
Chapter 150: Creature of flames.


'Uhm what now?' Nate looked at Night hoping he would have an answer for what was going to happen. There was a huge level gap between the two, however, the followers were merely common grade, while Shade was an uncommon grade Guardian. The fact that he was a Guardian plays a huge factor.

It was true that when he chose to become a subject his status was rebuffed, however, his inner aura and pressure releasable was the same. Which explained why the bald follower literally shrank to his knees. Although, if the man had a partner, they would've given Shade a good fight. Unfortunately, fear got the best of him.

'It's been a while since something like this happened....'

Eve recalled the first time she met Night, her encounter with both of them is something she COULD never forget. Now that she thought about it, she always had some kind of an issue with Night, even in their first meeting, she angered Shade by insulting Night, and when they finally met in person, she attacked him.

'Haaah....I should really calm down...'

A Guardian raging for the sake of his Lord isn't something you see every day, actually, it's not something you see in decades or centuries. Especially a Guardian like Shade, he was in his territory right now and his Lord's future conquest and the bald follower dared to insult him?

"Uh, Shade....you should calm down..." Night muttered as he looked at his Guardian step towards the follower, the black strands only grew more violent with every step, the pressure emitted didn't fall down for a second and stunned everyone there. Even Noctis who was asleep on Night's head woke up and stared at Shade in a weird manner.

"In...my territory...you insulted My Lord...in MY home? This was our first time back here after I pledged my undying loyalty to him and this is what happens?"

[Your subject Shade, the Guardian of the Forest of Silence is experiencing an outburst of emotions for your sake!]

[Your subject Shade, the Guardian of the Forest of Silence is experiencing an outburst of emotions for your sake!]

[Your subject Shade, the Guardian of the Forest of Silence is experiencing an outburst of emotions for your sake!]

[Command stat +1]

[Command stat +1]

[Command stat +1]

"A simple death....is mercy for you, all of you. Followers of Artemis is it? I'll remember that" the smile on his face grew sadistic, he stood right in front of the bald follower who was shivering, saliva dripped from his mouth. However, the other followers didn't stop, they continued chanting something, except it was more rushed this time as if they were looking to do something.

"What's going on?" Night looked puzzled, he turned to Nate who was looking at Layla for an answer.

"Like I would know??!!!"

"Hey it was worth a sho-"



Just when Shade was about to bitvh slap the bald follower back to the time he had hair, a loud rumbling noise as if something had erupted made him stop his hand just a few inches away. It was a summoning, the followers were there for a ritual, a sacred one by the looks of it which explains why they were so worried when Night stumbled upon them.

"Shade get bac-"


It was a little too late, Night tried to warn Shade, there were only two people who could see what was summoned, more accurately, WHO was summoned. A gigantic winged creature, it had two curvy horns that were completely enveloped in fire. The being was dark orange, its hand spread apart just as wide as its demonic smile. 

"Er?" the being looked down, only half of its body was properly formed while the rest of it was made up of flames. "Incompetent slaves! All you had to do was properly summon my body, but no, something has to go wrong, tch"

"I-its...that one's f-fault.." a follower quavered while pointing to Shade who was getting up from the previous explosion. He was uninjured and barely lost any health and by the looks of it, his rage only got worse.

"That one?" the being of flames looked at Shade, "Mhh? but...you? How ar-"

"Shut up, argh, my ears are ringing," Shade said as he stretched his neck, he walked towards the being, the flames scattered around the ground made him look scarier, his aura clearly revealed who he was, at least in the viewpoint of the summoned creature of flames.



Ifrit (Incomplete)

Level 120

Grade: Uncommon (Original grade: Rare)

Hp- 1,000,000


Yellow Flames(passive): All fire element attacks and skills deal 30% more damage.

Fire halberd(passive): At any given time the user is able to summon a halberd made out of nothing but fire.

Temperature(passive): In the presence of the user, the temperature of the surroundings is significantly increased. For every 10°C increase, the damage dealt by the fire element is increased by 10%

Ignite: A wave of orange flames is sent flying towards your opponent. Deals 200% of MagDmg. Cooldown: 1 minute.

Torch: After a delay of 2 seconds shoot up a pillar of flames in the desired location. The location can only be anywhere 20meters around the user. Deals 100% of MagDmg. Cooldown: 1 minute.

Flame Volley: A ring of fire forms around the user and slowly expands. The maximum possible diameter the ring can have is 10 meters. It can be maintained for a total of 20 seconds. Deals 400% of MagDmg. Cooldown: 5 minutes.

"Uh..this is the incomplete form?" Nate mumbled as he looked at its status, "how are we going to deal with THAT and the followers?"

It made sense, Ifrit seemed like the monster that would require all of them to attack at once, or just Night and Noctis, but without them, the battle against the followers would become significantly harder. Of course, Eve and Nate could go all out but doing so would destroy the forest which was taking multiple steps back.

"I don't think we should be worried about that," Night said as he looked at Shade and Ifrit. It seemed as if Ifrit recognized who Shade was but at the same time, there wasn't any fear or anything. It was as if they were equal in terms of their unique status. Though Ifrit was a grade higher, he was still somewhat cautious around Shade.

"You're...destroying...My Lord's land..." Shade spoke in an intentionally slowed and dragged-out manner. All around him, the flames scattered were slowly eating up the forest, thankfully, it wasn't too much, however, that didn't matter to Shade. The magnitude of what was done never came first to him, it was always the attempt.

[Your subject Shade, the Guardian of the Forest of Silence is experiencing profound rage!]

[Your subject Shade, the Guardian of the Forest of Silence is experiencing profound rage!]

[Command stat +1]

[Command stat +1]

[Your subject Shade, the Guardian of the Forest of Silence is undergoing a significant change]

[Guardians are unique beings. They're territorial and feared by those aware of their existence. They took pride in their strength. However, for such a being to swear loyalty to a mortal is unheard of. Due to the rollercoaster of emotions, your subject is undergoing a significant change]

[Title- Liege activated!]

[A part of the result of the significant change that the subject undergoes will be shared with the user]

[Preparing user...]

[Preparing user...]

[Preparing user...]

[Variable detected! Forbidden grade Nyx's Curse Activated!]

[Due to the connection between the subject and the curse, the changes have been altered]

[Subject's feelings are integral to the process]

[Due to Forbidden Grade Nyx's curse the result is enhanced]

[Variable detected! Due to frequent deepening of bond, the results are further enhanced]

[A bigger part of the result will be shared with the user]

[Command stat +1]

[Command stat +1]

[Command stat +1]

[Command stat +1]

[Command stat +1]

It was a sight to behold. Shade's entire body was covered in dark clouds, they were of the same color as Nights. Time stopped or at least it felt like that, nobody moved an inch. Ifrit looked at what was happening with wide eyes. Meanwhile, something similar happened to Night's body, except the clouds that covered his body was lighter, they looked like Shade's color.

"Uhm....Nate. What's going on?" Eve whispered as she had a complicated look on her face, "do we stop...this?"

"N-no....whatever's happening is important....I think.." he replied. He was in awe, so much so that replying was a drag.

'Is this...normal? Is this how it feels to be around The Anomaly?' Everzone thought as he looked at Layla who had her hand over her mouth. Once again, Night broke someone's expectations, this was why he was given the title, The Anomaly. Layla and Everzone believed they wouldn't be surprised by anything that happened, it was something they prepared for when they chose to join this clan.

[Title unlocked- The Prince of Darkness and his Subject]

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