
Chapter 170: Send me your location.

"For fcks sake...if not for the stupid footage getting discussed I wouldn't even have thought of coming back. And as soon as I log back, the first thing I see is that Master is in danger?? He's a goddamn Legend! Of course, his opponent JUST had to be someone stronger than him, A frickin Myth????"

"Listen well Noctis. I don't care who we're up against but we need to make sure that he's safe. I don't care. Also, where do you go when I disappear? I can't leave you alone near a religious location but when I go away what do you do?"

*kruuuuukrruu kru kru*

"You hide in a bush near me? Smart. Good boy," Night said as he patted its head. "Back to this, it's stupid. Look at me! I'm in no condition to go help someone fight a Myth. That's stupid!! Even for me, that's reckless. Especially if the one I should help is Master. I mean have you seen him?? He flattens battlefields in a single strike! How do I compete with that???"

Night proceeded to make his way back to the royal castle, after all, to get Noel's exact location, the best place to go was to go to someone who was aware of every presence in Vraun. At the same time, he could also pick up the drops that were taken, it was killing two birds with one stone and in such a situation everything could and would make a difference.

He was in desperate need of new clothes and armor although for the time being he stuck to using Umbrakinesis to cover himself. Of course, he could put it up all the time but it was tiring and couldn't exactly be counted as proper armor. It was more of a defensive layer, even though it looked like the demon lord's clothes.

"The Pope had to have dropped some armor right? Fck my luck and all but I know for a fact that he dropped some armor. Wearing his clothes shouldn't have any side effects, so I guess I'm safe. Not that it would matter against a Myth rated NPC....." Night continued to talk to himself as he drifted through the crowd, the plan was to use Hermes Exploration once he got past the people, until then he focused on gathering mana.

Until now, Night had only used his starter clothes. The majority of his weapons were level one as well, not to mention he thought it would be appropriate to leave the items he crafted at the Blacksmith. 

"I wonder what kind of stats and buffs armor will have? I've never really had the opportunity to use one, so let's hope it makes me way stronger than I currently am. Although, I can't really imagine how it would increase my damage..."

It was a valid thought. In most games, armor usually only increased defense and health and very rarely speed or evasion. Although, it isn't to say that armor or such items never increase attack or anything other than defensive properties. It's just that it was unusual.

Once Night crossed the crowded areas, he used Hermes exploration and quickly made his way back to the Royal Castle, where he went straight to Pythia. Usually, he would greet the guards as well the maids working around, however, this time, just by how fast he was moving, everyone could say it was something important.

"Madam Pythia! Tell me where's Master!" Night screamed as he entered the garden where The Oracle usually sits. His loud voice broke the pleasant and quiet atmosphere in the place, butterflies and tiny creatures as such flew away from Pythia's finger.

"...Child.... you be-"

"Please tell me where Master is! I apologize for whatever but just tell me his current location, I'll explain later!"

"You can just ask him yourself no?"


"Wait...are you trying to tell me, he hasn't taught you how to communicate with him? You're a Disciple of a Legend, naturally, there's going to be certain advantages to that. Don't tell me you've never heard him talk to you..."

".....I've never...."

In truth, Night always wondered by what Noel meant. Back when they first decided to set off to Vraun, Noel mentioned his ability to talk to his disciples, although that completely went over Night's head.

"This is an issue....and Blade didn't bother teaching you as well? Why do you think those both are always so coordinated...bah and that stupid brat didn't even tell me. Fine! I can try locating him but he's annoying when it comes to that so I cant see where he is properly, although I can tell you the rough location,"

"Thank you Madam Pythia. While you try to do so, I have something to do, so please excuse me," Night said as he slightly bowed before turning around. He had to check out the loot he received and the best time to do that was when Pythia was busy looking for his master.

'Shouldn't she have a location already? I mean if Nate knew then she should've as well no? well whatever,'

Night roamed around the castle until finally he found a few guards and asked about the drops. Since his affinity with everyone in Vraun was maxed, they wouldn't suspect him or even accuse him of lying.

"Just follow me, Sir Night," a guard said while bowing slightly. Since these were the guards at the castle, their levels were way higher than Nights, which made them, bowing down to Night, weird.

"T-thank you.."

A slight shine broke through the cracks of the door. An increase in his heart rate. A sweat drop to the ground, the methodical noise of the mechanisms turning as the guard pushed the key further into the hole. The very quiet but eerie creaking sound of the door being pushed.


Night would be lying if he said that he wasn't expecting something extraordinary. After all, these were drops from the Pope, an NPC who was level 200 and at the rare grade. Although, the most important factor would have to be the fact that these were the drops of a Pope.

Even amongst weapons or items of the same grade, there were some that stood out. It's not as if every rare grade was the same or was equal in terms of value. Most of the time the weapon grade is determined by the material and the blacksmith behind its creation. However, to say that all rare-grade weapons were equal was farfetched, and there were a plethora of reasons for this.

"A chest plate,  and a ring...?" Night muttered as he looked at the items that lay on a huge table. 

The armor was made out of some kind of white fabric and was quite thick, enough to block a weak stab, it had gold lines running throughout which gave it a nice look, but it wasn't shining or lustrous as one would expect. However, a book isn't meant to be judged by its cover, so until Night equips it, he won't be able to know its true worth.

[ Moonstar's robes

Grade: Uncommon

Level: 200

Defense: 100

Requirements: none.

Durability: 1500/1500

Defense against dark element +5%

Moonstar set item 1/2

Set bonus effect: 4-chain link attack

*Chance of triggering chain attack: 10%

*Cooldown after triggering 5 mins.]

[ Moonstar's ring

Grade: Rare

Level: 200

Requirements: none.

Durability: 150/150

Light element damage increased by 5%

Moonstar set item 1/2

Set bonus effect: 4-chain link attack

*Chance of triggering chain attack: 10%

*Cooldown after triggering 5 mins.]

"Fck this game....."

The drops weren't particularly bad, but to someone who was said to have absolute authority over the dark element, Night didn't exactly need additional defense, especially when it was as small as 5%. To make things worse, the set bonus, as well as the effect of the ring, was absolute trash for him.

"Wait I can't even equip them anyway, it's level 200....so it's literally pointless for me right now. Well, this was a huge was of time huh? I'm just going to store it in and hopefully, forget about it," Night said as he stored the items in his inventory. After thanking the guards he went back to the garden, once again his heart rate increased. He was going to get a location and potentially fight against a Myth rated NPC.

"Child....I can't explain it but for some reason, I can't pinpoint his location, but I do have some good news. Your Master isn't exactly in Vraun but he is somewhere close by. Continue North-East for a bit and you'll find the sacred temple of Apollo there. Once you're there you should be able to find him,"

"Thank you so much Madam Pythia! I promise I'll explain everything!" Night exclaimed and prepared to leave, however, just before he was about to do so, Pythia's voice interrupted him.

"Shush, who said I'm done. You think I'm not aware of what he's doing? Pah! I've known him since he was a wee-little lad! Who do you think got him here, hmph! Whatever, just be safe, okay?"

".....I will...." Night said before disappearing from her view.

"Haah...do you even realize where you currently are, you little fool?" Pythia said as he looked in a particular direction.

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