Unnamed Memory

Inaudible whisper 001

In the dark stone hall were the voices of several creeping people at that time. A small tongue bounces back onto the cold floor.

"That Rita's dead? Totally stuffed sweet"

"Yarno was seen."

"I guess he didn't stand around well"

The voices exchanged are disturbing young and old.

If we were to dare look there for something common, would it be malice specific to those lurking in the conspiracy? As some enjoyed it, some seriously, they seemed to be immersed in a dark plot.

"Did the problem with Acacia remain after all?"

"If I could take that, I wouldn't have any anxiety material."

"They say the royal family of Trudar is coming..."

"It's no big deal to be royal in his country right now. It would be troublesome if we were to hurt the royal family and turn Tourdal against the enemy."

"What, I'm not even in Falsus the whole time. You just have to do it right. I don't know if I can get him to die by accident. Then it will be Falsus who will be held accountable."

A laugh of joy leaks. The contagious and spreading laughter disappears assimilated to the darkness.

They believed and did not suspect that where they were going was victory.

Lazar, who came into the office with the paperwork, faced the sight inside.

A brunette magician is taking the left hand of Oscar, who is sitting at his desk and working, from the side and cutting his nails off. She was immersing herself in the task using a small jar.

Lazar was taken aback, but Tinasha raised her face and greeted her, so she decided to ask.

"What are you doing?

"I came to get my nails, but it's not good to cut just one, so I thought I'd get them all together..."

"I don't think it's okay to just have one..."

"Don't hang up too much. Makes it inconvenient."

"I'm leaving a little bit of a white spot."

Tinasha apparently finished with it, shaking lightly as she stuffed her cut nails into the vial.

Glimpse of her satisfied face, Oscar confirms the cut nails. It was shortened slightly, but there was no obstacle.

"How's the analysis going?

"It's going well. I can see ahead, so I think in four or five months we'll be in the process of cursing it."


"I'm not amazing."

Tinasha, smiling and laughing, leaned her neck, however, as if she remembered something.

"Speaking of which, I've always forgotten to ask, who cursed you?

Much to the question, silence came to the room.

Oscar elbows to his desk to support his forehead. Speaking of which, she wasn't there when he explained how the curse happened in Turdar. He seemed to know something about the curse afterwards, so he missed the opportunity to talk.

Oscar calms her mind and explains that she's her too, even though she doesn't know it but doesn't ask for a month, but if you didn't say it, there will be no. Tinasha was listening with her eyes round, but when the story was over, she sighed.

"I knew the silent witch was out on the curse, but this is amazing... honestly, it's not a human trick"

"You've killed witches before, haven't you?

"Yes, but it was pretty much too much. I don't know if I can win it again."

Oscar got anxious in response to the blatant response. It bothers me and confirms it.

"Can you really curse...?

"He said he could. Choose who you want to marry."

Waving gently, she left the room intact.

Lazar, staring at the closing door, turns back to Oscar.

"Apparently, should we elect even candidates?

"... good"

I can't grasp her. You're going to get upset. I think I'm going to miss him like a cat, and he's leaving as if he's not interested. Either way, they just swing together, so he had decided to flush it out appropriately.

- At all, I don't suppose you're doing it on purpose...

Signing the paperwork with frustration, Oscar drank the tea she had brewed.

The history of the armed robbers Saterne in Falsas is ancient.

The first record of the incidents they have caused is the plunder of Tobis some three hundred and fifty years ago. A small town called Tobis, close to the eastern border, was plundered and devastated by bandits overnight. They suddenly attacked, saying that they chose no means, brutally killed the townspeople, and that the town, which had an original population of about eight hundred, only survived about fifty when the army rescue arrived.

Afterwards, in crusading Saterne with his army, Falsas killed and executed nearly a hundred people as a result of several battles. - But about a hundred years later, a group of robbers, which had become quite small but inherited Saterne's name, reappeared.

For the next two hundred and fifty years, Saterne, by all means, let him grab only his tail and revive it after decades, wondering if it had been wiped out. I don't know if they haven't caught the chief or if they have a powerful mastermind, but their presence is one of the troubled seeds in the Farsas' country.

"It stopped pillaging about seventy years ago."

"Master Legius made you colonize."

"Oh. Well, unlike Ito, Saterne kills women and children, and it's time to make them really extinct."

Oscar threw up abominably as he read the paperwork.

Once similarly ravaged around the eastern border in looting, the horse-riding nation Ito was defeated by the army of Legius, Oscar's great-grandfather, who colonized near Fort Minnedart and has lived in peace since.

Saterne, meanwhile, apparently recently began to show up again, and a little northwest village had just been attacked by the castle capital the other day. Lazar reads out the report.

"The investigation says Saterne is probably lurking in a nearby mountain cave. The number of people will be between fifty and one hundred..."

"I guess it's not the tail anyway again. I can't leave you alone... but let Ars form an army."

"Yes, I did. Also, Fort Inulade has requested an inspection. You want to change your armament somewhat because your facilities and equipment are getting old."

"That's better for me than my dad. Okay."

Fort Inulade, on the northern border, is a requirement for northern security overlooking Druza in the northwest and César in the northeast. Neither country is as good as Falsas, but it is a big country, and it is hostile to Falsas again.

When Falsus went to war with Yarda ten years ago, he became quite cautious about whether he would be attacked by one of the loopholes pointing the army east, but in the end Druza and Cesar had nothing to hold each other back from. Oscar also remembers his father, the king, who at the time had spoken quietly, as he complained, "I don't know about the war."

Once he had processed the two suspensions, he handed the documents to Lazar. The childhood friendly young man confirms his signature and nods.

"Well, that's how you'll be prepared."


As Lazar left the room, Oscar shifted his gaze outside the window.

- Nice weather. Sometimes you should move your body.

Once he had put the paperwork together easily, he left the office behind himself to head to the training ground.

Chant like a whisper.

Then the configuration on the water basin rotated slightly. Tinasha confirms it and breathes.

It's been such a repetition for a long time now. We will carefully determine and adjust the condition of the new chant in the missing areas. The uninterrupted itinerary of analysis was, however, much faster than at the beginning because of the blessings and curses, and the habits of both configurations grasped.

Tinasha takes a step back and compares the writing she wrote on top of the water basin to her childhood. The two configurations depicted on the paper were facing each other symmetrically so as to offset them, but only one difference was seen.

"Does this have a definition name..."

There are only a few places where the Blessing of the Silent Witch is given a definition name. Because it is impossible to analyze only there, no corresponding configuration existed even on the writing.

Definition names are usually used for gigantic, persistent magic, where the operator puts his or her own name on part of the configuration, which has the effect of partially encrypting the configuration so that it cannot be accurately deciphered unless the name is known.

But in the first place, I've never heard of the use of definition names for blessings and curses. Originally, they were formed in the surgeon's own language. There is considerable skill and obsession with using the definition name.

Tinasha frowned and looked at the place with the definition name, but from the whole point of view it is a fine part. The curse that was cast to offset also left that spot unattended, and I guess there's nothing wrong with leaving it alone.

When she lightly marked the spot with a pen, she made a big stretch. My head hurts lightly because I've been concentrating.

- Maybe we should get some outside air.

Magically fastening the composition on the water basin, Tinasha decided to take a break for a walk.

There is a warm breeze above the outer walls of the castle.

Tinasha, whose walk was toward a library very far away, was walking down the corridor of the castle wall trying to take a path that she would not normally pass. The castle capital of Falsus is temperate enough to perspire because of its location south of the capital of Turdar. But still, it wasn't the middle of summer.

Tinasha, who, after all, was walking down the castle grounds, realizes that a man he knew was taking his sword at a training ground facing the corridor.

Playing a mock match with an even body, he is the king prince of this country. Tinasha stopped her legs and stared at him with his neck tilted.

A pair of people, walking from the direction of the library, notice a woman leaning against her elbows on the stone walls and call out.

"Dear Tinasha, what are you seeing?

Called, she took her body away from the wall and looked back. There stands Doan and Sylvia tightly holding the book. Tinasha rounded her eyes on a book that was going to flood out.

"Sounds heavy. Can I help you?

"I'm fine. We're just gonna take it from the library to the lecture room."

Sylvia lowered her head gently as she answered. Doan, on the other hand, sends a gaze to Tinasha's watchers. Soon he found himself the master.

"Oh, Your Highness is out on the field."

"Oscar, you're strong after all"

"There are no enemies in this country."

Tinasha nods at Doan's words. If you look at it earlier, you won't even let the other person fade your sword at all. I know you're in a position to put on an archery, but it was overwhelming nonetheless.

Tinasha squeaks squeamishly as she follows his figure.


To that sentiment, the two magicians looked at each other. Doan asks in surprise.

"What is it?


To a light answer he turned his eyes round. Don't say anything unusual, I think. But I was also hesitant to say much to her senses, so I said something else.

"I'm not sure if you look at a mock match, but you can see the strength when it's as prominent as His Highness."

"Me too. I wish I had a sword."

"Have you ever been hit?

"Just a little bit as a kid. I've been learning from soldiers and stuff since then. I've never had a sword in action."

After hearing unexpected stories, Doan and Sylvia glance at each other.

They are one of the few people to know that Tinasha was a queen four hundred years ago. Doan heard from Oscar and Sylvia from Tinasha herself.

I also know for that reason that she once stood on her own front, but it is still hard to imagine the Queen of Magic Powers holding a sword. The fact that I was doing it a little bit is surprising in itself, but a royal would not be strange to wear it for protection.

Tinasha stared at the training ground, but looked up as if she had returned to me.

"Oh, and I'm sorry I pulled over. It would be heavy."

"No, it's nothing."

Sylvia gives people a good smile. She walked away from the spot with Doan as she bowed instead of waving and tilted her neck to the left and right.

Silvia whispers to Doan after Tinasha looks far and small.

"That's a little stuttering."

"Oh, did you ever get hit with a sword?

"Chi. Dear Tinasha, you have a thing for His Highness."


To the leaping conclusion, Doan made a dumb voice. I don't really understand a woman's story about how that happens. But Sylvia seems to be complete within herself, nodding over and over again.

"'Cause that's what it means to look beautiful, right?

"Oh, really?


Sylvia smiles, but stares at Doan with only her eyes, and walks away alone. Doan, left behind, shrugged and shook his head, "You're lying, it..." he followed her fast.

Oscar also left the castle to inspect Fort Inulade two days after Ars led 500 rides out of the castle capital to crusade Saterne.

These two are the youngest men to lead the army of Falsus, and their quick decisions are trusted around them. Again, the fact that they both vacate the castle is unusual - maybe that's why the incident in question happened.

But we never found out how far from where they were built.

He said, "A man like the chief was among those who captured him."

"Is that true?

Ars, who was gathering scattered soldiers to make a report in the northwest mountains, distant from the castle capital and Inulade, frowned lightly when he heard the story.

At this point in time, the Saterne crusade is successfully completed. Nearly half of the robbers who were there were either dying or caught by combat, and now they were in the remainder of the hunting phase. He puts his hand on his chin to the report, which could be described as the finish.

- - The leader of Saterne kept putting his hands down from behind without being caught for a long time.

It was thought that that might be the main cause of the inability to destroy Saterne, but did it finally succeed in capturing the leader?

Ars gives instructions to his men when he looks up.

"Tighten up with the chief while escorting the captured men. Keep hunting the rest of the party."

"Yes, I did!

The commanded platoon captains set out around the perimeter with the soldiers led by them.

Dropping it off, Ars put together the rest of his troops and went down the mountain first.

Not many enter the forest, as it is so close to the castle capital of Falsus that it is easy to say that most of the day is sunny and stray.

But there, now, about thirty men were camping with their eyes peeled. One man approaches and tells under a few gathered in the central square.

"I hear Detani's been caught"

The other men frown when they heard a new report. The inclusive laugh rose from more than one person.

"I gave him the corner information to Falsus. Didn't you die? That's a shame."

"He's not gonna throw up about this plan."

"I don't originally know. I can't even throw up."

The voice of mockery overlaps, shaking the leaves of the forest. A young blonde man laughed invincibly.

"But now is the time. If it works, you get huge amounts of money. That's the deal, isn't it?

With the inquiry, the field gaze concentrates on one man. The young man dressed in magic smiled half-eyed as he looked around with him.

"Exactly. But there's only five minutes left to keep the gate open in the castle. Nothing if we don't get results. You're gonna do great."

"I know."

The blonde young man laughed. He was a smile filled with arrogant confidence, often held by young people.

- - Tinasha was in a remote library then.

I found the literature I was interested in when I came here before, but because the book itself was too big or was supposedly banned, I went to the library every day for the past week or so.

Tinasha, who was immersed in a large book at her prep desk, stretches her fingers to turn the next page. But at that time, the discomfort swayed her consciousness by accident. I remember signs of the back of my head squirming, and I raise my face.


Tinasha, widening her senses to find out who she was, noticed a slight vibration in the castle's junction. Ripples, like being worn through a small hole, are for someone to come out of the line.

- It's intruded.

Reaching that conclusion, she rushed back to the shelf with a small run to the door. A magician at the reception in the library looks surprised and looks at her. But she opened the door regardless.

Light plugs into the dim library.

Seeing the sight outside, Tinasha froze for half a second. Two rough dressed intruders are cutting with one soldier. The pushy soldier received the enemy's sword with both hands and said, "Intruder! shouted."

Tinasha makes a configuration in the meantime. He blew up two enemies trying to cut off exactly to the soldier, under intangible pressure. Try to form another configuration as it is.

But concentrating on her composition, she did not realize that the shadow of the door, a blonde man lurked right next to her. When the man switches his sword to his left hand, he steps into contact with her silently. - - I finally noticed him. Beautiful face stained with amazement.

He slammed his inches into his thin belly as he glanced at the woman's beauty.

With a small groan, the woman breaks her body and falls. He held the luxurious body with one hand. Make sure you look good and shout to your surrounding companions.

"This woman will be enough! We're pulling up, we don't have time!

When he returned the sword to his sheath, he held the lost woman's body back with both hands. The hair on the white forehead, the closed long lashes and the red lips look like a terribly straight doll. He glances at a face that will receive a sigh of envy wherever it may be put out.

- Is this what a woman like this is in reality?

It's like he's not in the right place, but he's for real.

When the man shook off his consciousness that he was likely to fall in love with it that way, he ran out toward the open transfer gate in a corner of the garden.

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