
Chapter 168: Guardian?Where?#4

"Rat bastards ass..." Nate mumbled as he realized what was going on. There was a huge possibility that Noel and Neo were fighting to their deaths right this second, and Nate couldn't do anything about it. After all, he was in the opposite direction, besides even if he was right next to Noel there's nothing he could possibly do that could change the outcome.

Nate wasn't someone who could beat people above his own level, especially if they were multiple grades higher than him. While he was certainly someone who was too strong for his own level, at least comparatively.

'What do I do.....wait...Luke! If anyone can pull off something that's way higher than their paygrade, it's him! Shit shit shit, I need to message him!'

"I need to let Luke know of something, he went offline a while back but this is important, if the monster makes any unnecessary movements then you can start, although this will probably take me like 20 seconds..." Nate announced before he started looking for Night's name to PM him.

'I sure fcking hope you're looking at your phone.....please tell me you are....'

Another excellent feature that Genesis had was that messages and certain types of notifications appear on your personal phone, of course, this was assuming the devices were synced and both the devices had access to a form of network.

"Screw it, if he sees it he sees, this Guardian is a bigger issue for me," Nate cursed, this was all he could, worrying about something he could do nothing about was stupid, especially in such a situation.

"Nate! We need to start now," Eve screamed as she summoned two fireballs in her hands and launched them at the gigantic creature. It was the biggest of the three Guardians there. The beast had wings that were made of chunky rocks and it was the size of a mountain. Although it looked like a typical aerial beast, the Guardian was made up of nothing that light, at least that's how it looked. Its entire exterior was hard and had stalactites standing out from every angle. It was weird to think this was an aerial beast.

"Uh now that I see it from here, I think it's safe to say we misjudged its size....." Nate replied as he summoned three bright mana spheres around him. "Alright, we got this though, no offense buddy I've never seen you tank, but don't you think getting hit by that thing is going to send you flying?"

"Haha none taken! I understand why you would think that but you're in for a surprise, although it does look quite big...." Noxx replied as he walked forward with his shield in front of him. He could hear the sound of Nate's sphere churning as he continued putting more mana into them.

'It still blows my mind...'

It was probably due to the fact that they were around Nate and have seen use those spheres multiple times but the entire concept of manipulating mana and being able to use every element was absurd.

'Eve's attack didn't do much but I know for a fact that his attack is going to sting....'

There was a good reason for that. Eve's fireballs looked small in comparison to Nate's spheres, although they were probably small in front of the Guardian. Eve couldn't charge her spells as Nate could, it was only due to the fact that Nate could manipulate mana, that was the reason he could charge his attack. It wasn't an official spell but it was only a matter of time before the system recognizes it and creates one for him.

"A little more..." Nate's voice trembled, the veins on his hands were popping out because of how hard it was to control three spheres at once. Not to mention the fact that he wasn't simply controlling them, he was constantly feeding them with more mana. "NOW!"

As soon as he heard Nate's scream, Noxx used a skill of his own. It was debuff that reduces the opponent's defense by 5%. Although the number wasn't anything too great, it would still increase the damage by quite a bit.

[You have inflicted 10,000 damage to the target]

[You have inflicted 10,000 damage to the target]

[You have inflicted 10,000 damage to the target]

It wasn't low damage by any means, after all, even though Nate struggled to maintain or control the spheres, the mana he used wasn't such a significant amount. In fact, the only issue he faced was the weight of the spheres. He didn't literally carry them but it still felt that way, if not for the fact that this was a game, Nate would've long since broken his back.

"...That explains a lot" Eve muttered as she thought about Nate slicing off players in the tournament. 


The monster didn't exactly feel it too much but it still let out a low growl because of the sudden health loss. After all, thirty thousand was more than enough to kill players, especially because the game was at a stage where items weren't exactly available to everyone.

"That's not all!" Nate grinned as he proceeded to use his hack of a move that is Three Moons Dispersion. One of the biggest reasons it was broken was because of the fact that there wasn't any kind of condition to the skill. As long as it hit, it was enough. Which was perfect considering the situation they were in. The Guardian was HUGE and there was practically no way it could escape that attack.

"Hahah that definitely increases our chances of winning!" Eve cheered as she looked at the monster getting struck by Three Moons Dispersion. As much as she hated the skill because of how unfair it was in the earlier stages where escaping such an attack would be impossible, she enjoyed watching her enemies suffer because of it.

"I agree! This definitely makes my job easier, now just sit back and spam your spells, I'll handle the rest." Noxx roared as he hit his weapon onto his shield.

"Yeah, I'm kinda running low on mana....so I'll be a little careful now..." Nate panted as he eyed the drones flying around capturing everything that was happening.

The Genesis enthusiasts couldn't believe their own eyes when they saw what The Prodigy was fighting or defending against. The fact that it was a group of three against an entire Guardian was absurd.

- I....what's going on....and they're not even losing.....Perhaps The Primordials are truly a different breed....

- To think there would come a day where we could all come together and witness such an event...This is the true beauty of the existence of such a large entity that is Genesis. 

- Although I cannot fully agree with that, I have to say, I never imagined such a situation to occur so early in the game. Perhaps events and adventures like these are the reason why Nate and Night are so absurdly strong? 

- I would prefer to stay away from assuming things but that does sound very possible. After all, what are the odds that a group is involved in such a large-scale event, and the odds on that group being The Primordials is something which cannot pass as coincidence. While everyone focuses on running around delivering medicines and whatnot, this specific group is fighting off thousands of monsters at once.

- Just what is it that they're doing different? What makes Night and Nate so different? Their skills, weapons everything about them is unique and fresh. 

The reporters were definitely not letting even an inch of footage go away. After all, it had valuable information, extremely valuable. Perhaps the answer to the reporter's question lay in that very footage but somewhere hidden away in the background. Fortunately, the camera hasn't panned towards Shade fighting the Guardian alone, which was bound to happen soon considering how huge the opponents were.

No one could say whether they could actually defeat the Guardians or not, but one thing was for sure. The rewards for participating in the defense of Vraun were going to be immense and more than worth the struggle. 

While Nate and the others were literally fighting for their in-game lives, the man in question, that is Luke, was somewhere walking with one hand over his stomach and the other on his head. This was his city, more specifically, his native city.

"Man that was delicious," he grinned in satisfaction as he rubbed his stomach with his hand. "When in doubt, burgers and fries is definitely the answer! Not to forget the absolutely amazing cold coffee on the side. Haah, hmm?"

Luke could hear the sound of police vehicles somewhere, which was good news, after all, it meant the ones who jumped him earlier and quite literally tried to kill him with the van, were caught and getting what they deserved.

"Come on! Everything was so peaceful till now. My phone just had to die huh? Tch whatever," Luke cursed as he put his phone in his back pocket and continued walking, not realizing what was happening.

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