
Chapter 155: The First Potential Raid.

'Ummm Senior Night sounds pretty mad....'

While Night was having a duel of words with the blue-robed rambler, Everzone was somewhat panicking. He was worried about how the scene would look bad to anyone that passed by. Besides, who was the man? He definitely wasn't an actual follower of Artemis and if he was then he wasn't anyone normal. As long as it was in Vraun, Night was well recognized. It wasn't at the level of public praise but it was more at the level of public appreciation.

"I'm going to ask you....one last time. Just one last time. Who are you?"

He couldn't just recklessly use his skill, Eyes of the Primordial, after all, if the man was truly a follower then it would be risky using a skill that belonged to the ancestors of the Gods. It was unlikely but it wasn't worth the risk. Besides, Noctis usually wasn't bothered by such things, while in situations where he knew there would be no trouble for Night he would simply continue sleeping, however, this time, the little owl-dragon immediately flew back onto Everzone's head and assumed a defensive stance.

"In all honesty, it is just you who seems to be getting angry for no reason. I think you should get that looked at, perhaps something that occurred in the childhood stages? Hmm no, maybe actually but you don't look it. The way you hold your weapon and yourself is simply exemplary. There's no doubt in that, and the shy boy behind you as well, he's quite strong, well not yet of course bu-"

"Stop.....I don't care anymore. Just go away or something. No, we will take our leave, just stay here,"

"Are yo-"

"Yes. I am sure.." Night said as he equipped his Glacial Balance and took Everzone away, leaving the blue-robed rambler with no one but himself. The man looked somewhat sad when he saw both of them leave. Well, not exactly said but it resembled the look of an entertainer losing his audience.

"Some other time I suppose...." he muttered before disappearing the next instant.



"I wonder how he knew...." Everzone muttered while he was deep in thought.

"How he knew what?"

"Oh....umm. For a follower of Artemis, he seemed to be quite unique and his comment regarding Senior Night being exemplary got me thinking, was it just a lucky guess?"

"Honestly, it is probably a coincidence but I like to keep an open mind on things so for now let's forget about it and move to Denren, any local here should know the route."

After getting the easiest possible direction to Denren, Everzone, Night and little Noctis finally made it to the Church of Artemis.

"It's a little....bigger than I thought it was..." Everzone muttered in awe, he looked at the beautiful scenery, the church was surrounded by trees, rabbits, deers, and other animals wandered through the surrounding forest. The building was tall and not very strongly built but at the same time, it was strong enough to withstand a few attacks.

'You'd expect such an important building to be sturdier....'

It was built with ragstone rubble giving it a very 'aesthetic' look. However, as mentioned already, it wasn't built all too well, although considering how quickly it was built, the architects and the staff worked extremely hard. It was shaped exactly like a normal church, towards the highest point of the church was a huge circular window tinted with crystal glass. That wasn't it, more than the building itself, it looked like whoever designed it made sure they gave more attention and detail to the artwork on the window.

There was a woman whose wavy auburn hair was tied with what looked like the string of a bow. She was seated on top of a deer while facing the moonlight that seemed to bless her entire presence. The woman had a bow hanging around her body, she was in a grassy field where a campfire was lit. Obviously, the woman here was Artemis.

'Her followers sure are built different...'

It wasn't even an exaggeration at this point, in just a few days, they managed to make an entire church.  Even the core personality was somewhat questionable, the members were so driven and unusually crazed.

'Hah, nobody would believe me if I told them that these guys were responsible for the summoning of a monster...'

Once again, it wasn't an exaggeration. The blue-robed followers were calmly walking around and minding their business, the way they presented themselves made them look trustworthy and kind, if Night didn't know any better, he probably would've bought into this facade of theirs.

"Sage....I need you to stay outside and Noctis is going to stay with you, I can't risk taking him into a church that is secretly responsible for the partial destruction of our future territory. Actually, I can't risk taking him into any church, not yet at least...." Night said as he looked at Noctis who had a frown on.

"Come on buddy...you know I wouldn't do anything stupid..." Night patted Notcis's head.

"O-okay....I will do my best! Good luck Senior Night...." Everzone replied as he took Noctis into his hands.

"Don't call me senior...it sounds weird. Just Night or Luke will do, and thank you, you be safe here as well, I shouldn't take long," 


Night made his way into the church, it felt weird entering a religious place, especially after Heremes's warning, however, Night grew a lot since then. He now had better control of his aura, so much so that he was confident that even Hermes would find it difficult to notice it anymore.

'It has been a while since I've spoken to him....he told me to simply pray, guess I should try it sometime...'

People looked at Night with suspicion, while some more or less recognized him, the others didn't really care. The corridors were wide and long, a red carpet with yellow stripes covered the ground, the doors seemed to be made up of fine oak.

Night proceeded to explore for the next few minutes until he finally made it to the room where the altar was there. There was only one single man standing there, who was dressed in the usual blue robes, however, the man had a red badge at the back of his neck, which implied that he was an elder.

'Elder huh? should work...'

"Uh excuse me..." Night said causing the elder to turn around.

"Hmm? Oh, and who might you be young man?"

"Ah, I go by the name Night,"

"And what can I do for you Night?"

"About that...I'm not sure exactly but I was told to come visit the church..."

'I must sound stupid...' Night thought as he instantly regretted saying what he said. 

It sounded ambiguous, besides, he was somewhat surprised by the lack of proper security. For all, he knew they would throw him out for being stupid. Night thanked his past self for not taking Noctis in, it would've been disrespectful to do so.

"Told by whom exactly?"


"Are you sure it's a good idea? Sending him with Everzone and Noctis I mean..." Mocha asked as the group walked.

"Who knows, it was pointless sending those two with him anyway," Nate replied nonchalantly as he looked around. 'The capital city sure is beautiful huh?'

"Hmmm? what do you mean by that? Why was it pointless? I understand, Everzone is still young but he's quite strong, Noctis on the other hand, I'm sure he's strong enough to protect Night.."

"That's not what I meant. I'm sure Everzone and Noctis are strong enough to help him but they won't be given a chance because he's probably going to just leave them outside the church," 

"Wait what?? What's the point of doing that??????"

"Well, think about it. He can't or mostly won't be able to take Noctis inside and he certainly won't leave Noctis outside alone, so naturally, he's going to make Everzone stay with him, though I'd assume that wasn't his original intention. Let's just hope everything is alright.."

'My Lord's foresight is unmatched' Shade thought as he unknowingly puffed his chest.

Nobody in the group thought too much about it, but the theory made sense. Besides, Night wasn't someone who would belittle another being, especially his teammate. Nate was spot on once again, at this point he wouldn't even be surprised if he was right.

"In less than an hour we'll be at the first location, it's one of the borders so it's an important point to defend," Layla told the others, she stood right behind Nate and explained to the others the plans she discussed with him. "The best option is to focus on wide-range spells, cutting down the numbers is our main priority, we can't let any monster escape. Hopefully, all of us accepted the quest, this could potentially be the first raid of Genesis,"

"Of course, it would be foolish to miss such an opportunity. Let's just hope that none of the civilians are hurt..."

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