
Chapter 144: He isn't the same as you.

"Noel. Behave yourself, Alaric is the King before your father-in-law, any disrespect will not be tolerated," Pythia warned.

"Will not be tolerated? And who's going to do what about it? I don't see anyone who can do anything, at least not around me," Noel said while looking around.

He wasn't wrong, there wasn't anyone in the Kingdom of Vraun who could do anything to stop him or even punish him. While Pythia was strong, her area of expertise was not combat.

"Husband..." Cassandra was worried, she knew that something must've happened, besides it's not like they voluntarily withheld information, it seemed more suitable to talk about Damianos and the entire situation in person. However, it was unfortunate that Noel found out the way he did.

"Who was the man in the Imperial Kingdom....and how did he know about Damianos?" Noel asked after slightly calming down. The sight of his wife was something that calmed his heart.

"The man? Which man are you talking about? and what do you mean how did he know about Damianos?" Pythia replied, she truly had no idea what Noel was talking about, she was under the impression that Noel somehow found out about Damianos.

"Are you playing around? The young man in the imperial Kingdom, he was one of the members of the council, copper curly hair, blue eyes, a dignified and threatening posture. It seemed like even the King respected this guy. His hands looked like they missed a spear, however, he had a gold Gladius and seemed to know me?"

"...." Pythia's eyes grew wide once she realized who Noel was talking about, there could be hundreds of young men with copper curly hair and blue eyes, however, there was only one man who held a Gladius as well as a spear. He was sharp and cunning and careful, perhaps he got it from his grandfather, Andel, this man was obviously Neo Thallius.

"I do not know anything as to how he knows Damianos or you but I will say this, I'm not surprised he does. That man is a scarier individual than he looks to be. Noel, please, I ask you to stay away from him. He's dangerous..."

"Stay away? Dangerous?"

"Noel...you don't get it...you're a Legend and that title carries a huge amount of respect and power, you could walk over kingdoms and they'd have no choice but to simply sit back and accept it. But that man isn't like you, he's something else, he's a Myth..."


"E-excuse me..." a quiet voice said.

"Hhmm? Oh? You're Everzone aren't you?" Luke said as he looked at the boy who was around 5'9 or 5'10, he had rich blonde hair and perfectly maintained lashes and brows. He wore a grey suit which was a weird combination considering he was a blonde, nonetheless, it suited him. (No pun intended, okay maybe a little)

"Y-yes...I am.."

"That's a cool name, anyway, I'm Luke nice to meet you," Luke held out his hand which the boy nervously accepted.

"I'm Sage...Sage White.."

"That's an interesting name you got there, anyway, I'm assuming you're here because of what I said?" Luke said before he looked back, "Oh before that, this is Nate, the leader, and creator of the clan..."

'Bastard..' Nate thought as he extended his hand, "Hi...it's nice to meet you..."

"H-hi..I'm Sage White..."

"Alright, now that we're done with the greetings and whatnot, tell me what you think Sage?" Luke said as he patted Sage on the back.

"Ow....uh, think about what exactly?" Sage replied as he rubbed the side of his arm.

"About what I said earlier..." Luke said as he resisted the urge to pat Sage's head.

"About what you said earlier....did you truly mean that? It's alright if you didn't, I mean I understand if you changed your mind or made a mistake of some sort..."

"Huh? Of course, I meant what I said, why wouldn't I?"

"O-oh..Then please let me join the clan.." Sage said as he proceeded to bow down.

"Of course, besides I asked you to join so technically I needed your consent but this works as well," Luke scratched his head while chuckling, "then congratulations Player Everzone, you're officially a member of The Primordials,"

"You got this kid," Nate said while giving him a thumbs up.

'He doesn't seem all that bad, but I don't see what Luke saw in him, he isn't that confident in himself, I think that was very obvious...which is weird considering how he looks but whatever, that rarely amounts to much..'

"T..thank you...I promise to work hard!!"

"Hmmm, there's no need to, just enjoy the game and help the other members out, if and when there are more members that is. Oh, I have to ask, where are you right now? I mean in Genesis, it would be easier to send an invite and whatnot if we met in person."

"I'm just outside the Forest of Silence actually... I haven't gone in yet because well...I didn't fully trust the rumour that the guardian is missing.."

"Rumour? what rumour?"

"Well, I heard a couple of NPCs talking about this, but it seems like the Guardian of the Forest of Silence just vanished, it's nowhere to be seen. According to them, this has a chance to cause a war between the Guardians..."

"Hmm interesting, anyway since you're right outside the Forest of Silence, then head towards the Kingdom of Vraun alright? Don't worry the rumour is true, the guardian isn't there anymore, so it is technically harmless, just rush through it okay?"

"Alright..I'll do that..." 

"Good, let's have some food then shall we? I think we have a lot to discuss.."

They just stood by a pillar near the stalls, once again, they were completely oblivious to the looks they were receiving, except Nate of course, he could feel his skin lose its power. Both Luke and Sage had one thing in common, one of them didn't care about his looks and probably doesn't know he's good looking whereas the other thinks he's worthless and unworthy, however, the common thing was the fact that both of them were immune to the looks.

"Oh? You're from around here as well? You live in Montreal huh? that's pretty weird, I didn't think Sage White was a very Canadian name...this is so cool, who would've thought? I thought you were from Korea, you know since you look like one of the boy band members there.." 

"Hmm? boy..band member? I'm not sure I understand but the name was given by my Grandfather, as far as I know, he wasn't from around here. You said as well....so I'm assuming you're from Canada?"

"Yep, both of us actually," Nate said while pointing to Luke who was stuffing his face with dumplings. "The first three members of The Primordials are all from Canada, people might misunderstand if they find out ahah. Oh on that note, Luke, what about Valerian and the others?"

"I haven't asked him yet, I guess I should but I don't want that psycho bitvh attacking me for no reason, who does that?" Luke complained as Aurora's image popped up in his head.

"Jeez calm down will you, it's not like it bothered you so much. Besides, show some respect, she just misunderstood the situation. Aurora simply assumed you were disrespecting K Johnson..."

"I guess? Oh right, Sage, try these you'll need to eat more, since you're in the clan I'm going to help you out, so we start by eating properly.." Luke said as he handed Sage a plate that had a huge piece of perfectly grilled Chicken. "Quickly, my hands are hurting.."

"Yes!!" Sage took the plate without wasting another second. He couldn't let them get the wrong impression of him, especially not on the first day. This was huge for him, he was in a way training under the best players, no one would bother refuting the fact that Night and Nate were perhaps the best amongst the ranked players, at least amongst the one's who showed up.

".....What do you guys think about the situation?" Valerian asked as he recalled Luke's speech.

"I'm not sure but I assume you're considering talking to him about joining the clan yes?" Layla guessed.

"Yes.." Valerian said with a dry smile, " I don't see why that's a bad idea, we can still compete even if we're in the same clan and it looks like Luke, Nate and Everzone are going to be helping us defend against the monster wave."

"I agree, that seems fair, however, the only issue I see here is the fact that you're identity as Mocha is hidden so..joining The Primordials is going to jeopardize that no? Even if the world doesn't know who you are, the other members will.."

"I know that and that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make. I can't stay hidden for this long, especially not because I feel "uncomfortable", that's not going to make me stronger, in fact, I feel like it's only held me back. Anyway, I have to ask, are you guys going to join me?"

As soon as he asked that question a smile broke out on Aurora's face, she looked around and already knew what everyone's answer was going to be,

"Of course,"

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