
Chapter 175: How's this for Poetry?

(A/N: Sickness affects the release rates sometimes. Gomenasai : ( but I can tell you that you will absolutely love this chapter so^_^ )


"This is what it means to be strong. This is what it means to be a Myth....now then, perish,"

Much like a specific green aliens attack where he holds two fingers to his forehead, Neo's sword shot out a bright yellow-white beam that shot straight towards Noel. It was fast, extremely so. Just by the way it sounded and moved, one could easily figure that it was powerful, so much so that it could go through a shield like it was butter.

Noel was a Legendary Grandmaster who had full command over his weapon aura. Although it wasn't as unique and specific as Night's it was definitely stronger. However, even with the multiple layers, he formed in front of him, even after pulling out a shield, which was the first 'weapon' he had shown other than his favorite katana, the beam simply continued without a single hint of deviation or disruption. It continued to do so even after penetrating Noel's right shoulder until finally, a loud crash occurred somewhere far behind them.

"Hmmm, not bad, you managed to dodge that. Not entirely by the looks of it hahaha," Neo snickered, he had a smug look on his face as he looked at Noel with his chin pointing to him. It was a battle between someone who was called a genius and someone who was called a hardworking genius.

Achilles wasn't the best of men, at least according to history. However, he was favored by the Goddess of Wisdom and there had to be some sense of righteousness in that, he was a warrior at the bottom of his heart. The question is, would he be happy with what his descendant, Neo, was doing? Or would he himself do such a thing?

It was tough to say, Achilles was loyal and would fight the world for those he loved and cherished. However, at the same time, he always HAD to get what he wanted, which wasn't an issue considering, he was both extremely handsome and supernaturally strong. He was vengeful and had a bad temper when things didn't go his way. 

If someone were to compare Neo's and Achilles' personalities, they would come to the conclusion that Neo was a refined version of his benefactor. Although there were some differences that may or may not have been a result of THE NATURE during his upbringing. Neo was loyal but only to himself and what he found amusing, he wasn't someone who would risk himself for anything. However, he didn't have a bad temper, it was almost to the point where he had no temper at all. He always presented a calm and nonchalant demeanor, which was mostly due to the trust he had in himself.

A Myth was someone feared, someone who was literally a step away from becoming a Divine being, naturally, he had to have a certain level of self-confidence, which is why he allowed Noel's attacks to connect. His body was stronger and way more durable than the others, however, just that fact that he was injured meant that Noel wasn't like the other Legends.

"You know...I've had my fair share of encounters with Legends, although you're the only one that lived this long, so I guess I get to see how strong you guys actually are huh?"

"....You won't be alive for that..." Noel clenched his jaw as he used his aura to seal the wound, although it wasn't perfect, it allowed some kind of movement to take place.

"That Disciple of yours is sneaky but it won't do any good against me. He can control his aura quite well, although it seems like he still has a long way to go, but seriously? hiding behind a cracked boulder? Just come out and watch your master die,"

"You wish. M-master's g-g..oing to slaughter your dumb face!" Blade shouted from behind the boulder. Although he trusted Noel, he couldn't just ignore the damage Neo dealt to his master in a single strike.

"....You idiot..." Noel muttered under his breath. He could feel Blade's presence but a part of him just wished that it was a mistake, however, this was the worst possible situation for him. Noel could barely hold his own against Neo, now that Blade was here, it changed the entire situation. He had to cover for himself as well as his disciple.

'How did he even know....'

"M-mas..ter I'll help you! Together we can take him!" Blade said as he stopped hiding and came out holding a sword in his hand. It was clear that he was afraid, as slight as it was, he couldn't stop his hands from trembling.

"I admire your courage. Even in the face of inevitable death, you decided to fight for your master's sake. It's cute, I'll let you live if you stay back, don't worry I'll be your new teacher after I kill this one here," Neo said as he pointed his Gladius to Noel.

"Bullshit! I will never! NEVER! Betray him. So just you wait, we're going to kill you! Then let's see who's cute and who's foolish!" he was confident. That was the trigger, all his life, Blade had only one person he looked up to or forward to spending his time with, and that was Noel. Who taught him everything he knew, Blade was exceptionally talented, although, because of Night, it would make sense to see him as "ordinary". 

"No matter what you do. You can never amount to his greatness! Even if you can. You will never be a better teacher than Master...." he continued as his incomplete weapon aura formed around his weapon.

"Fool...get out of here right now! Please...." Noel moved in front of Blade and stood between him and Neo. "Right now. That's an order..."


"This is touching and all, but do you think I'm just going to sit here and allow you to make your own choices? Your freedom is quite literally in my hands, it's unfortunate you haven't noticed that yet. It would make your deaths less painful," Neo frowned as he looked at the master and disciple duo. He was a soldier through and through, and the only one he could ever be grateful to, if he had to pick one, would be Achilles.

"I apologize Master....but I cannot. Please run away, you're injured. I'll hold him off...I'll try to...please understand that you're far more valuable. The Kingdom needs you. Your Highness needs you, the people, everyone entrusted you with their safety. So please understand...."

"Shut up you fool! What makes you think I do not know that, just get away from here. That's an order, I can escape, just get out of here and leave this to me. This is the last time I'm gonna say th-"

"MASTER! You're going to be a father soon, so please! Act accordingly..." Blade screamed as tears escaped his eyes. The aura around his weapon grew more violent with every second that passed.

"...What..." Noel asked as he blinked, "I swear if this is your way of getting me to-"

"It isn't...now please just leave," Blade grit his teeth, and clenched onto the handle of the sword harder, blood dripped from his palms as the aura that continued to grow violent pierced his hands.

"Enough! I'm going to kill both of y'all at once, so shut it!!" Neo roared as he lunged forward, the ghosts appeared once again, however, this time it was different. It wasn't a single beam but it looked like a huge cannon of energy was going to envelop everything he aimed at. "Haha, this is what I call a Poetic end!! Now burn!!"

"Circadian Rythm"

Just before he could finish his attack, his entire world turned pitch black. There wasn't a single thing in sight, however, even in such a state, he caught a glimpse of something. Something that sent him back decades, all the way back to when he first met Achilles and received his curse.

"Purple eyes, according to the eternal one of wisdom, your bane is a being with those features,"

Achilles' voice rang through his head, he couldn't move a muscle. After all, as far as he knew, the existence of a being with purple eyes was'nt something that was possible. Streaks of purple, in a world where everything was dark, Neo Thallius, A Myth, caught the glimpse of two purple gems zooming around.

'Am I dreaming.....I was just about to kill those two right? Where am I now....?'

It was the first time he had ever come across such a situation. Throughout his life, he was someone who experienced nearly everything life had to offer, everything except fear of course. However, this was the first time he experienced anything relatively close to that. His body froze up, his grip around the gladius weakened and sweat began to form on his forehead. His confident demeanor shattered as he heard another voice.

"How's this for Poetry?"

"Poetry that Personifies The Night- Disseminate"

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