
Chapter 118: PvP begins!





'What....he actually believes that Ni-Luke can beat them? let alone hold his ground....from looking at his skill in-game, It is clear that he must be quite skilled in reality, I never imagined he would be K Johnson's disciple....but both Aurora and Ajax were trained by Jace....' Valerian looked at all the fighters, Aurora and Ajax had a similar expression, both of them were out for blood, whereas Luke looked like someone who just woke up. It was quite the view for someone who didn't know Luke.

Ajax Cirillo, the youngest male child of Hector and Andromeda Cirillo, was 4 years older than Aurora. Just like his father he had light brown hair and hazel eyes, his lips were almost always dry which was probably a result of training. Unlike Aurora, who was like a firecracker that wasn't lit yet, Ajax was much quieter, he would usually just listen and not talk much, he was sincere and straightforward, however, when it came to Aurora, his sweet little sister, he would show no mercy, no matter who it was.

"A lot of talk, but remember actions speak louder than words-" before Ajax could even properly finish that sentence, Luke's fist was right in front of his face. He had no place to move, and even if he did, there was no time to dodge. The closer Luke's fist got the scarier the image was in his head.

'What...what is this...what is that??!! that can't be a human hand, that's a devil!!' Ajax cried internally.

Indeed, what his mind showed him was a hand covered in thick black shadows, the fingers were slender and the tips were sharp, like claws. It looked like the claw-like hand was going to grab his face and absorb his soul, draining him of all his life.

'No...n-no...I don't want to die...'


Luke's fist stopped a few inches away, sending a ripple that made the wind move around. Aurora, slowly turned her head to the left, to see her opponent's fist in front of her brothers, the punch was strong enough to send ripples in the air, such a punch would be more than enough to kill someone and yet he threw it around so freely.

"See?" Luke said while he walked towards Nate, "It was nice meeting you all, it was fun! oh by the way Sensei, you should pay attention to the PvP," he waved his hand without looking back.

"Will do..." K answered as he watched Luke leave, "congratulations you probably traumatized your own grandson...."

"Come on, I don't think it was that serious...." Jace scratched his cheek.

"He hasn't blinked yet, he's reliving the same nightmare again and again..." K replied, "um, Valerian, be a dear and just tug at Ajax, will you? and Aurora as well."

".....Huh? r-right away master K...." Valerian said as he snapped out of his daze.

'What just happened....Nate's confidence was justified....and Luke...I don't even know anymore...'


'I saw it again...I'm sure Aurora's brother did as well, was it just how it looked or....'

"Well we made it on time, so let's see the matchup, hopefully, we don't get each other in the first round, that would suck," Luke said, bringing Nate out of his thoughts. As soon as they arrived back at their seats, the large screen which was blank started showing the various participants taking part. A total of 64 players, who were all above level 90

"Welcome back everyone, hopefully, the short break was well...long enough, a total of 64 participants, all of whom are level 90 or above. The participants will be divided into two leagues or groups, 32 on one side, 32 on the other, PvP is naturally a knockout event, so you have only one chance to prove your skill, make sure it's worth it! Let's not waste any more time and get to know our matchups!" Dr. Reed announced.

Luke proceeded to look through the list and as expected, he was at the bottom in his league, fortunately, Nate was in the other league and was placed somewhere in the middle. However, what surprised Luke was his opponent in the first match...it was someone he was familiar with, it was Kira.

Each player would get to fight a total of 6 battles, that is assuming they win every match. Currently, Luke's name was in the last spot in his league, the 32nd and in the 31st spot was Kira. Exactly on the other end, the 1st spot was occupied by Aurora. Jet Sky was in the 26th spot, meaning if both, Luke and Jet Sky were to win two matches they would face off.

"These matchups are weird....Layla and Ju Fen are against each other in the very first round, Mocha is in this league as well and worst of all....I'm against Zane..." Nate said as he went through the fixtures.

"You'll be alright, trust me, though I have to say he was better than most and you might have to use some of your skills, actually scratch that, you WILL have to. He Is skilled and you have no experience yet, so right now I'd say it's a tie in my mind," Luke said in an encouraging tone.

"Gee thanks man, makes me feel better," Nate scoffed. "Huh?"

"Hmm? what's wrong?" Luke asked.

"That name...."

"Which name...there are like 64...."

"In your league....the 15th name...Ken....he's the leader of Relentless...the warrior who's obsessed with the sword..." Nate said with his hand under his chin, "the matchups are weird...if Eve, who is Aurora as I now know, wins all her matches, she's eventually up against Ken, whereas you are eventually up against...well I don't know, the only one's who pose any threat to you are Kira and Jet Sky, and they're out of the picture in the early game....still this all feels fishy..."

"It looks like they want you to face off either Aurora or Ken..." he further added.

"Mhhm? Do you think so? Manipulation for the sake of publicity? I mean technically this event is only as a trial event of sorts for KYOJIN, the future events are going to be on another level apparently, I heard players will soon be representing countries...." Luke replied.

"Well I'm not too sure, on that note, I think we should rethink Sephiroth's identity, he can't be your brother, think about it....your brother came to the event, right? did we see him even once? of course, he probably took part in some event and we must've missed it, but I know for a fact that if his name was Sephiroth there would've been some kind of commotion....we assumed his in-game name, so we don't actually know what it is.... besides, hair color...yes yes, I know, hair color can be changed but the process is a pain and most people don't even know how to do that..." Nate said as he gasped for air after finishing.

"Okay okay, breathe first....we can think about that later, for now, let's focus on our matches okay? it is Aurora's match first, so let's watch..."

"O...okay...." Nate let out.


'What was that....I can't get it out of my mind, that was Night....he called Master K his Sensei....was that true? why didn't I hear about it? I need answers..' Aurora thought as she got inside her capsule, 'well whatever, let's just win this match, if I win all the matches I'm up against Night...'

A Colosseum, Eve found herself in a new location, she was surrounded by a few broken-down pillars that looked to be ancient roman, in front of her, at least 20 meters away was another player, whose name she couldn't be bothered to remember.

(Eve is Aurora's in-game name for those who forgot)

Aurora unlike the rest of her siblings was like her mother, Andromeda, she was called a firecracker that wasn't lit but during situations that required her to stay calm, she was as calm as the summer evening before the dark begins.

"The weather....it's quite windy..." she said.

"What???! I can't hear you! don't worry I'll make sure I cut your head off nice and easy ahahah," the player in front of her laughed, "remember my name wench, it's Nala! I will soon be the Queen of Genesis, right next to Night, my one true love.....he's so dreamy...gos-"


The air around Eve exploded, her figure was literally on fire, she was a mage that specialized in the fire element, just like Nate she too thought to train herself in all the elements, however, for some reason she couldn't get herself away from the fire element.

"Listen here, no name, you just interrupted my thoughts....and I don't like getting interrupted, first of all, I'm in a bad mood and you just made it worse by taking his name, I hope you're prepared you stupid b*tch..."

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