
Chapter 102: World of Genesis.

[Skill Inspect --->Eyes of the Primordials(max)]

[Skill Mana Manipulation ---> Nature Manipulation]

[Skill Gaia's Garden Unlocked]

'Won't hurt my ass....if not for the nourishing feeling I felt in between I'm sure I would've died...' Nate thought as he fell to his knees.

'Oh? he's taking it quite well, haha' Gaia thought as she looked at Nate.

"Well anyway, out you all go, I have better things to do," Gaia said as she released Night from her prison of stone.

"Tch..oh yeah? Night asked, "like what?"

"Like sleeping or maybe sealing annoying mortals with stone," she replied with a smile.

"Gaia's curse....." Nate muttered as he looked at his status.

"Wonder who that is," Gaia said as a question mark made of vines formed above her head.

Nate didn't bother replying or to be precise it looked like he was too immersed in the new skills he gained, especially Nature Manipulation.

Nature Manipulation: Bow to Gaia filthy mortal.

Thanks to me (Gaia), you can manipulate the 4 basic elements: Fire, Water, Wind, and Earth. As the level of the skill increases the number of elements that can be controlled increases, as well as the control over the elements.


'Seems about right....I've known her for a whole hour or something and I already feel like the skill description seems perfect.....' Nate complained internally.

"Very well, ta-ta," Gaia said as she snapped her fingers, "maybe you'll turn to dust,"



"Hate how much she reminds me of you," Night grumbled.

"Of me? nah you're tripping but she fully got you hahah, should've seen the look on your face," Nate laughed with his hand on his stomach.

"My Lord!" a familiar faithful voice resounded.

Since the portal or whatever it was that absorbed them, took them so quickly that it didn't even give Shade and Noctis a chance to react, they almost missed the disappearance of Night and Nate.

"Guess... there's more to Genesis than we thought huh?" Nate said in a somber tone.

"Yeah....way more, but that's okay, we'll discover everything slowly, we need to start somewhere right? so let's start with the event in a few days, and I wonder if Guardians can ascend?"

"I'm not sure as well? I'm assuming you're asking for Shade but I think it won't be farfetched to say that Shade doesn't really count as an actual Guardian and normal NPCs can definitely ascend, KYOJIN made sure they do as the players progress, keeping the world of Genesis in view, it would be far too dangerous for the NPCs if players out leveled them, of course, it's not particularly easy to out-level them as well."

"I guess it's safe to say the game was designed with the NPCs in mind as well and not just satisfying players. Think of it like this, since NPCs are more or less elements that can be controlled it's easier to predict the flow of the world of Genesis as well as protect it. I'm positive players that would prefer to destroy kingdoms or enslave millions exist already but it's the NPCs that stop them and keep them in check no? so yes....I would lean towards Shade being able to ascend, even if he was still a Guardian he probably would've ascended..."

"Hmm....that sounds interesting, Genesis's story huh? I wonder what the plot is? or where we are? how much of a role do we play? is it changeable? or can something affect the plot? I wonder...."

"Well of course, while the basic plot still exists, there are moments that are definitely already affected and changed, for example, I'm more than positive that the system couldn't predict that you would receive Nyx's curse as soon as you started the game and I'm assuming the curse is something extremely important to the plot and something that could easily manipulate the entire storyline....and as for what the plot is...I have no clue man, we have the Greek Gods on one side then the Norse as well and that's not all....we haven't even discovered most of the lands...from what we've experienced we barely covered less than 10% of the continent of Garcia,"

Once again, neither of them were aware of the two gentlemen keenly eavesdropping, if you could even call that eavesdropping that is, Kenny and Reed both sat in front of the usual large screen while eating popcorn and watching Night and Nate.

"It's amazing...to think that the new user who received Gaia's curse was someone associated with Night and by the looks of it they're close....truly something amazing," Reed stuttered in amazement, "won't this affect the balance of the game sir? if they were to start a guild then....."

"I doubt it, Night may have bypassed or somehow exceeded ATHENA's predictions or calculations but in my opinion, it's next to impossible for someone to affect the balance of the game at such an early stage...." Kenny answered as he placed his drink aside, "but more than that, I think the young man next to Night is quite the interesting one....he wasn't too far off, the world of Genesis is constantly evolving, just like the players, he was right about NPCs ascending, even the Guardians being able to ascend....his hypothesis is remarkable but he was wrong about one thing..."

"NPCs are something that can't be controlled ahaha at least not by me or anyone here, we have a zero interference policy unless there's a special circumstance...however, the ones that can affect the NPCs are the players..."

"As for the plot of Genesis, pfft, aahahhh, it truly is wonderful...." Kenny chuckled, "I wonder what they'll think of the Continent of Alexandria? actually, I wonder how they'll even get there? and even if they do, it'll be entertaining to watch, to watch them despair, to watch whatever strength they built, crumble into nothingness hahaha....."

(A/N: I understand the skills may be hard to understand or fully comprehend, like the limit of the skills or the usage but stick around and I can tell you, it will all be explained!)

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