In the middle of the night, when the moon glowed directly over the sky, Pamira found Tinasha, as soon as she entered her master's room, trying to form a configuration of long-distance transitions, and called out.

"Master Aetherna, which way?

The witch, standing in the center of the room, looks back frightened by her inquiry.

"Pamira. Don't be surprised. And how to call it that."

"Excuse me. Dear Tinasha."

Tinasha scratched her head with childlike eyes where pranks were found.

Pamira is the only one so far who knows that this witch has a completely different essence than the character she is behaving as a "bride of kings". A few days after being attached as a caretaker, Pamela thought she was hiding something, and when it was just the two of us, she questioned and questioned and pledged allegiance, repeating it and finally winning her credibility.

'I'm on your side no matter what. If you can't trust me, slash me away, "he told Pamira, and the witch gave it back in a more polite tone when she laughed bitterly," Okay... don't call me Aetherna for now when you two are ". Pamira gets happy because she feels that her natural personality is represented in such a place.

That said, I'm not just happy about it. Tinasha's power is certainly mighty, but she has only one, and she is too lonely in this country. I want someone who can at least trust me a little more, Pamira thinks so with all her mouth.

Or that man named Renate could be my husband's real support. It's not a good idea to expect too much, but there's no one else.

Such Pamira's annoyance approximated, Tinasha began to assemble the configurations that had been interrupted again.

"I'm going out for a minute. If anyone comes, leave them deluded."

"Uh, that."

Pamira hastily opened her mouth to ask where she was going, but for a moment later, the witch figure can disappear beautifully from the room.

"Damn that one......!

No one listens to the whine. The moon was blue and white and silent across the sky.

The moon from the terrace was red.

It's like dyeing it with blood, and Lust, the king of Tayri, looks up with irony. Dark gray hair bound in one behind dropped a long shadow on his back.

- - I lost nearly 10,000 soldiers. And because of my sweet judgment.

Whatever you say, that's the truth. He looks up to the moon because of the bitterness without sighing.

Tayri's history of magician persecution is long. It is a bloody history that lasts more than a thousand years and is also the only history of faith in God Ilityrdia. In contrast to the harsh repression, the Mages' bees have happened more than once in the past, but they have all been repressed by the Royal Army of Tayri.

Even when Kuskul became independent, he thought there was no way he would last. He simply said that the sweetness of his father's king was the culprit.

But thinking so, the army Lust forced out was devastated. I regretted that I should have formed more armies without insulting them, and I also wished I had been in command myself, but it was too late. In a week's time, the four great armies of Falsas, César, Gandona and Mensan will arrive in the castle capital of Tayri. More than criticizing the Father King who called for reinforcements, Lust wanted to achieve some result by then.

- I still have to form another army under my command.

Tomorrow morning, when he decided to gather the generals and try to return indoors, the sky beneath the moon strained at the end of the gaze he looked up. Lust exudes his sword reflexively. That strain is what magicians show up for when they make long-range transfers. He had seen it several times before.

At that time they could all be slashed and discarded the moment the magician showed up. But now it is out of reach in the air. Lust smashed his tongue, wishing he had a bow.

The spatial strain widens.

The next moment there was - a witch appearing.

It soon became clear that the woman was the witch who attacked the city of Tayri. The witch exposed herself in front of the witness and named herself a witch. The color of the hair, the color of the eyes, as reported. But beauty was far beyond imagination. He cannot find an answer as to how a woman as if she had formed the moonlight into the shape of a man, a man who is against the will of God, has such a creation.

Long lashes moved slowly, his eyes lying down ejected Lust.

Darkness like falling everywhere. The abyss is there.

Lust wondered if her breath would hold because of the vibrancy of her too existence. Just a glance, that's all I was fascinated by.

The witch opens her red little lips.

"Prince Lust?

The voice was as clear as cold water. He can't respond aggressively. After a few moments, my dry mouth finally moved slightly.

What can I do for you?

She returns the matter succinctly while floating in the universe.

"No more handouts to Kuskul. I want you to refrain from the army."

"Horrible thick. What's the aim?"

The witch seemed to have taken a small sigh of sigh in the words of blatant contempt and hostility. Point your white finger at Lust.

"It'll all be over in two weeks. If I can reinforce you, I don't want you to march until then."

Lust lost track of how the word should be perceived.

Buy time, or does it mean something else? The witch in his sight is looking back at him with no expression. A black thin silk dress rocked in the wind. The desire to see her closer brings my head. Makes me want to touch my thin arms.

"Come down here if you're going to ask for something. Magician."

The witch lifted only one end of her lips and gave her a grinning grin.

"Magician-inspired? How do you not know that your attitude brought you here today?

Lust learned a warlike fear and exaltation at the grin. I associate myself with being pushed into a bottomless abyss by the hands of a man. If he shut up, he was likely to have admitted defeat, and he made a mocking smile and returned it to her.

"Mages disturb the world of God with their own personal greed. Its power is sin. Come down. Then I'll listen to you."

He didn't think the witch would listen to that order. But when she lowers altitude all the way, she floats the same height of her eyes as him, but out of reach in the air. That's how she looked from the front. She was so small in shape that the intimidation that was wrapped around her was strange. Lust stares at the luxurious limbs that could easily fit into his arms if he held them.

The witch laughed bitterly at the slightest break-up.

"You're a lot taller than me. Sometimes you'll be more accommodating than me for that. But based on that, don't you think it's funny that I'm trying to envy and ostracize you? It is the weakness of men to hunt for aliens in the name of God."

The woman's appearance looked terribly sad because of the moon's makings. Dark eyes ripple like the sea of night. Lust only returned a "manipulation," but the voice he could give was weak and his heart was shaken.

A soft breeze blows. The trees in the garden make noises and shake. Nothing else. The witch stared at him for a while, but said, "I gave you some advice," she spread her hands. Lust screams unexpectedly when he realizes that he intends to make a metastasis.

"If you want reinforcements retained, come back tomorrow for another favor! To me! Otherwise, I won't listen to your demands."

I didn't get the answer.

When a witch produces a composition without chanting, it disappears from the spot. The wind just goes through there, as if being was an illusion.

Lust couldn't move from the terrace for a while to the shadow of a woman who captures her soul. And he didn't have the will to collect his own troops tomorrow, at least.

Ranak sat deeply on the throne, looking up at the ceiling as he cared. Beyond the white stone without any painting, he sees the night sky.

"Don't go without the moon. Three more days."

"All ready to sync"

To the report of a magician kneeling before the throne, he nods.

"This will also erase everyone's suffering. It'll be a good world to live in."

Exhale all the time and the king closes his eyes. Another magician, who had refrained beside him, spoke reluctantly to the words of his master in a good mood.

"Will this really happen..."

"I have Aiti. I'm sure it'll work out."

Smiling to reassure her, Lanak squeaks in her heart.

This time I won't fail......

The Tinasha was walking down the hallway of the royal palace with Renate. Dressed in magic, he glances at the running writing given to him by his beautiful husband.

"Forty obsidian is fine."

"Please. Something as dark and undistorted as you can."

"Okay. We'll have it ready by tomorrow."

"Prepare your own defenses, just in case."

Renate just laughed and didn't answer Tinasha's words. It's not self-inflicted abandonment, but it's my husband who should take precedence over himself. I was going to reward her at any rate for laughing and accepting it, even though I swore allegiance as if I had pushed her.

I hear an ironic voice from the shadow of the pillar at that time in Lennart's ear, which secretly hardens his determination.

"What can I help you with?

Seeing who showed up, Renate managed to look bitter.

It was Baldaros, the magician.

Tinasha has once come to the royal palace in Kuskul and has banished one magician on the grounds that he has damaged his mood. The man's name said Kagal, but since then other magicians have dared avoid contact for fear of her unhappiness.

But only Baldaros gets tangled up in Tinasha every time something happens. Renate was concerned about how far he had been asked, but his husband was flat. Gently tilt the thin neck back.

"I was going to make a necklace. I'm asking for a stone."

"Is it a necklace...... Obsidian would indeed suit your hair and eyes well. But isn't the bride a little more suitable for another color? For example, pearl white or… grenade red."

"I don't know if it's red for the bride."

To her trying to pass in front of Baldaros, yet the man stood forward eating down. He narrows his eyes even further. It resembled the eyes of reptiles looking at their prey.

"I think red would suit you, too. It suits the color of your blood. I'm really interested in what glossy inner body is hidden in that beautiful limb."

"Ask Ranak."

The painful irony did not convey meaning to anyone on the spot though. Baldaros takes a step back and clears the way when he smiles with a glimpse of joy. With that creeped out, Renate walked out blocking the man's gaze with his own body to shelter the witch.

Tayri was, after all, looking at his march to Kuskul after his great defeat on the Asdra Plains. Only the army was formed, but it remains in the castle capital.

In addition to that, the castle capital had begun to gather the armies of the four powers at the request of Tayri. Oscar, who entered the castle of Tairi, is accumulating frustration with him four days after his arrival, not starting to march with just a lazy overlap of operations yet.

The primary cause of this is tairi, and I can't determine the middle story because Lust, the prince who holds the main authority over the army, insists repeatedly that he be cautious anyway. What do you mean, we called it ourselves?

If that's all, he was still attached to Lust's sister Cecilia, as he did every day, and his patience seemed to reach its limits.

"What are you doing here?"

"Isn't it because I wanted to see you?

I just get a headache watching her giggle. Oscar looked back at her with sarcasm in his eyes.

The place is his room given in the castle of Tayri. And the sun was set, and the sky was the same bright night sky as the colour of his eyes. The one who put this woman through is a sermon later, and he cuts his sigh.

Checilia raised her eyebrows lightly, getting up the chair opposite him and standing right next to him, telling her how obviously annoying she was. Sitting on his elbow and leaning against him, he leans poisonously red lips against the man's ear and whispers.

"If you're too attached, I have an idea."

"Well, what?

"You were brought here in Falsus, that magician woman. That must have been the Blue Moon witch, right? Someday someone might notice, but if I touch it around now, it might be a little bad."

To the sight of a woman like to try, Oscar turned his thoughts around shaping his grin with his mouth alone.

- Surely any of them may be noticed.

But why did this woman just realize it? The only sighting passed on to Tairi should have been that of a beautiful woman with dark hair and dark eyes. Deep black people are rare for both, like Tinasha, but not at all. I didn't think the slightest sighting could be immediately connected to the Pharsus magician.

"What do you say? Did it work a little?

Cecilia stares at him with pleasure in his eyes that she does not doubt he has taken the upper hand. He put his arms around the man's neck. A rather sweet scent tickles the nasal cavity. It smells like inviting a man. Oscar looked at her as he grabbed her thin jaw with his hand. Overlay your own it on a woman's lips.

Checilia embraced the long, soul-waving mouthfeel of victory with her indulgence. A man with his face off whispers in his ear. My whole body trembled at the low sound.

"Why does that seem so? Could be a very similar woman."

"You can't get away with that...... I saw that woman. There's no way I'm wrong."

Slip your fingers on the woman's white neck. Oscar asked further as he mouthed there.

"Where? It's incredible."

Cecilia raised her voice and laughed.

"Do you care so much about that witch? Do you even use magic to captivate men...? She comes to your brother every night. She's a whore, not even knowing I'm watching her."

To the words, Oscar nearly twisted Checilia's neck, which he was in danger of touching. When he manages to restrain himself, he stands up pushing her over. Grabbing the flashing woman's jaw and turning upwards, he looked down at her with no shards of sweetness.

"Let me show you Prince Lust's room."

There was power there without saying whether or not.

Checilia finally understood her defeat at this time.

I didn't even think the dust would really come when I said come back tomorrow.

But the witch also came to discipline. Under the same moon, at a distance that is never within reach.

Every time she came, she preached to Lust the stupidity of discriminating against people. That was sometimes a roundabout metaphor, and sometimes it followed a direct and really painful place. I'm not looking down, I'm not begging, I'm just pale she spins words. I won't stay long. At the end of the questioning, he disappears neglectfully.

But Lust is too spared that time, and every night, if he doesn't come tomorrow, he tells me he's leaving the army.

How nice if I could honestly say I want to see you again and listen to you. But the witch was an enemy man, an abominable magician, whose words were contrary to Tayri's history, and Lust could not get past it.

Just still, he's already rocked. I don't know if that's because of her existence or because of the words themselves. But as I heard the words repeatedly, he was not sure why he had to kill the magician at any moment.

Until two weeks after the witch expired, three more days.

If we can hold back the army until then, will something change?

Lust goes out to the terrace and looks up at the night sky. That's when the door to the room was knocked.


"... brother... it's me"

The familiar voice is the voice of his only sister. Lust opened it when he returned to the door, wondering about his late visit.

And it solidifies in amazement.

Behind his pale sister stood a young king Falsus with a small red dragon on his shoulder and a sword.

"... what can I do for you..."

"Wasn't it in your country that you were asked to crusade witches?

Provocative eyes. My whole body freezes at the stated intent. Unexpectedly slipped through the side of a rigid Lust and Oscar entered the room. Lust rushes after him straight to the terrace. Seeing his attention detached from himself, Cecilia quickly fled the scene.

"Please wait. I don't know what you mean."

"You're in a bad position when you blur."

Oscar pulled out Acacia when he gave it back cold. Its sword body reflects the light of the moon and shines white. A sword to kill a magician. It's the sword that Tayri wanted so much that she could get her hands out of her throat.

But for Lust, I've never thought the existence of this sword could be more cursive. Do not let him, the natural enemy, meet the witch. But how do I tell her that?

Oscar looked up at the sky, approaching Lust as he roamed.

Strain is created in that space.

"Don't come!

Lust's cry echoed.

Oscar opens his mouth to call the witch's name.

But the next moment I transferred there was a dull blonde stranger.

"I wondered where they go every night, did you do that!?

"That's right..."

In front of a shuddering Pamira, the witch sitting at the table dropped her disappointing shoulder. Blur about who you've been questioning for a while now.

"I don't look like such a retard. I can't tell... I always don't know, so I'll say tomorrow. After all, it's hard to make imprinted values change."

Pamira sighed heavily, struck by an unspeakable sense of fatigue at her husband, whining at her shoulder.

"... you don't have to go out with a guy like that. Make sure you're vulnerable to pushing."

"Excuse me......"

Tinasha bowed her head in regret and gave up the grain of obsidian spread over the table. On the side, Renate brushes it with a bitter smile.

Pamira, on the other hand, put her hands on her hips and one was indignant. I knew as soon as I heard the story about the Prince of Tayri being attracted to her and so on. It must be about the witch of the day you haven't noticed. I want you to tell me exactly which side you're lowering to call on her dear Lord. My husband is busy. I don't have time to be involved with fools.

But his lord groans with his obsidian in his hand.

"But if his attitude softens, you think it will produce absolutely, good results for magicians in the future, right? Mages are something that keeps coming into being, not according to blood muscles... Unless Tayri changes its nature, the tragedy will not go away"

Pamira and Renate understood her husband's intentions in a sighing indignation, and her breasts became hot at the thought.

If magicians were to be born only by blood, the history of Tayri's persecution would have come to an end. All you have to do is emigrate from one clan to another country without discrimination.

But the presence or absence of magic is not determined by blood alone. A child with magic is born from a parent who cannot use magic at all. And fifty percent of those children will hurt themselves and their surroundings if they learn to control power by magic. The bud of tragedy is always present everywhere.

Pamira smiled bitterly, staring at her husband with tender eyes.

"Anyway, Tonight, Master Tinasha, please focus on the magic equipment. It's not even a day anymore, and the prince of Tayri, I go and say no. What are the coordinates?"

"Say no to what...?


Though slightly flabbergasted by her husband's bluntness, Pamira succeeded in hearing the metastatic coordinates from her. The witch looks at Pamira, who arranges her composition worryingly.

"If anything happens to you, I'll come with you."

"Don't worry. Lennart, look at Tinasha properly."

"You don't have to tell me."

And she transferred to the royal palace in Tayri.

Two men are ahead looking down from the air. Of which the sword held by one man, I had seen in the book. Quickly understand what that means, and Pamira is exasperated.

"Yet you plotted it!

She holds her hands in front of her.

A strong light was born there.

The woman who had metastasized was furious when she admitted to Acacia. Light is struck out of its hands. When Oscar struck his tongue, he crushed the configuration that sparkled the sword of love. Order the dragon over your shoulder.

"Nark! Capture him!

Dragons change in size according to orders. Turning to the size of a cabin as he jumped up, Nark stretched his sharp nails out to the woman. The woman prevents it with a short chant as she curls the sky.

In the meantime, Oscar threw a dagger at the woman's feet. If the pain disturbs the concentration, the approximate magician should not be able to fly.

But women magically offset that, too. Quite an armed magician. But he stitched the gap for a moment, and Nark hit her with his big wings.

To the woman who stomps with a painful voice, the dragon stretches her nails again. Strain arose between the two, though, as the big hook claw tried to grab her. A new woman moves into the air in a flash. When she puts up a defensive wall and plays the dragon's nails,


and raised his bare voice.

Long black hair sways into the universe.

A luxurious limb floated white under the moon.

She slowly turns her face to the terrace. The eye captured one man.

Witches flauntingly put a man's name on words.



He reached out in a grumpy manner.

I knew he was coming to Castle Taaili.

But still, he was coming to tell me that he would never see me. Or was I expecting to see you like this somewhere?

Tinasha loses herself and stares at her former contractor. His blue eyes had the power to capture her. Memories of when it naturally fit in its arms cross the back of my brain. I miss things that weren't supposed to be that long ago, but I miss them terribly now.

The witch messed with her lips - if nothing remained like this, that's how she might have taken the man's hand. But that's when another man's voice broke through the blanks of the field.


When Lust took his sword, he was slashed by the Oscars. Oscar takes it in Acacia without difficulty.

Pamira pulled Tinasha's shoulder.

"Dear Tinasha, I'm coming!

As Pamira looked up into the sky, a transfer formation emerged in the air. Gates are opened for transporting large numbers, not configurations for transfer by individuals. Renate looked out of it.

"It won't last long! Hurry up!"

Pamira pulls Tinasha's arm and rises. Naak bewildered by the appearance of his previous husband and saw Oscar asking for a new order. The Oscar looks up at the witch trying to be pushed into the gate as she bounces Lust's sword out of her hand.


The witch is terribly anxious, looking at him with troubled eyes.

And as it was, Renate and Pamira pulled him, disappearing into the gate.

I let go of the opportunity at the corner.

When he managed to contain the burning frustration, Oscar returned Acacia to his sheath. A narrower nurk returns on that shoulder. As he stroked the dragon's head, he glanced at Lust, who stood beside him.

"Well, let me explain what you mean."

Lust bites his dry lips.

The moon is red.

The day in question was approaching without a voice.

"Dear Tinasha, are you hurt?

Transferred into the Witch's chamber in Kuskul, Pamira peered into her pale husband. Tinasha shakes her head small as she stands flashly on the spot.

"It's okay. And Pamira..."

"I just bumped into it a little bit. Never mind."

When the witch heard the reply, she sat down on the floor like she was powerless. In a panic, the two kneel.

"Are you sure you're okay? I don't think that's a good idea."

"No...... I'm just a little surprised"

Renate frowned.

"You have an acquaintance with the swordsman of Acacia?

The witch shuddered her body small to the point. Close your dark eyes and frown to indulge in something.

And I smiled unexpectedly. Slowly exhale and laugh mockingly.

"That guy... is my contractor, and I worked out, there's only one person who can kill me... what the hell"

The witch didn't say any more.

Signs of stunning between the two come through.

Tinasha didn't mind their upset, closing her eyes again, and closing her emotions.

It was no longer necessary to her.

Four hundred years of sleep.

He spent half of that time in his dreams. Escaped from the vortex of magic that destroyed his country, he had his own magic disturbed and his flesh weakened at the price of his help.

It is the beautiful girl who grew up with him that he met so often in his dreams, when he fell into a magical sleep in the cave behind the mountains of Tayri, where no one enters. She laughs like a flower, relying innocently on herself. But I can't really touch her. In thousands of dreams, she always disappears in the end.

Occasionally, I could see a user demon with her signs passing nearby during a slice of a dream. That it is released to look for itself.

Is she not crying alone? Don't you tremble anxiously? I've always been worried.

But now she's right in front of me.

I'm not a young girl anymore. To the beautiful woman who captivates the beholder, and she was a witch.



The witch is called up and looks up.

She was sleeping in a bench placed among kings and reading a book. Lanak stares lovingly, sitting on the throne with a strange face.

"No... nothing"

"It's weird."

Tinasha smiles small and returns her gaze to the book. A slightly stretched dark hair was dripping on the floor. For some reason, it resembles a large circle of flowers. Lanak was half satisfied with the view as in the painting, and had a slight anxiety.

"Aity, aren't you mad?


She listened back as she looked at the book. Lanak stares at her eyelashes rising and falling.

Four hundred years ago.

She seemed just a little surprised by a topic she hadn't been able to touch since she reunited. I look at Ranak when I wake up slowly with a grace similar to a leopard.

"Now, why? I thought you'd forgotten."

"I won't forget."

I can't help but forget her look of amazement and fear when I tore her thin belly. Instead, I see the girl's face with what emotion I saw then, it wears off in a blurry, long sleep, and I can't help but get it back.

"I thought you were angry. I wondered."

"I'm not mad."

She answered instantly. And all I'm saying is that this story is over, I'm going back to reading again.

Regardless, Lanak opened his mouth.

"Do you think that if you press it with mighty force, there will be no more strife?

"I think that happens. But it's not a fundamental solution."

"But now the unhappy might be able to save"


I don't get my thoughts together well. It would be for an overly long sleep. He felt his memory and personality break from time to time.

Lanak takes a serious look at the woman who will be her own bride in a sigh mix. She has the most powerful power inherent in the continent as an individual.

"Aiti became a witch and didn't want to do that?

"I don't think. Because it's self-righteous."

"Even if someone dies?

"Someday we'll all die. And if I intervene in the world as a deterrent, it could kill people's thoughts."

Words that show completely unlimited and equal non-interference can also be taken as ruthless.

It's just that it's her choice. Lanak, who only knows what a girl looked like who was nice to everything, got a little drenched.

"What I'm trying to do is also selfish?



"I wish I didn't have to ask"

That's what the witch said and laughed. And when you put that laugh away, you look a little serious.

"But since Lanak called me, I could only intervene a little in the dispute between Tayri and the magician. Thanks."

Lanak smiled.

Something must happen somewhere in order to break the chain of tragedies. And that's now, I think.

"They say the armies of the five kingdoms have left the castle capital of Taaili. They jumped to the west fort in the transfer formation, so we'll get to Kuskul tomorrow."

"Even though it doesn't make sense to come here. Well, we set the trap right."


I don't want to be disturbed.

"Tomorrow already..."

Lanak closed his eyes. The end of the dream was enough already.

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