Unlucky black cat

Chapter 290 The secret that cannot be shared

Chapter 293 Secrets that cannot be shared


Chairman Sun of the Psychic Management Office.

Li Guoguang was found at noon on the same day.

When the old woman met Li Guoguang, she threw a stack of documents on the other party's desk.

Oh, I don't know yet, Chairman Sun, what is the purpose of your sudden visit?

When Li Guoguang saw this scene, he first looked up at the angry old woman, and then lowered his head to examine the thrown documents.

However, he discovered that there was a line of text that was highlighted on the pile of documents.

The content of the text is: New Bionic Bird Technology is suspected of illegal propaganda. Our Ministry of Public Security said that it will be held accountable to the end.

This is this morning's Hongxia Newspaper.

The old woman named Sun said with a serious face.

They originally wanted to conduct some more in-depth investigations and reports on the Eight-winged Bird, but they were suppressed by our staff.

Oh, then this should be good news.

After hearing this, Li Guoguang smiled and raised his eyebrows.

So, should I first congratulate you, Chairman Sun, for easily resolving a public opinion crisis?

That's enough! Li Guoguang, don't tell me you don't know these two things!

Perhaps even more angrily, he slapped his hand on the desk.

The old woman named Sun then took out two photos from the file.

They respectively record the figure of a flying bird and a clear QR code.

This is the eight wings, the eight wings of the black cat! And this one is the emerging supernatural channel!

As Mrs. Sun spoke, she clenched the two images tightly.

Now, they have actually mixed together, and even actively broke into the public eye. Can you understand what this means? Li Guoguang, I need you to give me an explanation why the spiritual tube did not play a role in this. Anything works!”

Actually, we're working on it.

Facing the questioning, Li Guoguang's expression remained unchanged.

Unfortunately, our capabilities are limited.

So you just sit here and do nothing?

Old Mrs. Sun's face was obviously uglier.

The black cat and the man hiding in the dark clearly want to spread the news of supernatural beings to the outside world. We must stop them! Otherwise, if everyone knows about the existence of supernatural beings, how will you face the public's doubts and Forced question?

Perhaps, I can claim to the outside world that I have revived strangely, or that I have awakened to something extraordinary?

Li Guoguang spread his hands calmly.

In short, Chairman Sun, you can rest assured that our spiritual management office will never reveal the family's secrets to the outside world.

What about the resources? Mrs. Sun's eyes flashed with danger.

The total amount of spiritual power is limited and rare. Do you want everyone to study and practice together? Do you think those who are born with disabilities are worthy of practicing with us?

Whether they are worthy or not is not up to us.

Li Guoguang looked at the old woman calmly.

Only they themselves have the final say.

Okay, okay. The old woman smiled angrily and nodded heavily.

Li Guoguang, I finally understand why you have been so abnormal recently. It turns out that you have already made your own arrangements and plans. Okay, okay, from now on, our psychic family will also start independent actions. Trust me Li Guoguang, we will always find a way. We will always find a way to hide the secret of Ling.



After saying this, Mrs. Sun turned and walked out of the office door.

Li Guoguang stared at the other party's back silently.

The smile on his face gradually faded away.

Hello, hello, good evening to all my friends in the audience. I am your mermaid lady. I haven't seen you for another whole day and night. I wonder how you are doing today.

The city's neon lights flash at eight o'clock in the evening.

Guan Xiner stood on the corner of the street and started her live broadcast on time.

Due to various previous work done.

At present, nearly one million viewers have gathered in her live broadcast room.

Therefore, as soon as she opened her mouth, she attracted countless responses.

No, how can I live well without seeing Miss Mermaid!

Are we going on an adventure today? I can't wait to see Miss Mermaid catch monsters!

I don't want to watch the adventure, I want to listen to the teaching. Miss Mermaid, I have learned the meditation methods and basic formulas you taught us before. Then, just this morning, I actually rubbed a small amount of it with my fingers. Tuan’s fireball!”

Damn it, are you kidding me upstairs?

You actually cultivated immortality secretly without telling me?

Okay, okay, human evolution didn't come to call me?

Brothers, no joke, I also tried Ms. Mermaid's meditation. In the past few days, not only have I slept more peacefully, but even my five senses have become sharper.

Actually, I have also learned the wind-catching spell.

Wang Defa, I'm not the only one who hasn't learned the spell.

The following are photos of me practicing the water purification spell.

Damn it, I've only been here for two days and I haven't heard anything about meditation or spells from the host at all!

Brothers, I'm hungry. This time I'm really hungry!

Can you please give the anchor another teaching session? The new brothers have never had good food and are starving to death!

Well, I'm just new here. What kind of content do you usually broadcast here?

Hey, there is an honest man here. Come and bully him.

Well, actually I'm new here too.

I don't know what the anchor is broadcasting, you just need to keep watching.

So, why doesn't this live broadcast room have a review function? I'm so jealous that I missed the teaching!

Haha, I already plan to stay in the live broadcast room every day.

Starting from today, I will not miss a single issue!


Looking at the enthusiastic replies in the comment area, Guan Xiner, who was already wearing a fish head, coughed twice with a smile.

Everyone, everyone, I'm sorry that there is neither adventure nor teaching today. However, I have invited two special guests as agreed. Soon, they will meet you in the live broadcast room.

Of course, friends who want to learn don’t be disappointed. Because these two guests are both quite friendly big monsters. So no matter what questions you have about cultivation, you can ask them during the live broadcast. Believe them, they will be happy to answer your questions.

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