn people into puppets.

Listening to Wei San's speech, Jiang Sheng's pupils shrank to the size of a needle eye.

You are committing murder!

The raging disaster suddenly overflowed from the cat demon's body.

The soaring spiritual energy is enough to make all beasts palpitate.

Wei San looked slightly regretful, but his stance remained unmoved.

We're just saving more people, unless you find a better way.

As a curse, I can try to seal Yang Fuxian.

Black Cat replied without thinking.

But Yang Fuxian is not a pure resentful spirit. His soul is also mixed with some characteristics of a living person. As a cursed object, you are bound to be unable to interfere with the spirit body of a living person.

Wei San also solemnly pointed out the key point.

Today's Yang Fuxian is simply a brand new life form.

But he was still the answer in Xu Ming's mouth.

A poison that can turn schizophrenia into an infectious disease.

Faced with this situation, the Spiritual Control Office could only consider erasing him first.

After all, compared with the mastermind Xu Ming, Yang Fuxian at least has a clear weakness.

Yes, the primary responsibility of the Spiritual Management Office has always been to prevent greater disasters.


Seeing Jiang Sheng's dilemma, Wei San suddenly sighed lightly.

How about this? You first ask the girl about her wishes. If she is willing to cooperate, then we will act according to the plan. If she is unwilling to cooperate, then we will think of other ways. Sample?

This is probably all the changes Wei San can make at the moment.

He does hide another method, which may be able to kill Yang Fuxian and Xu Ming.

But that method was what he left to Three Thousand Resentments.

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