
Chapter 157: Weak and Hopeless


Honestly at this point Night's whole reason for Visiting the Church was lost. While interrogating the Pope always remained at the back of his head, he never actually meant to ask or confront him. Although, Night found it slightly funny how he randomly lashed out at the Pope.

"Moon....light...." the Pope grit his teeth, this was beyond blasphemy, to insult the Pope himself quite literally meant death in some places. Besides, Moonstar had no thoughts of letting Night go, after all, he knew too much. There wasn't any point in wasting time, instead if he could catch the young man in front of him off guard then it would make the tiresome process of slaughtering a child easier.


Pope Moonstar didn't hesitate anymore, he shot a bright yellow beam at Night who swiftly moved aside and looked at the Pope with his eyebrow raised. Although the man was slightly surprised to see Night's reactions, he quickly accepted it and credited Night's skill to his association with the Royal Family.

'He's level 200 and he has ten million health points and both our elements are critical against each other...I should be able to win right?'

The Pope was nearly a 100 levels above Night, and to make things worse he was a rare-grade NPC. Higher the grade, the more capable they are. This was common knowledge amongst the players, after all, It was just like the levels, the higher the level, the more is the advantage the player has over another.

"So you can move huh?" The Pope clapped as he took two slow steps forward. "Well guess that's to be expected. You're quite foolish you know? And now you're going to die for your foolishness. As long as you're out of the way I can manage somehow or the other."

"Hah! That's what you think!" Night said as he pointed his Glacial Balance at the Pope.

"Yes, that is what I think," he casually replied while slightly tilting his head in confusion.

"Oh uh...g-good for you I guess,"

"Haha, what a weird chap. Do you honestly think you can beat me? Let's just say you somehow managed to injure me, we're on my turf. As long as I'm in a church, as a Pope, I'm going to have some buffs you know? Besides, there are hundreds of followers ready to fight you. There's literally no way out of this for you,"

'He's not exactly wrong. My eyes don't show me too much information as well. Is it due to his level or is it a Pope thing? It has to be both, my skill can't show me the information of anyone who's a hundred levels above me, and Moonlight over here is close to that....'

"Enough talk. Let's do this..." Night said in a confident tone after realizing something. It was the safest method and if he was honest, he hated this but assuming he couldn't beat the Pope he would have to rely on this "plan" of his.

"Hoh?" the Pope mused as he continued to shoot bright yellow beams towards Night. Thankfully, the room was big enough for a proper brawl. However, the power behind the Pope's attacks was simply terrifying. Either that or the elemental weakness burnt Night quite a bit.

"Two can play that game," Night said as he switched to Dawn's bow and shot arrows made up of Pure Darkness. They were strong enough to destroy a level 200 opponent's attacks completely, as soon as the Pope's beam and Night's arrow connected, they simply disappeared. Their attacks were perfectly matched.

Even though it seemed as if Night had found a good counter, it was a very temporary solution considering the mana it took to use the spell was nowhere close to little. Of course, the option to get up close and personal was always there but Night simply wanted to test the waters.

'Alright that's it..' he prepared himself mentally before rushing in, he had Hermes Exploration activated and his Glacial Balance equipped, it was far too soon for him to try and double wield the Flame Halberd.


Before the Pope could even finish his thought, he was launched back when Night's mid-kick hit him exactly in the stomach. That wasn't the end, he dashed forward and slammed the Pope, who was still in the air, down into the ground. However, the Pope was quick to react as well, before Night could stab him, he shot another beam from point-blank range.

"Uh oh," Night said as he was blasted off backward, he went rolling on the floor, the elemental additional damage was finally showing, Night literally lost 5k damage from just the single attack. While, that wasn't too much, considering the fact that it was an attack the Pope could somehow spam, the damage dealt was enormous.

"Fcks sake..." he coughed up a mouthful of blood, it wasn't every day Night was in a situation where the opponent would actually get him in such a way. Even though it was due to the Pope's advantage in level and stats, Night blamed himself for not predicting that outcome.

"To think someone your age would be so strong....truly worthy of the Royal Family." Pope Moonstar dusted off his clothes, he barely showed any sign of injury and looked completely fine, other the other hand Night looked like he would fall after a few more of those shots.

"I'm going to spit on your Jewish Gaberdine," Night replied as he spat aside the remaining blood in his mouth. "And then I'm going to feed it to you or whatever,"

"Jewish? I'm Hellenistic, so I do not understand what you meant, regardless, I would very much like to see you try, so bring it," 

'Ah, if Nate were here it would've been so easy gosh, that one spell of his and it's done. I'm literally suffering....' it was only then that Night realized that all this time he had only been relying on his innate skill set and nothing which the game gave him, of course, he did use his skills quite often but without the skills he had learned in real life, they would be quite pointless.

He couldn't even allow Noctis inside, the consequences of letting a creature of Chaos into the territory of a Divine being were too much. Even Night hesitated quite a bit, he was scared that using his Bloodline or other skills would result in something bad.

'I should focus on exploiting the elemental weakness but overusing darkness is risky I think. Not everyone is going to treat me like Hermes....' Night thought as he twirled the darkness around his double-edged sword.

"A filthy dark element user dares to step inside this church huh? I sure hope you're ready to suffer," the Pope licked his lower lip as he took his stance, both his hands emitted a yellow light.

Once again, Night shot forward, except this time he was prepared, more so than ever. He hated being in the position he was. Weak, helpless, even with all the gifts he received, he still couldn't win a fight. It was the same as when he faced the boar, his first boss. Back then if Nyx hadn't helped him out he probably would've died.

They danced around, the sound of the groundbreaking, elements clashing, attacks being exchanged filled the room, it was surprising to see someone like the Pope move so well, especially in the clothes he was in. However, Night had the upper hand thanks to Hermes Exploration but maintaining it wasn't the easiest task. He would deactivate it every other second and use the momentum created to his advantage.

At this point, Night was sure that the other followers were aware of what was happening and simply stayed outside, perhaps they were waiting for the right moment. In all honesty, jumping inside the room and helping the Pope would've been the sensible thing to do.

'Ahh...he likes to play. Of course, he does, he probably thinks I'm a child,' Night snickered internally as he realized the only way he could survive was completely finish off the Pope before the others could interrupt.

He took multiple steps back and took a deep breath in. Now that he confirmed what had to be done, there was no other reason to hesitate or hold back. What was the point of thinking about something that may or may not happen. Now that Night thought about it, it was stupid to not go all out just because of a Divine being noticing. While it made sense, he didn't really have any other choice.

Meanwhile, outside the church Everzone looked somewhat confused, the workers who were scrambling around were now inside the church and only a few remained. However, he could still hear loud sounds coming from somewhere, sounds like the breaking of ground. 

"I wonder what it is....w-what do you think so Noctis?" Everzone asked as he looked up at Noctis who just stared into the church. He hadn't taken his eyes off the church for even a single second. 

"Hopefully everything is alright...."

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