
Chapter 133: Mistakes.

'I'll make sure this gets you, we've been playing around for far too long! It was fun but this is it Night!'

Ken put all his force into his Tachi, the water figure that enveloped him followed his movements, a tiny light passed emerged from the core and passed all the way to the figure's sword. It was perfect timing, just when he knew he had reached his limit, Night was now in perfect range.

'Why he look so mad though?' Night frowned internally, he knew the game plan and had no doubt that he would win, of course, it would be different if he were to actually go head to head with Ken. He could see the guardian figure preparing to slice vertically, it was perfect timing, Night didn't back down, he knew he was avoiding that attack completely so he had to make sure it was at the exact moment.

Just when the ginormous water Tachi held by a samurai-looking figure was about to connect with the black meteor that Night was, he disappeared. The entire meteor that was descending at maddening speed, was nowhere to be seen.

"Huh? where...did he go? how did a whole-ass meteor just disappear...." Ken's eyes widened as he realized his attack hit nothing but a few dark arrows. Guardian of the Seas wasn't a skill like The Calm Before the Storm, the latter was more suited for wiping out entire squads, whereas Guardian of the Seas is a skill whose size can be controlled, however, the larger the enveloping figure, the weaker is the water pressure and the strength of the water. The smaller it was, the deadlier the water was.

However, Ken didn't have the mana to maintain the skill after the first strike, he charged/ put immense force into his sword, and for the guardian to copy this, it would require mana. Terrifying amounts of mana poured into one single strike which completely missed. He focused his slice to only connect Night, to maximize the damage dealt, and to leave him no chance of escaping.

"That daring freak...he actually used his speed buff to appear behind Ken..." Nate muttered with his eyes wide open, he was just as surprised when he saw that Night's plan went exactly as he wanted.

'Behind??!!' Ken thought as he wearily turned around. 

Mistake number 1. It was something he couldn't unsee. When he first turned around, it looked like he saw a devil-spawn, dark liquid oozed out of its pores, a red void that acted as its mouth, deadly sharp eyes, and claws that looked like they could maul down steel. However, after blinking he saw a view just as deadly and sinister, he saw Night covered in jet-black clouds, he held a shiny blade that reminded anyone of the winter. Two purple crystals pierced through his very soul, sending shivers down his spine.

Mistake number 2. Ken was so absorbed and terrified of what he was seeing that he forget about the dark arrows that remained after his attack. Night could control the arrow as long as it was close enough, and he shot the arrows knowing that they would land close by.

Mistake number 3. Information. Ken assumed he had all the intel on Night but in reality, it was just the tip of the iceberg. If he knew his opponent could freaking fly then his entire approach to the fight would've changed. There was a reason information was the most important in any battle.

"Look behind you," Night smirked as he reminded Ken of the arrows.

Mistake number 4. Ken was terrified of Nights appearance, so much so that he didn't realize what would happen if he turned his back to his enemy. It was a foolish mistake, a rookie one, as a matter of fact, every mistake he made so far was something any random player would commit.

It was too late by the time he realized. Even the last desperate attempt to live and struggle failed. He turned back and was only met with the obvious result, a double-edged sword deep inside his stomach. However, that wasn't the end, the dark arrows continued to fall all around them.

Once again, another sight to behold. Night stood there slightly bent forward, with his Glacial Balance that was deep inside Ken's stomach, while his opponent, Ken, coughed out a mouthful of blood. He couldn't help but smirk, all around him, were dark arrows falling down, it looked like rain. Dark rain. And in the center of that dark rain were two figures.

"That was fun..." Ken muttered.

"Yeah. It was. Thank you." Night replied as he pushed Ken's body back and removed his Glacial Balance. Ken's body slowly turned into white particles but the one thing that stayed consistent was his dry smile.

"That was... something.."

"It was...I want to rewatch the match, it felt like time slowed down every time they clashed, especially when Ken used that new skill of his...and Night, was that even a skill? it has to be a skill right?"

"I agree, it was too much. It was a perfect match but the result was as we predicted, just that there were many ups and downs. Besides who knew Night could fly? I guess the name, "The Anomaly" truly suits him."

"Flying...I'm not yet over the fact that he's a grandmaster and now he's flying? did he get something broken after crossing level 100? Do you think his friend, NotYourTypicalMage, is the same? I mean, look at what they're doing...they've more or less broken the balance of the game."

"Let's not get impatient, we still have Mocha vs NotYourTypicalMage. If Mocha were to win then it'll be Night vs Mocha. However, if NotYourTypicalMage were to win then that's going to be fun. Two friends facing off against each other, haha."



"Congratulations. You beat me, you're in the finals." Ken said as he shook Luke's hand, "what do you think about joining Relentless?"

"Thank you, I thoroughly enjoyed the match. I'll have to refuse that offer. I'm in a clan already," Luke said with a smile. "It's my friend's clan, the one who I may or may not be facing in the finals ahaha"

"Oh? that's interesting, I'm assuming you guys are taking part in the clan battle? if so then I'll see you then." Ken said before he started walking towards the seating area.

"....." Luke nodded with a smile and went back to his seat. It was Nate's match against Valerian, it was an interesting matchup but the result was obvious. While Valerian was definitely a talented genius who was extremely experienced and was overall better at fully utilizing his skills. Nate still easily surpassed him when it came to raw power, and to add to his strengths, he was a calm individual who could assess the situation well. Or if worst comes to worst, he could simply use Three Moons Distortion and watch Valerian try and hit him with a staff. 

It was a little unfair of course, Nate was literally the counter to all the spell users, but perhaps this would act as a wake-up call to those who solely depend on magic. It was always better to have a backup and players with skills like Nate was the reason why. Of course, nobody predicted that someone would get such a broken skill at such a low level.

"You nervous?" Luke asked his friend.

"I am but not for this fight, I am confident about this. But I feel nervous when I think about fighting you," Nate was honest and open about his feelings, he had no real reason to hide how he felt, it was very obvious he would feel nervous. The reason he sought power was so he could fight by Luke's side but here he was, fighting against his friend.

"I see...that's okay, just do your best, we still have a long way to go. You especially, as the leader of The Primordials."

"Bah, don't remind me, I can already imagine myself overworked, tch but it should be alright I think, anyway, I'm up, see you!" Nate waved to his friend and ran towards the stage.



"Good luck. You can thank me you know? I made it so you don't face off your own sister," Nate chuckled.

"You're evil for bringing that up, did you have to go ahead and slice her head off," Valerian frowned.

"I'm only joking ahaha. Well you never know, your sister, Layla isn't someone to take lightly so I had to finish it off quickly.."

"I guess that's okay...whatever, let's have a good match," Valerian said as he stretched his hand forward. People were slightly surprised to see the pleasant atmosphere around them. After all, they didn't know that Valerian was Mocha. Everyone simply saw Mocha as someone dressed as a ninja with silver hair and one red eye that had weird symbols drawn in.

"Of course, good luck to you!" Nate said with a smile.

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