
Chapter 162: Night's boring?

[You are being summoned to "xaldb29741#@"]

[Cannot resist!]


[Teleporting to "xaldb29741#@"]

"Ssshh he's here, shut up!"

"No, you shut up!"

"It's the same thing dumbass! Now hush!"

The rancid smell of poison, or was it rot? It was too strong to properly differentiate. It was pungent and a single waft was worse than standing next to a garbage dumpster. The room seemed like it was dully-lit, however, that wasn't particularly an issue for Night anymore. 

The sound of something dripping. It was like a broken pipe, although, the drops seemed denser and heavier, and every time it reached the surface it would make a hissing sound. Night's head felt full and hard to control. Every time he wobbled it felt like he would fall to one side. Was it due to what just happened? His eyes weren't particularly useful at the moment, he felt uneasy, so much so that opening his eyes seemed like an arduous task.

"Is he dead? He's dead isn't he?"

"Shut it! Gosh! He's not dead...probably just fazed by all this....I hope" the second voice said as it poked a stick into Night's side.

"Urghh...where..am I?"

"Hah see!! He's alive"

'My head....it hurts....everything is spinning so fast...huh? wh-who's there? There are two...people? No, one person? But I....see two of them...haaah'

"Heup!" Night jerked himself up, it wasn't the time for him to be weary or fazed by things. Even though the ringing in his head didn't reduce and the blurriness didn't fade away, he had to brute force his way through it.

"Futility! Don't even bother!" 

"You idiot, he hasn't even tried anything!"

'There's two? Twins? It's still a little.....a little blurry but...it's better...urgh...'

"Urgh, huh?" once his eyesight was brought back to normal, Night couldn't help but gulp at the sight. It was scary and gruesome. It was even worse than a homeless man in the alley by the sewer. The man in front of him had a huge diagonal cut running across his face, his hair reminded Night of Sage's, although it was longer and the length resembled that of Arthur's.

However, by the looks of it, it was clear that the man had no say in this, he couldn't exactly take care of his hair or cut it, he was chained, locked up completely. Although he did have the liberty to stand up, which in all honestly was pointless considering there was nowhere he could go.

He was good-looking, annoyingly so, the scar gave him some kind of a rugged look but overall, his appearance would be much more pleasant without the scar and the constant poison dripping onto his face. His eyes were blood red and the circles underneath were slowly turning blue from the lack of sleep.

That wasn't it. The other man couldn't be called his twin. One had unkempt blonde hair while the other had fierce red hair that looked perfectly well maintained. It was silky smooth and was lustrous even in the dimly lit room. There wasn't a single mark or spot on the man's face, it was almost as if he was carved into existence. There was no snake wrapped around that dripped poison, there was no scar, the man was in perfect condition. He leaned against a wall that was covered in darkness.

They had an uncanny resemblance, it was poetic in a way. One seemed to be in perfect condition while the other seemed to be facing the suffering of the entire world. However, both of them shared the same foundation and that was clear.

"You're up. You're quite the talented kid arntcha? I'm surprised it took me so long to get you here, honestly, it was slightly annoying but just because it's you, I'll let it slide. Just because it's you okay?" The masterpiece of a man said with a wink which was probably the smoothest wink Night had ever seen. "But it disturbs me that you're somehow....mmmm better looking I'd say. Whatever, can't be bothered by a mortal."

'Uh oh,'

It always spelt trouble when the other person referred to someone as 'mortal', either they were bluffing to the moon and back or they were beings that shouldn't be touched or disturbed. However, Night's current sight didn't exactly scream "don't breath around me or I'll slaughter you".

"Hmm? Ah, so that's what it was. That's what made it so difficult to get your ass here, gosh. That makes so much sense. Is she here right now? Can I speak to her? Hmmm, nope. Seems like she isn't all that active right now, but scary news dude. Whew, like man, the old lady's still up and kicking huh? Welp, I know someone who would literally search every realm to find you. Although, you are doing a good job at hiding the aura, so there's that." the man continued explaining as he swatted his hand around in the air, "don't worry, there's probably no one else who can do what I did, I'm talented like that you know? I'm good with uh magic and shit. Not exactly but yeah,"

".....who are you?"

"Nah shut up, I'm talking. So as I was saying, you don't really need to worry about being spotted or anything, although I would not recommend using your powers and going all nutz in a religious area. Not the best option in my opinion, but you do you dude. Gods and peeps can't freely use their powers in the mortal realm, they have restrictions you know? The stronger they are, the stronger the restrictions. Although there are certain freaks who found a way to fully use their powers, yeah I know, scary. Anyway, aren't you like curious as to who I am and shit? You know? to be able to exercise so much power, I must be someone sexy, I mean not that it's not a given but you know what I mean," he winked at Night multiple times and the worst part was, it was still the smoothest wink he had ever seen, even though it should've been creepy.

"Clearly you're not strong enough to leave this place, pfft" Night chuckled. For some reason, he felt free, ironic considering they were literally in a room that had only one light in the center. There was no way out and breaking down the walls was obviously not a possibility considering, the fact that if it was, then the men would be free by now.

"Hoho, quite the smart mouth. Tough but it won't work in the big leagues. Oh did I mention you're in the presence of said big leagues? I didn't? Oh sucks to be you I guess."

"What am I even doing here?  Why is the dude there locked up?  Who are you?"

"Hmm, you're certainly a mouthy one aren't you? Well anyway, I shall answer your questions only because I feel like it! Not because you're better looking than me and I'm non-binary and I find you attractive, it has nothing to do with that. Ahem,"

'Wait what now?'

"As I was saying, you're here because I summoned you for a favor? or a quest, ouuu yes a quest. That sounds exciting no? Don't worry, you can take your time with that one. Anyway, next point, the dude here is locked up because the Gods are cruel and unforgiving. Don't believe those stupid old tales, most Gods are evil, murderous, and deceiving. They'll do anything to fulfill their desires. For example, literally, the majority of the Greek gods and famous heroes exist only because my man, Zeus couldn't control his hormones. Like??? Bro??? Anyway, you get my point right?"


'What the fck? No, literally? Who in their right mind would out-right diss Zeus? Isn't he like the Ruler of Olypmi or something? Uh...for fcks sake why do I get into this shit...'

"I understand...and for the last question?" Night asked with a slight twinkle in his eyes. This was the most important question, It was a need-to-know for him.

"Nah, it's too boring if I simply just give it away right? How bout this, I'll ask you questions relevant to my identity and you answer them, alright? Perfect" the man clapped as in an excited manner.

"Okay so, you see those three rocks the other guy is tied to? And the snake that's leaking onto him. You see that right? So apparently the Gods think he killed this guy called Baldur, don't ask me why but they just do, so this is his punishment. Come on now, take a guess.."

"Uh....who killed who now?" Night was honestly the worst person for this. Even though he did his research, his desire to know and learn more about Mythology was, well, sucky.

"Ah forget it, you bore me, I would rather suffer," the man groaned while rolling his eyes, "brace yourself, mortal, for I, the God of awesomeness and kick-assery and whatnot, am about to reveal my identity. I'll wait for the drumroll"



"Okay whatever, you suck and I'm Loki,"

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