Unlucky black cat

Chapter 235: Adventures in the Deserted City

Chapter 238 Adventures in the Deserted City

The wind froze.

The bamboo forest no longer shook.

The flying bird freezes in mid-air.

Guan Xiner's eyes were still dull.

The faces of the marchers still maintained various expressions of horror.

Time seemed to have stood still.

Jiang Sheng could no longer take any action.

It can only watch.

Watching the immeasurable spiritual power and disaster, pouring out of the door and going back inward.

The wave of energy envelops and drags every ghost present.

Door, the exception is being fixed.

It sensed the distracted thoughts of the Hundred Ghosts.

I also felt the connection of the origin.

But all this should not have appeared in this form at this moment.

So the unconscious door made the most reasonable decision for it.

That is, to recover the escaped Hundred Demons.

It will not let the demons and ghosts from the other side invade the world here.

These are the rules that have been set and injected since its establishment.

Open inward once a year.

And provide a small amount of spiritual power to the mortal world.

At the same time, it leads to a huge disaster.

It is worth mentioning that.

Spiritual power does not equal disaster, so powerful psychics will not be pulled by the door.

The door will only absorb inhuman horror.

And the closer it gets to the time when the door opens, the more sensitive it will be to the outside world.

Therefore, Three Thousand Resentments used his control over the resentful spirits and the illusion of hundreds of ghosts to cause the door to make wrong judgments.

Let it mistakenly believe that too many uncontrolled demons have escaped.

It can even be opened in advance to collect monsters.

In other words, this is the reason why Chongming City has the custom of dressing up as ghosts every year.

It's because this side door is not strong enough.

That’s why ordinary people are needed to remind it of the terror of extradition every year.

Even though he has three thousand resentments, he can still pretend to be a powerful evil ghost by himself and let Menfei extradite him.

But then he wouldn't have been able to get the door to open six days earlier.


The moment when the tide of energy emerges.

Zhao Haiqing and Wang Yanlin, who were sitting in the city police station, also stood up at the same time.

They looked at each other.

They all felt a sense of fear and shock from each other's expressions.

Yes, what a massive amount of spiritual power and disaster this is.

In comparison, the wraiths managed by them are simply a drop in the ocean.

problem occurs!

Gotta hurry!

A brief exchange of glances.

The two of them rushed to the place where the wave appeared as quickly as possible.

At this moment.

In the sky of Chongming City, a giant cloud group like a whirlpool on the seabed has formed.

They obscure the sun and zigzag toward the ground under a dark dome.

It seemed like a storm was coming, but it was silent.

Hey, where is this fellow Taoist who is here to overcome the tribulation?

Curious passers-by looked up and took a series of photos.

The continuous anomalies have made them immune to these little things to a certain extent.

Let me guess, is this also related to the eight-armed boy?

Hey, those conspiracy theorists think everything is a disaster.

It's just a little bit of a climate problem. Just go home and wait for notification from the weather station.

The clothes I washed yesterday are still confiscated.

It's not going to be a typhoon.

Come on, let's go, lunch break is almost over.

When Wang Yanlin and Zhao Haiqing arrived at the bamboo forest together.

There is nothing left in the forest except the door that has not been closed and the branches and leaves scattered everywhere.

Black Cat, Xing Moss, Three Thousand Resentments and Marchers.

All disappeared without a trace.


Zhao Haiqing dragged his suitcase and looked at the ancient gate located in the open space, frowning.

The door is opened.

What should we do now?

Wang Yanlin also put away his usual frivolity and asked in a serious tone.

Where's the black cat? According to the plan, isn't it supposed to guard the door?

Zhao Haiqing raised his eyes and looked around, but could only glimpse a mess.

I don't know, but there are spiritual energy residues similar to Three Thousand Resentments nearby.

Wang Yanlin half-closed his eyes and searched for clues in the air with all his strength.

Judging from the footprints, at least a whole team passed here.

Zhao Haiqing half-crouched to the ground and pinched some soil with his hands.

Where are the police? What are they doing? Didn't we ask the city bureau to seal off the Yama Temple?

Wang Yanlin gritted his teeth with a headache.

I don't know, but there must be something wrong in the middle.

Zhao Haiqing said as he picked up an incense stick that had not yet been extinguished from the ground.

There is the spiritual power of the black cat on it. North, Kanze is trapped. Does it want to impose a seal on the gate?

Then you were interrupted by Three Thousand Resentments?

Wang Yanlin took Zhao Haiqing's words and continued to speculate.

But with the black cat's ability, it should be able to hold back at least three thousand resentments and wait for our support. How can we let the other party just push the door open?


If Black Cat had ever fought against Three Thousand Resentments.

Wang Yanlin and Zhao Haiqing will definitely be aware of it and come to support.

But the door was opened directly.

So until then.

Jiang Sheng never took action at all?

How is this possible?

Unless the black cat is restrained.

After considering all the answers one by one, Zhao Haiqing finally determined the most likely idea.

Three thousand resentments were surrounded by civilians, and Jiang Sheng was caught off guard.

Fuck, that lunatic.

Wang Yanlin has obviously seen the situation clearly.

Then he cursed angrily.

The door is closing.

Zhao Haiqing still looked at the door calmly.


It vaguely revealed an ancient city.

What do you mean, you go or I go?

Wang Yanlin moved his neck solemnly.

I'll go, I won't die, you stay here and be responsible for notifying the headquarters and carrying out rescue.

Zhao Haiqing replied without hesitation.

Wang Yanlin was stunned at first.

Finally, he nodded heavily.

Then be careful.


Zhao Haiqing straightened up simply.

Immediately, he jumped into the hidden doorway.

Loud sounds.

Interlaced figures.

The sky is filled with birds.

Bloody red eyeballs.

A door was pushed open.

The world is alienated and distorted.


Guan Xiner, who had escaped from the hallucination, screamed and sat up from the ground.

She was like a drowning person who had just been rescued.

Breathing heavily.

The surrounding environment is very unfamiliar.

It looks like an abandoned ancient city.

Me, where is this?

Was I dreaming just now?

A confused woman can hardly think.

you're awake.

Until a voice came from behind her.

The woman looked back.

Only because of a pair of pink eyes did he think of a monster in a dream.

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