
Chapter 139: 2vs10

The final event of the day, the Clan war, it wasn't exactly as the name suggested, it was a 10v10, an "all-out" battle between two clans. The clan leader was in charge of assigning the individuals who would take part in this event, it was his/her choice as to who they wanted to send. 

It wasn't necessary that the leaders sent out only the strongest or the members with the highest level, the entire goal of this event was to not only test the clans' strength but also to test the decision-making of the leader.

While choosing the higher leveled player seemed like common sense, that was only the case if the damage was the only factor to be taken into consideration. Since it was an all-out battle between the two clans or an all-out battle between the twenty players. A lot of planning and strategizing was required. Strategy was an integral part of winning a battle and perhaps the most important in winning a war. If it was brilliant enough, it was worth benching certain players who are high-leveled but somehow or the other obstruct the plan.

"So, what's the plan?" Luke asked as he looked at the large screen that was now broadcasting some advertisement.

"Hmm, let's ask the others, shall we?" Nate said as he looked behind him, "Oh gosh darn it! how could I forget its just us versus ten other players who are probably above level 90,"

"Don't be so sour, we got this!" Luke said as he held up a thumbs-up. "So I have a plan,"

"Let me hear it then,"

"Focus on winning"

"Wow...honestly, I didn't really expect much but after hearing that, it..it just leaves me in tears, truly..." Nate said as he pretended to wipe the tears off his eyes, " it has so much meaning like the words really left a deep impact on me, the metaphors and whatnot were all perfect, hit me right in my heart,"

"Are you done?"

"No, it really puts a twist on the whole concept of this "contest". Okay now I'm done," Nate said as he copied Luke's previous gesture.

"Son of a bitvh, whatever, AS I WAS SAYING, what I meant by focus on winning is, instead of going for each one individually, let's slaughter them all together? I'll try and hold them off, while you finish them off okay?"

"Hmm, alright"

It was simple and to the point. It was perhaps the most "Luke and Nate" plan to ever exist, they didn't bother with the detail, perhaps it was the fruit of spending years and years together, or maybe even because they were at each other's throats only a few minutes ago, they had trust in their skills and most importantly, they had trust in each other's skills.

"What a wonderful journey it's been! From the awestriking Accuracy Spike to the jaw-dropping PvP, however, there remains one final event. That's right, it's the Clan War! an all-out battle between ten members of each clan. It's barely been a few months since Genesis has officially released, but that didn't stop these leaders from creating a force that could potentially rule the lands of Genesis in the future. Don't be taken aback by the number of participating clans, as I'm sure the upcoming matches are going to be bone-chilling!"

'Some more than the others.....' he thought while anchoring.

"Now then! I present to you, the fixtures of the Clan War!!!"

------>The Primordials vs #Loli FTW

------>Relentless vs The Uprising





It was a plausible reaction. Of course, they had no words to say, after all, it was Relentless vs The Uprising. Two of the top clans were so close in terms of ranking, yet so far in terms of clan ideology. Relentless wouldn't accept any random player, and only accepted the elite of the elite, level was an important prerequisite to join their clan. While The Uprising focused more on expanding its player base, they had over 10,000 players from different parts of the world, they accepted anyone and everyone, it was a fool's dream to hope that the lower level players would stick with the guild forever. While it's true that some of them may actually stay, it was rather farfetched to say that the majority would do the same.

"Imagine publicly showing off your support to lolis??? what a creep.." Luke commented as he read the clan names.

"Yeah, it's like wearing an "I <3 Hentai" mask. Let's finish this quick." Nate said as he got up and patted Luke's shoulder.

"Hmmm? Hey Val...did Luke or Nate mention anything about being in a guild???" Layla asked as she took another bite of her beef sandwich.

"Mmmh? no not really, why do you ask?" Valerian replied he was busy going through his phone, probably looking for some information.

"Because they're on the stage again..." Layla said as she shook her brother's shoulder, "they're standing right opposite 10 other players....either this is all a really big joke or they're in a clan..."


'Why do I feel like we spoke about this...I can't seem to recall this..damn my memory..'

"Haah..I've had enough surprises for today, they're probably going to 2v10, knowing them that seems about right," he added after letting out a sigh.

Valerian and the others weren't the only ones who were confused. The crowd that once thought they've seen everything couldn't help but complain. It was a 2v10, naturally, there would be complaints raised, however, the issue was that they assumed Night and Nate would win, which in all honesty was a fair decision. However, there was one group that seemed to resent the situation. Of course, it was the opposition clans participating members as well as those who were on the bench. While they didn't believe they could actually beat Relentless or The Uprising, they were positive they could beat The Primordials, after all, it was a clan that nobody's ever heard of.


"Listen here guys, we can win. I want you all to know, that just because it is them as our opponents it does not mean our loss is guaranteed. They can't possibly beat all ten of us while they're just two people"

"Heck yeah! The boss is right! Besides, most of us here are above level 80 at least right? we got this, I'd say let us focus on them individually, five of us for each of them. It's the safest and best option!"

It was a funny sight, Night and Nate simply stood there, waiting for the opposition guild to get ready so that they could commence the mini-genocide. The map this time was completely different. There were no broken down roman pillars, there wasn't any moss growing on the walls or ground, the sounds of the water crashing into the land couldn't be heard. It was just a huge piece of land that expanded for acres and acres, perhaps there existed no end to the map. The surface was slightly grassy, the sand was smooth and there weren't any chunky rocks present.

Just by seeing the mini-details and whatnot, one could easily say that staff that worked on the maps was nothing short of a group of geniuses. The grass fluttered around as the gentle breeze passed by.

"Oy! Are you guys done??" Night asked as he played with his Glacial Balance, tiny specks or long threads of darkness followed both the tips of the weapon. Meanwhile, Nate simply closed his eyes and focused on his breathing, the plan was to wipe everyone out at once, they didn't really have a reason to use their Bloodlines skills so that only left one option for them, slaughter them fast enough so that it would look like they all died at once.

"Y-yes sir we're a..a..almost done..." someone from the other group replied to Night.

'Sir?' Night tilted his head in confusion, it was weird to see someone who was probably older than him call him sir. Was he really that intimidating? Luke/Night considered himself pretty gentle and open.

"Nate...they are finally done, it's our turn," Night said as he looked over his shoulder.

"Hmm? Yeah, let's do this," Nate said as he opened his eyes, for just a brief second, they were glowing again just like Noctis's eyes but they were glowing. However, once he blinked, the color immediately changed back to normal.

A familiar view popped up in front of everyone's eyes, Luke had a thin line of darkness emanating from him, while Nate had his elemental orbs revolving around him, except this time the orbs looked clearer, however, the difference was so slight that only Nate noticed it.

"Haaah" he sighed out while twisting around his Glacial Balance, the opposition guild was finally ready and by the looks of it, they were in some kind of a formation, not that it really made a difference for Night. 

"Don't be too brutal," Nate chuckled as he slightly raised the orbs so that they could be chest level.

(A/N: Thank you for all the support lately ^_^)

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